The salary king in the comics

Chapter 216 Hell Frontier

Chapter 216 Hell Frontier
For a second generation who tried to rebel against his parents, Geralt's words were harsh.

"I'm going to kill you!"

The Black Heart Demon turned into black pitch and broke free from Melinda's body, leaving only a broken body.

However, after he broke free, Geralt took out a crystal skull and smashed it on the Black Heart Demon.

The crystal skull emitted white mist from its hair and merged into the black body of the Black Heart Demon.

[Luring the enemy's skull: a skull stained with the scent of the soul.An item bestowed by the mentor of the Church of the Deep.After the throw is broken, it will fly around, which can lure the surrounding enemies to approach, but not all enemies are effective. 】

This kind of weird method made the black heart demon unable to make up his mind for a while.

After checking that there was no abnormality in his body, the Black Heart Demon asked suspiciously, "What did you do?"

"It's nothing, it's just a target for others, you haven't noticed, have all the demons in hell noticed you now?"

Geralt stretched out his finger, pointing indiscriminately towards the periphery of the asphalt-covered room, but every time he changed direction, the Blackheart could detect a projected vision of other demons.

"Damn! I managed to escape, how dare you..."

"Swearing also counts time... anger also counts time... guess how long it will take for Mephisto to find you?"

"*&...%, I remember you!"

Cursing swear words, sensing more and more sights, the black heart demon directly gave up the blockade of the room and fled into the distance.

But the Black Heart Demon left, but the room did not return to its previous appearance. Except for the ground and the seats in the interrogation room, the rest of the walls disappeared.

At this moment, the three of Geralt Hill were standing on the edge of a dilapidated building, looking at the doomsday scene below.

In the dim yellow desert, there are only a few dilapidated buildings dotted here and there, and in the shadows of the buildings, the writhing limbs and imps crawling around that he inadvertently saw made Hill's whole body creepy.

While recording the scene, Hill approached Geralt and asked, "Geralt, is this hell?"

"Then you underestimate hell. How can such a prosperous place be hell? This place is just the border of hell. It belongs to the gap between the world and hell..."

bustling?Hill didn't see it at all.This moment alone has already made her mouth dry.

Geralt took out a stone emitting blue fluorescence and threw it at his feet. The blue fluorescence attracted Hill like a signpost.

[Seven-color stone: a warm stone that blooms with beautiful brilliance.When placed on the ground, it emits light and becomes an indicator.There will be colorful color changes, and it is said that there is a rare eighth color.And this stone can also be used to infer the height of the cliff. If there is a loud noise after falling off the cliff, you will definitely die if you jump off the cliff. 】

Geralt said to Hill and her guards: "I'll go find a kid to inquire about the news, you can move freely or stay here, it's up to you.

Just go back to where I marked it before this area is completely infested with hell.The holy water on your body is enough to provide protection.

But remember, don't agree to any voice, don't eat any food, don't drink any water even if you feel like you are dying.

Once you eat something, you will belong to hell, and I will kill this kind of guy mercilessly in the world..."

In the end, Geralt's voice gave Hill a little coolness in this hot environment.

After asking, Geralt left here, and Hill asked his guards to stand still, and followed Geralt by himself.

I saw that Geralt put a stone emitting different fluorescence at every corner. Hill tried to pick it up and observe, but found that the stone seemed to be integrated with the ground, and he couldn't pick it up. .

"Don't try it, if you can pick it up, then this prop is too embarrassing... You mark the route, I'll find a local to ask about the situation..."

Handing a small bag of seven-color stones to Hill, Geralt walked towards a darker place.

Carefully placing the seven-color stone in a conspicuous position, Hill followed Geralt into the darkness.

With a clang, Geralt suddenly drew his long sword from his waist pocket, and slashed at the top of his head.

Originally hiding on the ceiling, the motionless hell kid was cut in half from head to tail.The corpse mixed with yellow mucus fell to the ground and scattered smoke and dust.

With this attack, the voice in the darkness gradually became much smaller.But there are still subtle voices following them.

Hearing the chewing and noise behind him, Hill followed Geralt a little tighter.

Suddenly, Geralt seemed to have found the target, and rushed over with the long sword.

When Hill caught up with Geralt, he found that Geralt was holding down an extremely anthropomorphic demon, and his fists kept falling on it.

The demon groaned, as if begging for mercy in a language, but Geralt didn't pay attention, and kept moving.

"Daughter of Maria, let this person stop, I can make your mother who froze to death in the hospital feel better in hell..."

In a daze, Hill heard the voice of the demon, and she looked at the demon howling under Geralt's fist in disbelief.

"It's me, don't look! I can also let your father, who never forgave you because of his wife's death, open the door for you again... just let this man let me go!"

Looking at the demon, Hill remembered her past. She was born in Chicago, where the temperature was below minus 44 degrees. Her mother froze to death in the hospital because of this, and her father never forgave her.This made her hardly feel the warmth of home.


Hill called Geralt's name in a low voice, as if preparing to persuade and stop Geralt.

Before Geralt turned around, Hill licked his thirsty lips and continued: "It still has the strength to speak, you are not cruel enough..."

Under Geralt's persuasion, the demon finally lay down on the ground as if it had abandoned itself after being trampled.

