The salary king in the comics

Chapter 151 NC Equipment

Chapter 151 NC Equipment
Galahad and Roxy have finished changing their outfits. Both of them are dressed in the standard kingsman style, with a neat suit and a standard umbrella in their hands.

"Okay, let's go."

The five of them were in the shape of five loaves. Galahad and Roxy walked in the front with their umbrellas as shields. Ash was half a step behind, and Negev stretched out from the junction of the umbrellas.

With the bulletproof umbrella as cover, Ash can spray the bullets in his hand as much as he wants.

Swag and Tequila in the back are much behind the front row, and are slightly closer to the wall. On the one hand, they avoid stray bullets, and on the other hand, they step aside to kill the fish that slipped through the net.

As soon as he entered the tunnel, Ash dialed a person's phone.

"Hello, Ms. Peggy Carter?"

Hearing Ash's name, Galahad's hands trembled inadvertently, but quickly recovered.

I only heard Ash continue: "I need to talk to the World Security Council through you on a channel that must be fully confirmed."

As soon as the words fell, Valentine's soldiers appeared in the corridor ahead, and Ash also pulled the trigger in his hand.

The 5.56x45 NATO rifle shells made a loud welcome sound in the corridor, opening a welcome window on the enemy on the opposite side.

"You heard it too. I'm busy right now, so I don't have time to explain it to you. Don't worry, Galahad is fine."

By the way, I didn't care about Peggy Carter's expression on the opposite side, but Galahad at the scene almost couldn't hold the umbrella in his hand.

Soon, the channel of the World Security Council was switched on, and five figures sitting around the conference round table appeared on Ash's glasses.

Before the other party could speak, Ash took the lead and said, "Now, please show your necks and make sure that there are no surgical scars or implant marks."

Zheng Xian was thoughtful and didn't react to Ash's words, but the representative of France, a lady with shoulder-length brown short hair, couldn't take it anymore.

"Ash, I don't know why you link the five of us in this channel so strongly, but you have to know that we represent the most powerful force on the entire planet."

Such a 'tough' and full of deterrence did not get any explanation from Ash.

There are only intermittent gunshots and Ash's words mixed in the gunshots.

"I know... da da da... but... da da da... I have to prove it first... da da da"

The words mixed with gunshots made the five members of the conference channel frown. This background sound is obviously abnormal.

The representative of John Bull winked at the other four people. After all, Peggy Carter asked him to establish this channel, and now it is unreasonable to keep Ash away.

Soon, the five of them proved themselves to each other, and none of them had any scars on their necks.

The video of the proof was displayed on Ash’s glasses, and Ami’s representative smoothed things out and said, “Ash, you can tell me what made you spend so much time. If there’s anything that can’t be solved, we can use God Shield."

S.H.I.E.L.D., this sentence made Ash couldn't help laughing when he pulled the trigger. Before he could let go of the trigger, he fired a series of bullets, making a look like areyoukiddingme on the opposite wall.

"Merlin, upload the picture taken by Galahad."

Ash commanded Merlin from the air, and also replaced a new [-]-round ammunition box by the way.

The look of Valentine, no, the look of Nick Fury appeared before the eyes of the five representatives.

"Everyone, have you seen it? Now I am in the belly of the Alps. I am fighting this person to prevent the world from being destroyed and to maintain the peace of the universe."

Seeing the appearance of Nick Fury, the representatives of John Bull and Ami couldn't sit down at first. We all know that S.H.I.E.L.D. has three bases, one in London and the other two in Ami. Now they are accusing a S.H.I.E.L.D. The director has acted against humanity, so how can the two feel at ease.

Ami's representative was still trying to round things up and said, "Is there any misunderstanding?"

"Is there any misunderstanding? What I have seen with my own eyes now requires me to shoot in person. Isn't the situation dangerous?"

Ash's words made Ami's representative a little embarrassed, and she said, "I'll contact Pierce immediately and ask him what's going on!"

Doing this will make other people on the same channel dumbfounded.

Adhering to the principle of not doing good things, Zheng Xian said sarcastically from the side: "Who can guarantee that Pierce will be fine!"

Representative Ami's hands on the phone froze in the air, neither lifting nor releasing.I had no choice but to break the can and said: "Then what do you think? Anyway, S.H.I.E.L.D. belongs to everyone."

At this moment, the French representative used his ability before the defeat, accurately grasped the timing, and said: "We should send troops to the Alps immediately. Whether it is true or not, there must always be precautions, and then you go to confirm the identity of Nick Fury. The specific location, if it is really what Ash said now, no one should hide anything, and the key point is to locate the key people first."

The five nodded to each other and determined the basic action strategy, and Ash also asked Merlin to compile Valentine's destruction plan into a book and send it to the Security Council.

"Fuck! Jesus Christ! oh la la! Данеможетбыть!"

The five people made four surprised voices. No one would have thought that someone would do such an anti-human thing.

To cleanse mankind, keep those who are willing to get close to him, and eliminate those opponents. This is even more NC than the original NC.

No matter what is true or not, no one dares to underestimate this report now.

And the person who confirmed the whereabouts of Nick Fury through the secret channel also sent a reply as quickly as possible.

The five of them looked at each other, only shaking their heads silently, expressing that they got nothing.

Fury is really good at hiding, no one can find him when he doesn't want to show up.

"I notified General Hawke, he will quickly conduct a military self-inspection, and then send troops to your area, Ash is now relying on you."

The French representative was the first to respond to Ash's situation. After all, they are all in the Alps, and the French mainland is a few steps away. No one wants to start a war on their own territory.

And Ash also sent the picture in front of him to the Security Council through the glasses, so that they could see it personally.

The five representatives saw Ash holding a light machine gun, covered with bulletproof cover, killing all directions in the corridor, and for a moment they didn't feel that there was any danger in this matter.

However, in a blink of an eye, a soldier in heavy armor came out from the corner. Looking at the rough workmanship and the logo from the mustache, anyone thought of the previous world war.

But this time, the invincible Negev had no effect on this heavy armored warrior. The impact of the bullets would have caused him to stop slightly, but he was still approaching everyone.

"Fuck, the rogue fighter is such a rogue, I will do this in the future!"

(End of this chapter)

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