The salary king in the comics

Chapter 300 Patch's Arrival

Chapter 300 Patch's Arrival

To be honest, there is no man who doesn't like to see women jealous.Of course, this kind of time will only be when they do not act casually and establish their virtual status with actions.

If there is a fight like a shrew who pulls hair and scratches people, no matter whether it is justified or not, it will only make people stay away from them.It's okay to watch women fight, but it can't be your own.

But he didn't care about everything that happened around Constantine now.

It's not that he doesn't care, in fact, Constantine's attention is now focused on the wreckage of the earthen tower that will become the battlefield.

As if taking a nap, Constantine is slowly separating the remains of the earthen tower that is closely connected to Ring City, making it an independent space.

In fact, the position of the mound tower is the closest to the initial furnace, and it has gradually distorted just like the space-time collapse around the initial furnace.

Maybe after a few 100,000 years, the earthen tower will be integrated into the initial furnace and become a part of it.

Now what Constantine has to do is to stop the deformation of the mound tower, and then slowly push it away from the initial furnace.

Fortunately, all the creatures in the earth pile tower have been evacuated, and even if there is a loss, no casualties will be caused.

Just as Constantine finished, the door of the office was kicked open.

Patch rushed in in a hurry, jumped onto the desk and grabbed Constantine by the collar, shouting, "What did you do! What did you do?"

The irritable Patch has lost his wretched appearance, he is only questioning Constantine, just looking at his facial expressions and movements, it does not seem to be fake.

Constantine didn't let Patch let go, but just gestured to the surrounding environment with his eyes, as if to say: "There are two people in the room, are you sure you want to say it in front of them?" '

Patch let go of Constantine and curled up on his desk, sobbing.

Constantine watched Patch with interest, listening to his cries until he couldn't pretend anymore.

Patch curled up and let go of his hands, slightly revealing his eyes, looking around and beckoning to Constantine.

Constantine could only let Anli and Natasha leave here, and Patch jumped off the table when he heard the office door close.

Once Patch became anxious, his voice would become extremely sharp, with a hint of urgency in his voice, just like now.

"What's wrong with the earthen tower? The sky and landforms are not stable at all. If I hadn't cleverly returned the bone fragments, I might have been broken inside..."

Just as Constantine pushed away the earthen tower, Paqi immediately came to make trouble.

Constantine asked with interest: "How much did you lose? It turns out that the earth tower is the treasury you have been hiding!"

Patch suddenly became stuttering, unwilling to admit what Constantine said.

But in the end he gave up. Only Constantine knows the coordinates of the current earthen tower, and his financial reports are all inside. If he can’t see them for a day, Patch will feel distressed for a day, so he can only admit it helplessly.

"Only a little bit, I hid a few sets of armor..."

"What armor do you lack? Make a list and I'll compensate you. It's guaranteed to be brand new. That's fine, you can go..."

Constantine didn't believe this kind of nonsense. Patch must have lost a lot of money by being so anxious.

Patch looked back three times at a step, watching Constantine try to make him let him go, but Constantine had already mastered the way to communicate with Patch.

When buying things in Pachina, you must insist on killing the price, and you must not listen to his plan, and you must not go to the place he said.

With these three determinations, you can basically guarantee the safety of your life and property.

For those things hidden in the earthen tower, Patch hesitated and put his hand on the door bolt, like a sculpture, and just stood still.

Looking at this scene, Constantine said to himself: "I will send the earth tower into the initial furnace. Once it burns out, there will be nothing left..."

Hearing this, Patch couldn't pretend anymore.Although the earthen tower was just one of his vaults where he hid things, the loss of assets hurt him more than cutting him a few times.

Patch walked over carelessly, restored the messy work done by him just now, sat opposite Constantine and asked, "Tell me, what do you want me to do?"

"Will my dignified salary king ask you to help? You should say, what can I do for you!"

Looking at Constantine in front of him, Patch was only annoyed at why he couldn't kick those few kicks in the first place.

Patch gritted his teeth and said, "What can I do for you?"

"No honorifics! Insincere!"

"I! Can! For you! Do something? Lord Xinwang!"

Constantine nodded pretendingly, and whispered to Patch.

The two poked their heads together, muttered to each other, and suddenly said a few words of admiration.

'You're mean, but it's a good plan and I like it...'

'My dignified and honest Rapp would do such a thing?No, you have to follow my plan! '

Complimenting each other, the two tentatively drew up a cooperation plan. Seeing that the two were satisfied, there must be a big unlucky guy in this plan.

