The salary king in the comics

Chapter 192 The Solution to the Ark Reactor

Chapter 192 The Solution to the Ark Reactor
Seeing such a victory, everyone present breathed a sigh of relief.Hill also immediately withdrew the plane preparing to drop the bomb.

Stark's unbelievable voice came from the channel: "Is it so successful?"

Covering the penetrating wound on his chest, Geralt kept stuffing herbs into his mouth, shook his head and said, "The duel talisman can only last for a while, after this time, he will still be resurrected, now we have to think about how Only then can we really kill this guy!"

[Duel Talisman: A prop used in sanctioning duels.Within a certain period of time and effective range, all special effects will be released.Lloyd, the main god in charge of the magic sword, was adjudicated by duels for a while.It is said that Knight Lloyd is very afraid of this. 】

"How long will your talisman last? How long do we have to figure it out?"

Stark's words reminded everyone.

While coughing up blood, Geralt reached out to wipe the green grass and blood from the corner of his mouth and said, "A few minutes or ten minutes, the specific effect will be weakened according to the strength of the enemy. I really can't judge the specifics."

Hill tentatively asked: "Can we seal him up with composite armor and throw him in an inaccessible place?"

Unexpectedly, this answer was denied by Stark at the first time.

Stark called out the confused crowd in NY, pointed to their course of action and said: "These people are all controlled by this vampire, they have been moving towards the same goal, and they haven't stopped until now. Bet on his summoning range."

And the Blade Warrior who never had any effect also added to Stark's suspicion: "The vampire's link comes from the imprint in the blood, even if you throw him into the Mariana Trench, these blood slaves will find it." ..."

"So we have to kill him? How about we just throw him in the furnace of the steelworks?"

Stark, who poured cold water on it, came to tear down the stage again.

"Ahem, the industrial water of the steel mill is directly connected from the water plant, not to mention that most of the employees have become blood slaves, and now the factories around NY are basically shut down."

Hill persisted and continued: "Isn't a magician good at teleportation? Let him open a door and go to other places."

"Hey, I'm a mage, not a god. I can't open the door to places I haven't been to or places I haven't located. Why don't I think about other means of transportation!"

Just as Constantine's disdainful and arrogant voice finished his explanation, Ash also came up to make up for it.

Ash tapped the ice ball, attracting the attention of everyone present.

"Don't forget, there is a comrade in arms inside! What's more, the eruption of the power of Iluzier's straight sword will only refreeze the entire steelmaking furnace..."

All the methods were rejected, and the anxious people couldn't think of a method that could solve Dickon.

The World Security Council is also actively thinking about countermeasures. In the end, the World Security Council gave an alternative plan, using rockets to send Deacon into outer space. In the gravity-free environment of outer space, he will only get worse Farther away from the solar system.

It's just that Logan was ignored in their plan with Hill.And they neglected to seek the advice of professionals like Ash and Constantine.

Just as he was arranging to modify the intercontinental missile so that it could carry the launch mission, Stark spoke.

"So we need a method that can completely destroy this blood and even destroy every single cell of it, and also maintain a high-intensity and long-term output?"

"That's right. Stark, that sums it up pretty well."

"Maybe, I have a place where I can solve these problems."

Stark's intelligent voice gave an answer, which surprised both Hill and the World Security Council.


"The headquarters of the Stark Industries Group has an Ark reactor designed by my father. It refers to the TFR tokamak device, which can generate a plasma current of 3.7MA and can heat the central ion to 2 million degrees."

However, Stark's plan was immediately rejected by Hill.

"Stark, are you going to detonate a hydrogen bomb on the west coast!"

Facing Hill's accusation, Stark didn't panic in the slightest, and only continued in his calm tone: "It's just to stimulate the plasma, and there will be no problem when all the plasma is released. Besides, didn't you plan to release a bomb just now?" A nuclear weapon? Why did it change when I came here?"

While Stark was arguing with Hill, Deacon's frozen ice blood began to tremble irregularly.

Constantine used the old man's crystal stick to rebuild a layer of crystals on the surface of the ice blood cell, and only then temporarily stabilized the dangerous signal.

"We don't have much time, Dickon is getting more and more unstable. We can't launch it into space now, Stark will do as you say!"

In the end, it was still Ash who made the final decision and decided on the action to take.

"Stark, where are the exact coordinates?"

"West Coast, Stark Industrial Park, the coordinates are xxxx.xxxx. I have already started to evacuate the night shift personnel and all security guards in the park, just go and walk towards the largest glass building!"

As Stark gave the coordinates, Constantine also began to build the portal.Looking at the opposite scenery, it is above the sky.

Seeing that Constantine's portal was not very accurate, Stark pointed out the direction and explained to Constantine: "The target is the building complex in front, you have to lower the portal another 510 four meters."

"Yes, that's it. Go forward, do you see the square in front of you? Next to the square is the Ark reactor. Ash, I want you to go there first and prepare to overload the reactor."

