The salary king in the comics

Chapter 155 Salary King's Acting Skills

Chapter 155 Salary King's Acting Skills
Gazelle's core began to melt down, her eyes glowed red, she stared at everyone in front of her, as if she wanted to record everyone's faces.

At this time, a voice came from the door: "Hurry up, I don't know if they can hold on."

Eggsy was running towards here with a rogue warrior's backpack on his back, and behind him was a blond woman who was following behind Eggsy with the matching guns and weapons.

"Hart, here I come! Ash, the weapon you want!"

As soon as he entered the banquet hall, Eggsy yelled at Galahad, raised his backpack with both hands and showed it to Ash.

Putting the weapon on the ground, Ash pointed the gun at Gazelle, who had already turned red all over.

"Hope you don't teleport to a place with people."

"Do not!!!!"

Gazelle yelled in pain, and was hit by the blue light ball fired by the rogue warrior's gun, and disappeared into the air in an instant.

The threat that could have destroyed the Alps disappeared in an instant.

Seeing the disappearing Gazelle, the Gaul representative standing in the conference room, stretching his neck to pay attention to the situation, finally sat down with a sense of relief.

Even if you want to blow up the entire Alps, you have to do it yourself. If it is done by outsiders, it can only be classified as KB activities.

"Ash, grab Valentine, no, grab Nick Fury, and now there are rumors that leaders of other countries have been shot, but fortunately they have been suppressed, and we need more information."

Seeing that the situation has been brought under control, the representative of Ami expressed his request, but when he saw the blonde woman next to Eggsy, he said in surprise: "Princess Tilde? How could she be alive? I have already received a report from RD. Is Princess Tilde dead already?"

The person next to Eggsy is Eggsy's later girlfriend, Her Royal Highness, who likes to go through the back door, and married Eggsy in the second part.

Listening to the tone of Ami's representative, the princess' double should have been blown up outside.

Transfer the link of the meeting to Eggsy's glasses and make Eggsy the communication channel for Princess Tilde.

Upon hearing the inquiry from the World Security Council, Princess Tilde instantly changed into that noble appearance, talking eloquently in front of Eggsy's glasses.

Ignoring this trivial matter, I picked up a weapon from the ground, and Ash and Galahad came to the second floor.

Unexpectedly, Valentine was sitting behind his console at this moment, waiting for Ash to arrive like a big boss interviewing new employees.

However, as soon as he opened his mouth, Valentine destroyed the atmosphere.

"Motherfucker, you cancers of the planet, you ruined my plans, motherfucker!"

Valentine is still thinking about his plan to destroy humans, pointing and spitting at Ash and Galahad.

"Ash, keep him under control, we need him..."

Representative Ami continued to urge, which drew Zheng Xian's irony.

"Yes, yes, you need this kind of murderer, but I don't. I just want to cut him into pieces. Don't take me with you when you say that!"

"We bears don't want this kind of anti-human scum. The last one we killed was Mustache. Only stupid people like you would choose to accept this kind of person."

Mao Xiong also spoke, and became a united front with Zheng Xian, refuting Ami's speech together.

Everyone can see that the situation is basically under control now. As for how much more valuable information Valentine can produce here, it depends on Ash and the Gaul support staff who will arrive next.

Now let's disturb Ami's situation first, so that everyone can take advantage of it is the most important thing.

While the World Security Council was still arguing, Ash couldn't take it anymore.

One is because the group of people are arguing endlessly, making Ash feel irritable, and the second is because, in Ash's eyes, this is definitely not Nick Fury, but a green-skinned Skrull.

If this guy is handed over, there may be a lot of trouble later. For the sake of alien technology, who knows what conditions will be achieved.

So Ash's hand hidden behind his back started to move quietly.

"You cancers, I will not succumb to you, die!"

Valentine took out a pistol and started shooting at Ash and Galahad crazily, but he didn't know whether it was his poor shooting skills or what, none of the shots could focus on the two of them.

And Ash, who dodged to dodge, clearly captured all of this, and then Galahad's counterattack.

A refreshing shot hit Valentine's head.

Valentine, who was originally invincible, died under the gun of Galahad.

Seeing Valentine's death, the World Security Council also stopped arguing, and Ami's representative's face was a little dark, and the fat in his mouth was killed just like that.

And this is nothing to say, anyone who saw Valentine's shooting before would attribute this to the category of self-defense.

And the representative of Ami can't tell Ash to save Valentine to death. Everyone knows that Valentine is against humanity, and protecting him is no different from being against humanity.

Except for Ami and the representative of Gaul, everyone was relieved, so that they don't have to see one family dominate, and everyone can share the cake.

"Galahad, go and see how Eggsy is doing, he rescued a big man."

Ash sent Galahad away and gave Galahad crazy winks. I believe that with Galahad's keen zz' sense, he would definitely understand Ash's meaning.

Galahad understood when he heard about the big shot. He found the princess and confirmed how many big shots were left. Since the princess outside is dead, it means that Valentine has imprisoned more people who do not want to cooperate. They are held hostage.

Although the imprisoned people do not have the power of the five big gangsters, but they cannot be underestimated when they gather together.

Galahad immediately went downstairs to find the imprisoned big men. He wanted to 'rescue' these people and reach an agreement with them before the Gaul reinforcements arrived.

Ash, on the other hand, wandered around Valentine's operating room to see if he could find anything good.

However, when he saw Valentine's console, Ash was a little confused.

Simultaneously transmitting the picture in front of the World Security Council, Ash asked: "Okay everyone, if you've had enough noise, please help to find out what this means."

In the picture before Ash's eyes, the screen on the console displayed 'satellite information has been sent' impressively.

In the end, Valentine, relying on Gazelle to delay, did not carry out his plan to destroy mankind, but turned the satellite around and sent a message to the universe.

And this picture made the representatives of the five hooligans instantly vigilant. They more or less knew that the earth is not the only family in the universe, and this kind of behavior of blatantly exposing the position of the earth under the current conditions is a must for everyone. stop.

"Wait, Comrade Ash, has the Valentine next to you changed?"

Zheng Xian noticed something wrong in the video. In the corner of the video, Valentine lying on the ground had a strange skin color.

Ash turned around and broadcast Valentine's death to the World Security Council.

Ash exclaimed in surprise: "Guys, there are really aliens!"

(End of this chapter)

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