The salary king in the comics

Chapter 211 The Ancient with Sincerity 1

Chapter 211 Ancient One with Sincerity (adding 110 for the leader)

In the short time since Logan came to the sacrificial ground, he has experienced several worldwide crises, and Logan has also played a huge role in it.

But Logan is still the only savior who is ready to go back in time to save the mutant world, he just went the wrong way.

What Ash told Logan at the beginning was that when the breath on his body calmed down completely, he could go back, and now the time has come.

The same Logan did not forget his responsibilities. Although he wandered around all day long in the original world, Logan did not refuse the responsibilities that should be taken.


"Now, anytime."

Hearing this, Logan was overjoyed at first, and then felt a little bit reluctant about this world.Although the world is chaotic, the living environment of superpowers is not like that of mutants.

Even under the division of public opinion, superpowers and dark creatures have two extreme lives respectively.

This kind of life may be the environment that every superpower wants.

"Can I get ready?"

"You can do it anytime, even if you go back in three to five years, the time in the mutant world won't change..."

When Ash said this, Snow's eyes lit up, and he looked at Logan expectantly, hoping that he could stay.

However, Logan acted as if he hadn't seen Snow, and shouted to Stark who was standing behind: "Iron Man, bring me a box of cigars you hid, I have to take them back to greedy an old guy!"

"Okay, I'll take the best one for you to take back..."

Stark looked at the secondary screen, feeling like Ash in his heart, and sighed, who would have thought that the feelings that were clearly in front of him could not continue.

'Fortunately I have Pepper! '

Now Stark has learned to bury the key words in his heart and not speak them out.At least on some occasions.

Half a day later, at the campfire of the sacrificial ground, Logan changed into the same black jacket as when he came, with a box of cigars under his arm, and a black pocket under his feet, waiting for Ash to confirm his destination.

Ash looked at Logan and asked, "Why don't you say goodbye?"

At the current campfire, there were only three men, Ash, Logan, and Stark, and Snow did not appear.

Logan glanced at the direction of the gate, shook his head and said, "Forget it, since there is no result, don't pursue the process..."

"You's this..."

Ash tossed a flaming embers to Logan.

Holding it in his hand, Logan looked at the unknown item, and saw that it had the appearance of a human being in Black Soul 2, but the whole body was the color of burning. At the core, there was always a weak flame burning. And continue to walk in it along the lines.

[Emergency: The embers left in the bodies of heroes.It is an item that fireless ashes cannot obtain, so they are attracted to it.Can get the power of fire, increase the upper limit of blood volume, until death.Only those who have gained the power of fire can see the sign, calling for helpers drawn by the embers, but also shadowed by the ever-present intruders. 】

Holding this thing in his hand, Logan subconsciously felt that it should be crushed, perhaps to gain some benefit.

Sure enough, this feeling was right, and Ash explained it: "This is the embers, you can also call it embers, it can be regarded as a positioning and strengthening prop, as long as you encounter any troubles that cannot be solved, crush it With it, I can confirm your location."

Hearing this, Logan solemnly put away the embers.

"As long as you walk into this campfire, you will return to the original time and space. Logan, thank you very much..."

"Okay, maybe after I save the world, I'll come over and have a drink with you guys!"

Logan said with a smile while holding the cigar box, and then stepped into the campfire. The flames instantly covered his body and sent him to the original time and space.

After seeing off, Stark was about to go out, but was stopped by Ash.

"Let's go later, there is a sad person outside now..."

Knowing that this sad person is Snow, Logan has already left, no amount of consolation will help, Snow can only rely on himself.

Stark and Ash are really bored at the campfire.

So Stark took advantage of his restless nature and asked about the props given to Logan just now, wanting to study the characteristics of them.

Throwing an embers to Stark, Ash said: "I have a lot of these things, just don't forget to give me a copy of what you research..."

Stark, who got new things, went to his reserved space inside the sacrificial field. He still had some instruments in the reserved area of ​​the sacrificial field, which could complete the preliminary scan.

And now Ash was the only one left in the sacrificial field. (The fire prevention girl went shopping)——
The red house, ever since everyone was released from control, Constantine couldn't stay in this place anymore.

All kinds of long legs dangle in front of your eyes every day, and everyone looks like you can pick them.

Not to mention that the current Constantine is the clone of Ashes, even if Zhakang really came, he would not be able to handle such an environment.

So Constantine left this uncontrollable environment non-stop, and only went to the red house when necessary.

Today, however, Wanda was sent here. Wanda somehow knew about the Red House, and she wanted to see the environment here.

However, when the portal opened, an unexpected figure appeared on the opposite side of the portal, apparently waiting for Constantine.

Stopping Wanda, Constantine looked at Gu Yi on the opposite side, and asked with an unkind expression, "What are you doing here?"

"I'm just here to confirm the exchange between the Kathmandu mystics and the Dragon Academy... After all, Mr. Obek promised me to send some exchange students, but until now there is no news..."

Gu Yi's words, if one ignores the particularity of these two schools, is like a representative of the school who came to discuss cooperation.

However, everyone knew that such a friendly exchange would never happen, and the particularity of the Dragon Academy meant that it would only have two endings.