Looking up at the dark ceiling, the devil said, "Tell me, what do you want to ask..."

"How did the Black Heart Demon escape from my father's grasp?"

"Some time ago, there were maharajas from other dimensions who invaded Hell twice and started a battle with that one. The Dark Lord took advantage of that and escaped from his house..."

Hill is also recording the information. She understands that the name of the Demon God should not be mentioned, except that the Maharaja does not know his identity, and that one obviously refers to Mephisto. The Dark Lord is the Black Demon that Geralt said.

But this news was completely different in Geralt's ears. He invaded hell twice, why does it sound so much like Sithorn who vented himself?
Old Mo is a good comrade, he blocked it twice for himself.Try not to cheat him next time...

Stepping on the demon, Geralt continued to ask, "What is the plan of the Black Heart Demon?"

"How do I know this! I'm just a weakling wandering around the border..."

The devil's scarlet eyeballs kept rolling, not daring to look directly at Geralt.

Putting pressure on his feet slightly, Geralt looked at the demon who was trying to prop himself up but was unable to collapse on the ground and said: "That idiot of the Black Heart Demon, the whole hell knows that he wants to resist his own father, so he didn't say anything. great plan?"

The demon was still trying to struggle, but Geralt increased the strength under his feet, making its body slowly shrink.

"I said, I said! The Dark Lord is said to have prepared a body in the world, and he will come to the world!"

However, Geralt didn't pay attention to this answer, and crushed the devil's bones, making crackling sounds one after another.

"The black heart demon, that womanizer, I have already killed his body, so I can say something useful..."

The demon looked at Geralt in disbelief, and under Geralt's provocation, it subconsciously glanced at Hill.

Originally, he was trying to seek a chance to beg for mercy, but the demon began to explain frantically as if he had seen some important information from Hill.

"The Dark Lord has prepared this matter decades ago, and it's definitely not the woman whose soul made the wish... I swear to hell, what I said is true! I don't know the rest!"

Hill knew that he had leaked the information, and hid behind Geralt, blocking the demon's sight.

Hearing the demon swear to hell, Geralt let go of the demon under his feet and kicked it into the corner.

After getting the information he needed, Geralt took Hill and left, leaving only the demon licking his scars in the corner of the room.

"The Dark Lord is actually a womanizer! No wonder the Lord of Hell won't let him go, it's a shame. Maybe I can get a little shelter from the other lords with this news..."

After the soliloquy appeared, there was the sound of fighting. This demon wanted to kill all the demons it heard, and take this special information as its own.

Geralt took Hill, all the way back to the previous position along the seven-color stone mark left by him.

The original floor, tables and chairs have gradually changed into the color of hell, and there is only a trace of inappropriateness.

Geralt looked at Hill's guards, shook his head disdainfully, pulled a chair that was about to be completely rusted, and sat on it.

And Hill, unlike Geralt, was curiously recording and waiting for what was about to happen.

The moment hell assimilated this area, Hill and Geralt returned to the original interrogation room in the S.H.I.E.L.D.

Opposite the chair is the broken body of Melinda left by the Black Heart Demon.Everything is back to normal.

With the return of the two, a group of armed guards rushed in from the interrogation room, pointing their guns at Geralt, waiting for Hill's order.

Hill pressed the gun and told everyone to leave.

Taking a bottle of water, Hill moistened his dry mouth with water and asked, "Where's Jonathan? He didn't come back?"

"If you eat the food from hell, you will naturally be a person from hell. Didn't I say that?"

Geralt's words made Hill lose any sympathy for the lost guards, and those who couldn't bear their own desires would have nothing to regret when they died.

"Then how did we come back? Is it so easy to change time and space?"

"Easy? What are you thinking? This is repulsion. Any dimension is repelling the parts that don't belong to you. Even if Mephisto comes to the earth, he has to put on human skin, and he doesn't dare to use too much power. As long as he If it is exposed, it will be attacked and repelled by the local gods and space. This is why the black heart demon has to prepare a body in advance..."

Hill believed Geralt's statement by comparing the powerlessness he felt when he left Limbo.

"What should we prepare? To deal with the Black Heart Demon?"

Hill's eager behavior seemed to outsiders to be protecting the earth, but Geralt shook his head in disdain.

"How are you going to deal with it? Fill in more lives? Then make that womanizer stronger? You don't have the means to fight demons, and you don't have professionals who specialize in dealing with related matters..."

"We can cooperate. Hunters can help us train relevant personnel. Didn't you accept Clint as an apprentice? SHIELD has more excellent agents, and they are definitely suitable..."

Hill's words were a little urgent, she urgently needed a manpower capable of dealing with supernatural crises.

"So? The hunter's responsibility is to kill all those who embrace the darkness, and kill them mercilessly. Can you do it?"

Hearing this request, Hill didn't speak anymore. She knew that there was too much darkness on the dark side of the world.The hunter's request is completely beyond the reach of S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Let professional people deal with professional things. That's what you have to do. Don't try to take everything into your own hands. Besides, are you sure that S.H.I.E.L.D. is right?"

After cryptically saying something about S.H.I.E.L.D., Geralt bid farewell to Hill.

"Send me a plane, I need to go to Ravensfield, my apprentice has a problem and needs my help..."

(End of this chapter)

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