Chapter 157 The Fall
Seeing someone issuing an order, this group of soldiers removed the muzzles of their guns from Ash and the others, but they still held them in their hands, so that they could guarantee that they would shoot at the fastest speed if there was a situation.

"Ash, you can't escape now!"

"General Hawke, I still have my own business, so I won't bother you first."

As he said that, Ash was about to slip away from the side, but Hawk walked over quickly and grabbed Ash.

"You just saved the world, we need to talk!"

Hawke said, pulling Ash into a hidden corner until they would not be seen by others.

"Ash, what's the situation? Since I received the order, the order has changed four times in a short period of time?"

Ash shrugged helplessly, and said, "What else can there be? A lunatic who wants to destroy the world has kidnapped a group of big shots. Let's stop him and find out that he is an alien."

Tell Hawk the whole thing with the fastest speaking speed, the more he speaks, the darker Hawk's face becomes.He even stared at the soldiers outside, as if these soldiers were aliens.

"Damn it, is there any reason in this world? Aliens are so crazy?"

Hawke, who knew the ins and outs of the whole thing, cursed secretly, and then looked at Ash with scrutiny.

Ash, who felt uncomfortable staring at Hawke, said, "What? You think I'm an alien too?"

Unexpectedly, Hawk waved his hand and said: "Since you showed your magical power, your laboratory report has appeared in my hand, and I haven't found anything wrong with you. I just wonder why you are there every time? "

Hawke carefully discussed the major incidents that Ash encountered.

"Makarov detonated the nuclear weapon, and you were in the rear. NY's dimensional invasion, and you were on the front line. Even this time, you stopped the alien madman."

Hawke's words made Ash scratch his head in embarrassment and said, "Maybe the disaster is always one step behind me, so I can easily win."

Such a speech made Hawk's eyes roll out.

Unable to look any further, Hawke went out and brought a body bag from a soldier.

"Come on, where's the 'item'?"

Ash brought Hawke to Valentine's place. Looking at Valentine in green, Hawke touched his skin involuntarily.

Hawke said convincingly: "This thing really looks like an alien."

Hawk's secret corpse is covered with various sensors, and a tracker is injected into the private parts of the corpse to prevent the corpse from being stolen.

Ash and Hawk put the body in a body bag and sealed it.

Looking at the body bag in front of him, Hawke asked someone to come up and take the item away. As for where it will be sent, it is beyond the two of them to know.

After finishing all this, Hawk looked at the watch on his wrist, and said to Ash: "Ash, you still have half an hour to take your friends out of here, and this place will be taken over by other people soon, and there is a distance of [-] kilometers around. It is an air defense identification zone, as long as something dares to fly into the sky, it will definitely be shot down."

General Hawke's actions made Ash a little confused.

Indeed, because Kingsman and United States Liquor are private intelligence organizations, they cannot expose themselves to the public, at least on the surface they do not exist.

But Hawke told him the deadline after everything was over, which is a bit unreasonable. Shouldn't this kind of thing be said as soon as they meet?
"General, is there something wrong with you? I have worked so hard to save the world, but you came to pick the grapes at the last moment, and then told me to evacuate with my friends?"

Hawke stood in front of Valentine's console with his hands behind his back, looked at the soldiers who were constantly moving below, and said without turning his head: "Who told you to let me dove, just turned around after visiting and disappeared, you Didn't even notify me!"

After the representative visited the NATO base of operations, Hawke also extended an invitation to Ash. However, after the dinner, Ash turned around and disappeared in the base under the pretext of going to the toilet. Hawk, but lost his temper once.

And now, Ash has become another department head and continues to develop. His status and power are no less than Hawke's, but Hawke still remembers the dove that was once released.

"Okay, you are amazing!"

Ash applauded Hawke in admiration, jumped directly from the glass gap next to Hawke, and ran towards Swage and his party.

"Come on, we still have 25 minutes, Roxie told Galahad to get them to the tarmac. Merlin, the plane is sliding onto the runway, we'll leave as soon as we get on the plane!"

Several people started running wildly along the corridor they came from. It would take a while for the plane to fly out of this air defense identification zone.

Fortunately, the soldiers on the road seemed to have been notified by Hawke and others, and they boarded the plane without stopping them.

When Merlin officially started taxiing, Eggsy was not found on the plane.

Roxy asked Galahad: "Where's Eggsy? Isn't he with you?"

Unexpectedly, Galahad seemed to be able to hold cabbage when he saw his own pig. He couldn't hold back his smile and said: "Princess Tilde is communicating with the kidnapped hostages, and Eggsy is responsible for staying and protecting her. And act as a communication channel for kingsman, if there is only one person, there won't be too much trouble."

Eggsy is still walking with this princess who likes to take an unusual path. As for the rest, it's up to them.

But at this time, Merlin came out from the cab.

Merlin said solemnly: "Ash, I have some very sad news for you."

Such words attracted everyone's attention, and Roxie asked as if she had guessed something: "Did something happen to Logan, who launched the anti-satellite weapon instead of me?"

At this time, everyone remembered that there was another person who should have just returned to Earth from low-Earth orbit.

"I'm sorry. During the landing, due to the airflow, he fell into a deep spiral. The parachute didn't hold up at all, and the wings folded during the swing and caused a collapse. In the end, he..."

At this point, Merlin couldn't continue talking. Everyone thought of the meaning behind the words, falling from a high altitude, or skydiving in low-Earth orbit, no normal person can survive at all.

Thinking that Logan died on a mission instead of her, Roxie covered her mouth and began to sob and cry.

In the silent cabin, only Roxie's sobs echoed in everyone's ears.

"Then Merlin, can you locate him?"

Facing Ash's question, Merlin nodded and said, "Yes, the anti-G suit on his body has a positioning device, and we are heading to the place where he fell."

(End of this chapter)

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