The salary king in the comics

Chapter 189 Don't Slander Me

Chapter 189 Don't Slander Me
Stark, who has been monitoring the surrounding environment, issued a warning.

Dickon Frost is not very peaceful. Judging by his appearance, he intends to transform himself into the strongest form of a vampire, rather than simply summoning him.

That's right, who would summon an immediate boss to come over? Isn't it because you can't find it fast for yourself!

Ash dragged the Blade Warrior behind him, threw it to the exile brothers behind and said, "Take the Blade and don't let him get the blood of the Sunwalker, or the ultraviolet rays, the biggest nemesis of vampires, will lose their effect on him!"

The exile brothers put away their weapons, one grabbed the blade's shoulder, the other grabbed the leg, and the two lifted the blade and slammed into the glass next to it. It seemed that they were going to jump straight to the bottom without a rope.

Blade was like a maggot, constantly twisting its body, trying to break free from the hands of the exile brothers.

"Stop making trouble, Daofeng, the key to victory is that you don't get blood drawn!"

"But I've been... blood drawn..."

The twisted blade is a little embarrassed, even if he wears sunglasses, he can see his twist.

Dao Feng is embarrassed to say, but his mother is embarrassed.I saw Dao Feng's mother proudly said: "It is the glory of all vampires to donate your insignificant blood to the future god of vampires. How can I have a son like you, so resistant..."

Every boss and the people around him will always tell their plans slowly at the end of the matter, so as to show themselves and gain a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.

Dao Feng's mother told everyone in front of everyone how to find Dao Feng through TV search, and then coaxed him into letting Dao Feng's blood be drawn without his knowledge.

"In fact, we don't need too much blood from the Sunwalker, even less than a drop. When you were caught and tortured, we had already obtained it. You don't need to volunteer at all..."

Like the King's jester, Mother Blade had part of the plan for Dickon Frost.

When the Fool was acting as the spokesperson, Ash also put his hands behind his back, gesturing to those behind him.

After Ash's battle plan was explained with gestures, Roland took the lead in launching the attack.

Two revolvers made of broken steel swords fired the bullets first, and Roland used the fastest rate of fire to finish all the bullets in his hand and the belt around his waist.

Before several quick loaders hit the ground, there were many potholes on Dickon Frost's body that were attacked by silver bullets.

However, these wounds healed quickly, and the blood wings behind Dickon Frost spread to the wounds and filled them.

Then there's Constantine's Fireball, a fiery fireball that explodes on contact.

The hunters also began to throw flame pots. Following Constantine's spell, the two promoted each other, and flame flowers bloomed continuously on Dickon Frost's body.

As the flames burned, the surrounding blood pools gradually dried up, and the smell of burning and denatured proteins blended with the rusty smell of the blood itself, making everyone present except Stark retch involuntarily.

The frequency of the hunters and Constantine's attacks gradually weakened, and the blood in the blood pool evaporated, and the smell gradually diminished.

After the burning flames were extinguished, a human figure covered in dark brown blood clots appeared in everyone's eyes.

The blood clot covering the surface of Deacon Frost's body continued to shatter, exposing the white skin underneath. Although he suffered some injuries under the baptism of flames, he was still not fatally injured under the defense of the blood. Just wrap yourself up.

"Swagger, it's now!"

Ash called Swager in the sniper point of another building through the headset, and asked him to shoot the bullet he had blessed.

At the same time, Ash also threw a thunder gun.

The thunder gun and the blessing bullet hit Dickon Frost at the same time, and the lightning and the milky white light exploded on his chest. The light even filled his whole body, and light emerged from his mouth and nose.The lightning acts as a protection, any blood that tries to leave the body will be blocked by the lightning.

Such a scene appeared for several seconds, and Dickon Frost also let out a scream for the first time.

In the joyful eyes of everyone, the vampire finally fell down.

To prevent accidents, Stark used the pulse of his armored palm to shatter all the fragments of Dickon Frost's body with multiple bursts.

However, Logan, who was holding the passage, shouted loudly: "Ash, the vampires downstairs are starting to come up!"

The Blood God, who had lost his leader, and the vampire who should be running around at this moment, did not expect such a fearless moment.

Logan pressed the elevator door to death, and put his hand on the stairs. Relying on his immortality, ignoring the bullets shot by those vampires, he chopped up these desperate vampires one by one with his Adamantium alloy steel claws.

Roland also joined in this asymmetrical battle. He hid behind Logan, and took advantage of the gap between Logan's actions to kill those vampires in the distance.

For example, Constantine and Geralt are still carefully guarding against the resurrection of Dickon Frost. To judge whether a guy is completely dead, it is enough to see if he has received a soul.

Even if they are like Sithorn's creation vampires, they should return to Sithorn's dimension and become Sithorn's power.But who let a toll booth stand next to it.

The one who is close to the water is the first to get the moon, and the soul will be captured by the three guys present the moment it appears.