One is a flash in the pan, when Ashes has gained enough benefits, he will let go of all this and return to the world of black souls.

The second situation is that Ashes replaces the supremacy of this world and becomes the only one, so the departure of Dragon Academy becomes nonsense.But in this way, it is inevitable that Dragon Academy will annex all magical forces and become the only one.

Regardless of whether it is the world of Dark Souls or the reality, Ashes has never given up the habit of giving up the moment power is obtained from Ashes.

Even the avatar of Ash kept avoiding his connection with the world, but Ash didn't give up the power he got, instead, it became stronger and stronger in his hands.

It is impossible for Gu Yi not to know this. She came to Constantine today not to discuss communication at all, but to talk about how to add Kathmandu to Dragon Academy...

Constantine looked back at Wanda, who was nervous because she didn't know the truth, and said to her: "Wanda, go find Obeck, Yulia, and Karula, and it's best to let Obeck bring Mibao... Tell them, I I am discussing with Master Gu Yi here..."

Listening to this series of names, and what is that rice treasure?Wanda was a little dizzy at the moment, but she understood that this was not a moment to hesitate, so she nodded to Constantine, turned around and ran towards the Ring City.

"You don't have to be like this, Salary King. I came here with sincerity..."

"Those dimensional demon gods don't think so. Do you think Dormammu thinks you are sincere? Or does Mephisto think you are sincere?"

Facing such acrimonious ridicule, Gu Yi still maintained his previous attitude without any rebuttal, just looking at Constantine through the portal.

Soon, Constantine felt the ground shaking. The foot of the ring city was Midier's home. This vibration came from Midier's signal. As long as Constantine gave an order, Midier would be able to break the ground. out.

Now that Midier is in place, Obek and others naturally also come.

Obek, Yulia, and Carula appeared behind Constantine in an instant, and the dark knife in Yulia's hand had already been pulled out of its sheath.

Seeing O'Beck appear, Gu Yi greeted O'Beck like an old friend he hadn't seen for a long time and said, "O'Beck, can I send an exchange student here?"

This way of communicating directly past Constantine made Yulia feel a little uncomfortable.

Yulia immediately thought that when Obek was studying in Kathmandu, he had reached a private deal with Gu Yi, which led to the current situation.

Although the difference was not bad, the main target was still targeting Gu Yi. Yulia just deflected the blade slightly, bringing O'Beck into the attack range.

The war was about to break out, and no one expected that Gu Yi would make a move that surprised everyone.

Gu Yi walked over directly from the portal, and then dispersed the portal that had been maintained.

Such behavior undoubtedly removed his only way of life.You must know that this is Ring Seal City, the place where King Gwen sealed the soul of darkness.

The previous battle between Ashes and Gu Yi happened after the seal of the Ring Seal City was broken, so that Gu Yi's time spell had a chance to cast, so Ashes had to start a protracted war with Gu Yi.

But now, the seal of the Ring Seal City was rebuilt from the ashes, and even got all the ashes that passed on the power of the Fire King, and the time can be easily sealed in the Ring Seal City.

This also means that the time spell that Gu Yi is proud of is useless.Even in Ring Seal City, without Ashes' tacit consent, even the portal couldn't be opened.

Gu Yi's approach made the scheming Yulia not know how to deal with it.

"How about this! Salary King!"

Saying so, Gu Yi opened the Eye of Agamotto that he had been carrying all along, and released the green time gem inside.

The gem is floating between the two sides, floating quietly, as long as someone wants it, they can get it.

Suddenly, the earth shattered, and Midril, who devoured the darkness, burst out and swallowed the gem in one gulp.

Midier devours the darkness of human nature. At the same time, its eggshell is the medium through which Gwen released the time seal. The time gem was swallowed by Midir. Anyone who wants to get it must face Midir's own Powerful, and then find gems in the dark abyss of human nature, and finally break through the seal of Ring Sealed City.

And Gu Yi just stood there, watching all this happen, even though Midil was ready to breathe in the air behind it, he didn't show the slightest desire to attack.

"Is this okay? King Salary, I'm just here to talk..."

The four people on the Black Soul side didn't believe what Gu Yilai said until now.

However, under the crystallization spell that Obeck has been suppressing, the darkness inside Kalula's skirt, and the darkness in Yulia's hand that can kill a hundred knights with a single wave, this belief is only temporary.

No one knows how long this conversation lasted. On that day, everyone saw a giant dragon shining with obsidian luster, constantly flying around the place of conversation.

On the second day, a bald mage in a monk's robe appeared in Ring Seal City wandering around.

Under O'Beck's introduction, all the students also got a new piece of news.

"Starting tomorrow, the mystic from Kathmandu will study with you, and at the same time, various spells of the mystic will also be added to the courses of the Dragon Academy..."

 I also don't know what's wrong with the last chapter.I was banned, so I can only wait for the editor to go to work after the holiday to appeal and review.The general content is that Ash sponsored a batch of holy water and silver bullets for George, and the resurrection of Logan.The author's words are written to thank the leader for the reward.Could it be that this is written too much?

(End of this chapter)

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