The salary king in the comics

Chapter 288 Shanalotte

Chapter 288 Shanalotte
After notifying the suspects to S.H.I.E.L.D. and the World Security Council, Ash stopped taking care of the matter, and the two would never allow others to intervene in dealing with Nick Fury.

Nick Fury has become the demon of these two families, and even the snake heads do not allow Nick Fury to influence their plans to control the world.

But Fury's hiding place has never been found, and they can only find out slowly. The information Ash gave them this time really gave them a shot in the arm.

Although he didn't know how many agents had come to New York, Ash knew how much effort these two had put in after seeing the closed door notice from the Continental Hotel.

The atmosphere in New York is clear now, only idiots dare to make trouble at this time.

And Jin Bin took advantage of recruiting a large number of construction workers. Although he didn't know why Ash gave him such an order, Jin Bin reopened two construction companies according to Ash's suggestion.

The only impact of this incident was Dum's departure. He sold the entire company, returned the due compensation to the military, and then left New York. He even sent Ash an email to say goodbye.

As for where Doom went, it was up to him.Now it is also certain that Reed and Susan are lying to him. This double blow of friendship and love makes him only choose to leave this sad place.

So Ash returned to the previous state, as long as there was nothing to do, he would stay at the Fire Passing Sacrificial Ground, staring at the campfire in a daze.

Ashes follow fire, Ash can stare at the campfire in a daze.

But Ash, who was looking at the campfire, was pushed up by a big caterpillar next to him, causing Ash to fall on his head, and then the caterpillar coiled into a circle and rested around the campfire.

The giant egg case finally hatched, and a white worm with golden brilliance of flames was born out of it.

On the white skin of a silkworm baby, there is a flame-like brilliance flowing like embers, giving it a different feeling.

As for saying that it is a caterpillar, it is because its body surface is indeed covered with a layer of fluff, which cannot be observed visually, and its existence can only be felt by touch.

This titan creature, Ash suspects it is the successor of Mothra, who was originally reborn after death in these egg cases that she had left all over the world.

Perhaps because of the research of the Emperor Organization, the contents of the egg case were extracted to activate certain signals of the egg, and a new consciousness was born from it.

And Ash used the warm fire to restore its life, coupled with the recovery effect of the campfire, it had a tendency of flame attachment after the egg was broken.

At this moment, Ash was falling asleep on the titan giant caterpillar he called Shanalot. The skin like a silkworm baby brought a cool feeling, but the hidden flame in the body could provide warmth.

Ever since Ash knew about this feature, he often fell asleep like this, just like a rainy day in spring, the slightly chilly temperature, coupled with the warm quilt, made people just want to sleep.

Shanalotte's name comes from the former green robe girl, the son of the dragon born by people, a creature created by people trying to transcend the cycle of cause and effect.

This is similar to the current Shanalotte who was born from Mothra's successor body and was conceived by flames, which is similar to the original destiny beyond the original.

Since Fireproof Girl got her first fire, she often finds opportunities to communicate with her new friends in the abyss, and Ash can only try to make herself fall asleep. After waking up, it's time to see Fireproof Girl.

However, something was wrong with Shanalotte today. She became active in Ash's sleep, but quickly regained her composure.

Perhaps it was because the previous fighting time was more than the rest time, Ash's sleep has always been very light, and after this action broke him out of sleep, he could no longer fall asleep.

As soon as the sleepy Ash opened his eyes, he saw an aggrieved figure tied to the pillars of the sacrificial grounds.

That man was John Wick, and Shanalotte's sticky silk squirted him firmly on it, forming a big wronged character.

Yawning, Ash asked Shanalot to lower John Wick off the post.

Ash said, "John, do you come to ask me again?"

John Wick was taken aback for a moment, then knelt down on one knee towards Ash and said, "Please save Helen, she needs to live..."

Looking at the man in front of him, Ash didn't reject him. John's happy life didn't last long, and Helen fell down.

Since ancient times, the name Helen either caused the battle of Troy, or caused a man to slaughter all those who hindered his memory.

But without exception, Helen's life was short.The tough guy, who was as short as his eyes, knelt down to Ash for help twice for her.

Ash said, "Where's the inspection report? Let me have a look..."

inspection report?John paused first, then touched his nose unconfidently.

Seeing John's hastily coming, and now flustered, Ash said: "I need to know her situation. The healing technique is to stimulate the original vitality or replenish her vitality. There is only one special situation where this method cannot be used. ..."