After commanding Constantine, Stark began commanding Ash again.In such an emergency situation, it is natural for someone to listen professionally. Ash, under Stark's command, quickly arrived at the side of the Ark reactor.

When he saw the reactor, Ash discovered that Stark could shrink the three-story reactor to the size of a fist.

While Ash was still in shock, Stark continued, "Pull all the push rods up and crank up the power of the reactor."

"Yes, that's it. At the end, press to release the overload safety of the console."

After Ash finished handling everything, Brother Exile ran over from the opposite side of the portal carrying Dickon's ice puck.

"We can remove the surrounding steel frame, build a temporary platform, and fix this blood cell on the top of the Ark reactor..."

Stark continued to direct the crowd, preparing to fix Dickon in an optimal position so that he could withstand the most high-energy plasma.

"It's not that troublesome, just tell me where to put him."

Constantine used the old man's crystal staff to control the crystallization on the surface of the blood cell to rebuild, making the blood cell move slowly on the ground as if it had grown feet.

During the construction process, Dickon's blood cells trembled more violently, and even the crystals covered on the outside began to crack, and Constantine had to cover it with another layer.

Under Stark's explanation, Constantine built a crystallized tripod, placing Dickon's blood cells in the center, and finally the whole thing looked like a beaker on an alcohol lamp.

With everything in place, Ash hit the button, disarming the overload protection.

The hot plasma is excited from the Ark's reactor, and then shines on the ice blood cell from below, and finally passes through it and shoots into the sky.

In the night sky, a beam of light several meters thick can be clearly seen, piercing the sky.

In front of the [-] million-degree plasma, Constantine's crystals quickly melted, followed by Dickon's frozen blood.

Seeing his rising soul volume, Ash confirmed that Dickon was constantly losing his life.

Gradually, the crystal shell and the ice blood cells melted, and everyone onlookers could see the plasma center.

A mass of pitch-black skeletons burned by plasma was holding a sword firmly, stabbing at the wriggling blood cells in front of them.

The cold air from Iluziel's straight sword kept restraining the blood cell that Dickon had turned into, preventing it from leaving.At the same time, in front of the high-heat plasma of the Ark reactor, this ball of blood cells is still being evaporated continuously.

This method of destroying enemies relying on the ark reactor didn't last long, and Ash never received new souls.

However, there was still a ball of blood cells that lingered on the straight sword of Iluzier for a long time.

Ash seemed to have remembered something, and shouted loudly: "Damn, ordinary people cover their ears and don't listen to any sound!"

Faced with such a warning, Hill and the World Security Council immediately cut off the audio signal with Ash as if they had done a rehearsal.

On the video data that has been recorded all the time, some experts are analyzing Ash's lip language.

"It's you again, Sithorne."

As soon as the lip analysis expert pronounced the initials of Sithorn's name, he fell into a frenzy and began to attack all the people and things around him indiscriminately.

Seeing such a scene, the World Security Council also believed what Ash said last time, 'Anyone who mentions his name will be developed into his believer'.

At the same time, the World Security Council mosaiced all the video images and prepared to save the blurred records of these images.

Just after saying the name of the demon god Sithorn, Ash said in the channel: "Konstantin, open a portal above the device, and add those scattered plasmas to the attack!"

The portal opened in the sky, and the plasma light beam was instantly cut off in the middle, joining the attack from the side.

Moreover, Constantine also opened multiple portals on the side, like radiation therapy, to regroup the escaped plasma and concentrate it on the blood cells.

As the portal was established, the communication around Ashe was getting worse.Finally disconnected directly.

It is confirmed that the communication is lost, and the radiation formed by the ionization of the plasma is enough to shield all the video signals in this industrial park.

Only then did Ash pretend to be frivolous and said to the ball of blood: "Sithorn, you still dare to come to Earth! Isn't the lesson my lord Mephisto taught you last time not enough!"

Hearing this, Sithorn, who used Dickon as a medium, was really out of breath.The last time I was inexplicably placed a series of bombs in my home, and at the end there was a 150,000-ton nuclear weapon covering my face.

Sithorn, who had never been so humiliated before, went to Hell to vent his anger on Mephisto without saying a word.

As the great ancient god, Mephisto also borrowed energy from him, but in the end, only two of them knew it clearly.After beating Mephisto violently, Sithorn realized that something was wrong.

Although Mephisto is a demon, he categorically said that he did not do it himself, which made Sithorn a little suspicious.

In addition, Mephisto is relying on hell, and Sithorn's away game will not last too long, so after a warning, Sithorn left hell.

But this time, someone took the initiative to kill his subordinates again, and could still say Mephisto's name.

This made Mephisto's old face more and more clear in Sithorn's mind.Subconsciously, he decided that Mephisto was unwilling to be beaten, so he vented his anger on his younger brother on the earth, thereby reducing the scope of his believers and teaching himself a lesson.

"Mephisto! I, Sithorn, are at odds with you!"

 I have added the black soul items and spells that can add pictures in the free chapter.Interested book lovers can go and have a look.As for the paid chapter, please wait, I have to raise a trumpet.That's it.Thank you for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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