The salary king in the comics

Chapter 255 You Break the Law

Chapter 255 You Break the Law
Sam finally found that his car was parked outside a dilapidated factory, and more unknown vehicles followed behind the vehicle.

Sam, leaning against the window, recognized the vehicles: Peterbilt tractor truck head, Pontiac Solstice, TopKick 4500 pickup truck, Hummer H2 search and rescue vehicle.

One is newer and cooler than the other. Sam looked at the dilapidated Chevrolet he was sitting on, feeling slightly disgusted.

As if seeing Sam's mental activity, Chevrolet flicked to a sudden stop, threw Sam out of the car, and landed on the side of the road.

Other vehicles also stopped around Sam, and then transformed in front of Sam, and a group of robots of different heights appeared in front of Sam.

The largest Optimus Prime lay on the ground and stretched his head to about the same height as Sam and asked, "Are you a descendant of Samuel James Witwick Archibald Witwick?"

Sam nodded dully, and then heard Optimus Prime continue to say: "We are mechanical organisms from the planet Cybertron, and we came to Earth to find the source of fire, and we must find it before Megatron... "

At this moment, Sam inexplicably forged a thing called a sense of responsibility, and this pushed him to say nothing about his grandfather.

Without knowing whether the enemy was friendly or pretending, Sam directly shook off his own affairs.

When he heard Qin Tianzhu looking for his grandfather's glasses, Sam asked curiously, "How do you know?"

"Ebay, you sell glasses online, we have learned a lot from the Internet, including the language of your planet..."

Hearing what Optimus Prime said, Sam scratched his head in embarrassment. He told Optimus Prime that his grandfather's glasses had been sold.

And Bumblebee also interjected beside him: "I found out where the glasses are, but I also saw that they solved a demented Transformer, which is not far from the port..."

Cybertron's Transformers use language as a means of communication entirely to meet the needs of humans. In the data link of the Hornet, all Transformers have seen the situation on the port.

And Ash's face also appeared in the eyes of these Autobot Transformers.

All the Transformers present accused Bumblebee in the data link, who made it say that they found the wrong person earlier.

But Optimus Prime still had the heart of the Virgin, and ordered Bumblebee to be Sam's guardian to prevent him from being attacked by the Decepticons.And the other Autobots are going to look for Ash and get Grandpa Sam's glasses.

The contact of the third kind made Sam feel dizzy, and he didn't even know how he got home.

And looking at the parked bumblebee outside the window, Sam couldn't fall asleep after tossing and turning.

"Fobler, open the door!"

Shouting slogans and orders, Seymour Simmons took the exclusive armed forces of the seventh district and directly smashed the door of Sam's house.

With the bang of the hammer, the gunmen rushed into Sam's house and directly controlled Sam's parents in the living room.

And Sam also heard the sound, got up from the bed in a panic, and was about to jump from the window to the bumblebee below.

However, the agents acted faster and captured Sam at the window.

Now that he knew that Sam had a problem, Seymour Simmons did not adopt a more kind way to communicate, but directly controlled the Sam family.

"Check the radiation levels and isotopes, I need to know how many things are wrong here..."

Simmons searched Sam's house extensively, but the Sam family did not have any conflicts with Simmons for the sake of guns and weapons.

After searching around, an agent whispered a few words into Seymour Simmons' ear.

Simmons' face changed immediately, and he beckoned others to take the Sam's family away.

In Fobler's black Chevrolet, Sam's father was still telling Sam not to say anything, waiting for legal knowledge like a lawyer.

But through the black-filmed glass, Sam spots a squad approaching his Chevrolet with weapons.

"Bumblebee! Run!"

Sam yelled from inside the car, warning the hornets, but passing through the well-insulated vehicle, only a murmur could be heard outside.

The bumblebee was surrounded, but still held back and did not choose to transform.

And the team began to spray liquid nitrogen around the bumblebee to cool down the bumblebee as a whole.

Noticing something bad, the bumblebee began to deform, but because of the low temperature, its movements became stiff and slow, and finally the team of agents wrapped a rope and controlled it.

Seeing the successful capture of an alien, Seymour Simmons patted the car excitedly, causing Sam in the car to stare at him dissatisfied.

However, Seymour Simmons would not respond to this powerless struggle. After loading the Hornet, he took everyone to the safe house of the Bureau of Investigation.

While checking the various items in the evidence bag, Seymour Simmons asked, "So, Mr. Heartthrob 317, this is your eBay transaction account, right, Sam!"

"Yeah, but you know, I made a typo and I just let it go... what's that?"

Simmons played a recording to Sam, which was the recording of him calling the police that his car had run away by itself.

"It was a misunderstanding, my car is still..."

"Really? Is that the big robot in your garage?"