Stark seemed relieved, and joined the carnival between Gunslinger and Wolverine.

Several cylindrical devices were ejected from Stark's battle armor and fixed in the dead corner of the building. Ultraviolet rays were excited from the devices, and purple light filled all the space.

Logan was still pinching a vampire's jaw, trying to break off his teeth as a souvenir, but under the purple light, all the vampires in front of him turned into ashes.

Making a friendly gesture towards Stark, Logan walked up the stairs a little unhappy, and bumped into Stark by the way.

Logan's height of less than 1.7 meters and his weight of more than [-] pounds pushed Stark back a step and hit the wall.

"I don't argue with fools!"

Stark's words really angered Logan. Logan pressed Stark's armored chest with one hand, and stretched out the other hand to Stark's eyes, and slowly extended the steel blade between his fingers. .

Stark, under the mask, was a bit indifferent at first, and then after Logan left three scratches on Stark's breastplate with his Adamantium alloy steel claws, Stark was a little bit unsteady up.

Jarvis also reported the damage to the armor in real time.

"Sir, the armor is damaged by 3%."

After leaving three scratches, Logan spat at Stark and said mockingly: "Nerd's toy!"

After Logan left, Stark took off his visor and looked at the scratches on the chest armor.

"Jarvis, are you sure the armor is the gold-titanium alloy used for the Angel Tactical Satellite?"

"Yes sir, before making this suit of armor, the alloy plate also passed the strength test."

"Then this is interesting. The alloy plate that can withstand the frontal attack of the 125 smoothbore gun alone will leave scars under the action of manpower..."

After re-establishing a project, Stark is going to re-study materials science.

When Stark returned to the top floor, everyone was staring at the remains of Dickon Frost.

The three main forces, Ash, Constantine, and Geralt, armed with weapons, carefully surrounded the pile of debris.

Stark didn't quite understand, and asked, "What's wrong with you? He's all crumbs, and you're still so careful? Jarvis scanned the crumbs..."

"Sir, the scans show that these are just blood clots and no specific vital signs... Sir, the system shows that you are bleeding..."

Before Jarvis could finish his sentence, he saw blood drops oozing from Stark's nasal cavity, floating towards the residue of Dickon Frost.

Constantine threw a few fireballs and exploded in front of Stark, burning up the blood.

Ash condensed a thunder gun in his hand and stabbed it towards the ground.

"Stark, you are the only ordinary person present, put on your mask and retreat!"

The nasal bleeding stopped as Stark moved away from the remains of Dickon Frost.

But Blade's mother was not so lucky. For some reason, her whole body disintegrated, her flesh and blood began to separate, and finally all the blood in her body shot towards Dickon Frost, leaving only where she was A pile of rotting flesh.

The blood was divided into innumerable numbers, and it flew towards Dickon Frost's residue in all directions and merged into it. The amount was so large that no one present could stop it.

With the incorporation of these blood, more and more blood gathered towards Dickon Frost from inside the stairs and ventilation pipes, as well as outside the building.

Seeing this situation, the mage's fireball, the hunter's flame pot, and Ash's thunder gun never stopped, trying their best to stop the blood flow.

However, the blood flow was numerous, converging into a huge waterfall of blood in the air, pouring down on Dickon's remains.

The vampire's ritual has been completed, and with the nourishment of these blood, the resurrection of Dickon Frost has become irresistible.

While throwing the thundergun, Ash dialed Hill's channel.

"Prepare for the last resort..."

The unspecified but understood last resort - grow mushrooms.

Representative Ami clutched his heart. Dropping a 150,000-ton nuclear weapon on Block Island at that time had already made him extremely entangled.

But now that he had to drop one in the urban area of ​​NY, his heart could no longer bear the news.He was already wondering whether to find someone to replace him and let others make this kind of decision.

"Ash, is there a problem with your judgment... NY is the economic center..."

Representative Ami is still trying to persuade Ash tactfully, so that Ash, a combatant, can understand the importance of economic construction.

Seeing Ami's delighted eyes, Ash finally changed his mind.

"Yes, there is indeed a problem. The original equivalent is not enough. It needs to be bigger, the core temperature must be higher, and it needs to be maintained for a longer time..."

As soon as these words came out, the people across the round table of the group of five couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Zheng Xian clenched the hem of his clothes and straightened a picture in an attempt to calm himself down.

"Don't worry, we are all professionals, no matter how funny things we encounter, we will...not...know how to laugh..."

Enduring the distorted expression, representative Ami gritted his teeth and said to Ash, "Ash, you better know what decision you made!"

make a decision?Ash won't take the blame!
Ash casually threw the pot back and said: "I'm just a small control bureau chief, how can I have the authority to throw mushrooms, you don't have to come to make a decision. Even if Ross just threw two mushrooms in order to win me over. A [-]-pound aerial bomb made sense, don't slander me..."

(End of this chapter)

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