The only special thing, John had a dangerous feeling in his heart, Helen might be the only special one.

Flipping through the report that John snatched from the hospital, Ash sighed, pontine lesion had metastasized all over his body.If it was Ash in the human age, he could only secretly call his family members aside and tactfully call Hua Tuo Sanlian.

Ash looked at the nervous John and said, "It's too late, John. If it's stage one or two, I can still cooperate with surgery to remove that part, and then replenish her with enough vitality, but now I can't remove all her diseased organs... ..."

John, who couldn't believe it, was still looking for possibilities, and said, "Is there really no chance?"

Ash said: "John, theology is not omnipotent. Generally speaking, cancer is the confrontation between proto-oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes. This is the nature hidden in human DNA. It is like a road leading to death. I can only delay the vehicle. time, but you can't let the car drive in the opposite direction..."

After listening to Ash's words, John lost all energy and energy, walking out like a walking dead.

Looking at John's back, Ash stopped him and said, "John, are you still proficient in marksmanship?"

John turned his head, his lost eyes responded to Ash's heart was dead.

Ash said: "I can't help it, but it doesn't mean God can't help it. There is a battle, as long as Helen is won, Helen can be reborn. Do you know the angel's daughter, Ge Tzude?"

Ash gave John a detailed introduction to the dispute between Gerthide and Rosalia, and the benefits that the outcome of the battle could bring.

Can Helen be reborn... This idea took root in John's heart in an instant, and the belief in Helen's rebirth gave him the goal of winning.

The rekindled soul fire made Ash involuntarily curious, and this belief was enough to transform John's soul into the soul of a strong man.

When John returned home, he smashed the ground of the basement with a sledgehammer, and took out his sealed weapon.

The next step is training, but John has already withdrawn from the ranks of killers. He can no longer go to places that serve killers, and can only go to those ordinary shooting ranges.

Immediately, the public opinion created by John even made George call Ash to inquire.

George said, "Is there something wrong with the actuary next to your house?"

"How to say?"

"In one week, he went to three shooting ranges, and shot at least two family barrels... and all of them were precision shooting. As long as the shooting range was open, this man would shoot until night. The range owner was so scared that he called the police. Now everyone is suspecting that he is It's not that you want to make something big, so you train yourself so hard..."

A family barrel is [-] rounds of ammunition, which means that John now needs to fire [-] rounds of ammunition every day. It is not just picking up a gun and splashing water casually, but precise shooting during training.

Thirty rounds of magazines alone cost 130, not to mention the time it takes to load bullets into the magazines.This kind of lunatic is everyone's fear, so it's no wonder that it alarmed George.

After reassuring George that John would not act violently, he canceled the monitoring of John from George.

But this is not the way. In order not to frighten ordinary people and cause bad influence, Ash still dialed John's phone.

Ash said: "John, go to the base of the Bureau of Control and get in touch with Anderson, he will arrange a training venue for you, and even find you a group of training partners..."

The people you find yourself should be arranged well anyway. There are only a few people in the control bureau who have outperformed John with three shots, and it would be good to let John teach them a lesson.

As for why John trained so impetuously, it was entirely because Ash told him the time of the battle, time waits for no one, and the countdown is pressing John.

As for John's fatigue damage caused by training, it's not a problem, it's just something that can be cured with a handy healing technique.

And Ash lied, regarding Helen's condition, for him who is already a salary king, changing the abnormal state and then recovering are all easy things to do.

The worst outcome would be Helen's death, and Ash would just go to hell to find someone, and at worst, he would pinch another body for her.

But the free things in this world are the most expensive. As long as Ash makes a move, John will definitely admit the favor, and the debt of favor is the most difficult to repay.

Now that Ash has the need to win and John has the drive, it's a win-win situation for everyone.Everyone has paid, and there are few favors owed.

In order to protect the man's face, and also to avoid leaving too much connection with him, Ash would tell this lie for John.

Now everything is ready, just waiting for the last time to come.

"By the way, I have to find a witness..."

A witness is not only what Geralt needs to find, Ash will also find one, only Constantine doesn't need one, his Dragon Academy will witness the whole war.

Ash took out his phone and called Kassel, whom he hadn't seen for a long time. Since Beckett decided to run for parliament, he has become Beckett's manager. Now that Beckett's identity has been confirmed, it is time to pull him out to fill the field up.

"Kassel, are you going on a trip to another dimension? You can bring your family, maybe your novel will have new material..."

(End of this chapter)

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