Simmons' eyes stared straight at Sam, and Sam knew that he had no room for explanation, so he closed his mouth.

Taking out a badge and waving it in front of Sam's eyes, Simmons threatened Sam and said: "This is a badge that can let you sit in prison. I advise you to tell everything you know! It's time to tell the truth !"

Before the words fell, Simmons' convoy was attacked. The lead car was directly hit the side of the road, while the car Simmons and Sam were sitting in was lifted up by a big metal hand holding the roof.

The roof was lifted off the car, and everyone saw several tall metal robots aiming at them with weapons raised.

The powerful Sam leaned on the chair in the front seat, stood up, and said to Seymour Simmons: "You guys are in big trouble, let me introduce you, this is my friend, Optimus Prime!"

Everyone raised their guns in horror and pointed them at the surrounding robots.

Optimus Prime looked at Seymour Simmons and said, "It was your mistake to take this child away, the Autobots unload their weapons!"

The hero does not suffer from immediate losses. Under the absolute suppression of firepower, everyone raised their hands wholeheartedly.

The people in the Seventh District were brought under control. Sam grabbed Seymour Simmons by the collar and asked, "What is the Seventh District? Where did you take my parents!"

While raising his hands, Seymour Simmons checked his surroundings, and held back his anger at Sam's arrogance at the moment.

"Son, don't think that with the backing of aliens, you can be bold!"

Seeing Seymour Simmons didn't say anything, Sam directly searched and opened Simmons' pocket, checking all his personal items.

And the bumblebee, who was released last, also joined in at this moment, with his hands crossed, and his hips slightly pushed forward. A car filter element jumped out directly from below and hit Seymour Simmons on the head.

Seymour Simmons yelled in pain, but Bumblebee was still not satisfied, opened the valve of the lubricating oil in his crotch, and began to water Simmons like a boo.

And Ash followed Russell not far away, watching all this with a telescope.

"Okay, Seymour Simmons should be obedient now..."

Russell pointed his mobile phone at the telescope and took a picture of this scene as his private collection.

Just as Sam was collecting handcuffs and handcuffing the agents of the Seventh District one by one, the sound of helicopter and vehicle engines came quickly.

The combat troops belonging to the Control Bureau already have experience with this large creature.

On the ATS exoskeleton armor of the control bureau, an auxiliary mechanical arm protruded from it, and a huge spear gun was fixed on it, and a steel cable was fixed behind the spear gun.

Spearguns fired, hitting unresponsive Autobots, and pinning the other end to the ground, or anchors to cars and helicopters.

The action was quick and effective, and Bumblebee and Jazz were immobilized on the ground in an instant, while the ambulance and Ironhide wrestled with cars and helicopters.The pull of vehicles and helicopters made it impossible for them to be free.

The only free Autobot in the scene was Optimus Prime. Optimus Prime tried to rescue his men, but a red ray shot through the air, drawing a molten warning line on the ground in front of Optimus Prime.

The threat of the moment changed identity, and the Autobots became the weaker side.

"Autobots! Give up, humans! We need to talk!"

Optimus Prime uttered the above words the loudest around with his horn, and the other Autobots obeyed Optimus Prime's order and gave up their resistance after hearing it.

Only Ironhide and the ambulance were unlucky, their control vehicle drivers didn't have time to brake, dragging them to the ground and slashing across the crowd.

The helicopter's weapons and ATS armor were aimed at Optimus Prime and awaited Ash's command.

Slowly walking out from the darkness, Ash flipped through the documents and said loudly: "Autobots? You entered the country illegally, possessed weapons illegally, contacted people on Earth illegally, and even resisted law enforcement agencies. Tell me, how do you want to die!"

Optimus Prime also wanted to defend himself, saying: "We are here for peace, Megatron is trying to get the source of fire to destroy the earth..."

"Stop, stop, everyone will say that you came here for peace, but this is not the reason for you to break the law. Besides, you wanderers who don't even have a home planet, how dare you say peace?"

Ash's unceremonious words caused some of the Autobots to struggle, and Ironhide even shouted, 'Let me kill this guy'.

"We really came here to resist the Decepticons, we just don't have a clear understanding of the laws of the earth..."

Optimus Prime was still arguing, but Ash directly pointed out his lie and said: "How long does it take you robots to learn the knowledge of the earth? It only takes a moment for electronic life to learn the knowledge of the Internet. How dare you say that you didn't see my control station?" Such a big surrender notice?"

Since the establishment of the Control Bureau, there has been a joking announcement, which states that any non-human crimes must be surrendered to the Control Bureau, and aliens can naturally be counted.

No matter how joked this kind of written announcement is, no one will ignore it when it is brought out.

Looking at the silent Optimus Prime, Ash shook his head, and had a new understanding of the Holy Mother.

(End of this chapter)

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