After discussing the plan, it's time to plan to divide the spoils.

Patch patted the table and shouted: "After we succeed, we will score seven to three!"

"Why am I only [-]%?"

"Seventy percent is mine! I am the executor, and I am the one who goes out to work hard. Why don't you get [-]% if you sit here and move your mouth!"


Constantine dealt with it indifferently, which made Patch's heart shudder. The guy in front of him who was more black-hearted than him must be thinking about something dangerous.

Patch originally thought that Constantine would fight the table, and then the two sides negotiated back and forth, asking for a lot of money and paying back the money, it has to be talked about.

But with this appearance, it is obvious that there is no meaning to talk about.

Paqi tentatively asked: "Why did you agree so simply? You must have some conspiracy in it?"

"Jack Baldo didn't know that you cheated him of his armor back then. Even if Brother Onion wouldn't care about it, who can guarantee that this matter won't reach Youmu's ears. Once Youmu carries the firewood The knife comes to you, I can't stop this kind of thing... Who makes him the salary king, and I'm just a relatively powerful magician..."

Constantine said he didn't care, but the full threat had already put the knife on Patch's neck.

Promise, or let Youmu make you promise!That's the choice Constantine gave Patch.

"Okay! You are ruthless! [-]% will be given to you, and this matter will be over."

Patch's retreat made Constantine follow closely, saying: "You promised so simply, there must be something wrong, ninety-one points!"

"Jiuyi! Do you think I'm a filmmaker! You can get the money if you open your legs! It's only seven or three points, and if you don't agree, forget it!"

Patch scrambled for his final bottom line, for fear of being ripped away and left behind.

"Okay, okay, it's just Qisan! I agree, it's just a joke, what about it!"

Constantine hastily agreed to Patch's request, for fear that he would just drop the pick and quit. Only the skinless and shameless Patch could complete this plan.

The two parties reached an agreement in an instant, and the two of them walked out the door with their arms around their shoulders like friends.

As soon as the door was pushed open, a gust of sword wind cut through the outward-opening door, leaving deep marks on it.

Natasha and Anli are separated from each other, and Anli is holding a sword to Natasha.

Patch suddenly distanced himself from Constantine, and said while running: "I know the plan, I'm going to prepare now..."

Patch understood Yulia's coldness, and Anli was specially selected by Londor. In such a dangerous environment, Patch would naturally not get involved in such a thing.

Now only the three of Constantine were left standing at the door, stalemate with each other.

There were tears in Natasha's eyes, as if she had been wronged so much, while Anli held a sword like an assailant.

According to Constantine's scumbag theory, don't rush into this situation, just follow the scumbag three no's principle: don't take the initiative, don't admit it, don't take responsibility, just pretend to lose your temper, leave here, and leave the environment to themselves. can get away.

But who made his Primarch to be Ashes? Ashes' inexplicable empathy and resistance to suffering brought him to where he is today.

"Okay, both of you, Natasha, stop putting on that expression, Anli, put away your weapons."

For unknown reasons, Natasha glared at Constantine before retracting her aggrieved expression, while Anli hesitated before sheathing the sword.

Stretching out his hand to touch the sword mark on the door, Constantine turned and walked in after restoring it to its original state.

"Come in, it's time for you to talk..."

Constantine could guess that this was arranged by Yulia, but even if Yulia didn't show up, this would happen sooner or later.

Looking at the two people in front of him, Anli is his intended partner to become the king of wandering souls. Of course, the relationship between this kind of partner only stops when Constantine pierces her head with the contract sword.

Natasha, Konstantin originally planned to get closer to her, and through the temptation of magic, joined SHIELD or the World Security Council.

But Gu Yi gave the gem directly to Constantine and informed him of the changes in the world, making the original plan useless.

And Constantine also saw the first half of Natasha's life through the gem. She was born in [-], which separated her from the comic world.

And the dedication when she was looking for the soul gem at the end, compared with her loneliness, the sense of powerlessness, made Constantine unable to bear to think about this Natasha who was only alone in the end.

In order to make up for the calculations in his previous plan, Constantine gave her some inexplicable help, and also made his relationship with Natasha get closer.

Looking at the person in front of him, Constantine said in a slow tone: "Anli, from the destroyed country of Astra..."

After telling Anli's life experience, Constantine didn't stop, and started telling Natasha's story directly.

Both women, in a way, have suffered and suffered, and the pain of not being able to see the future has made them who they are.

After talking about the life experiences of the two, Anli and Natasha reached an acquaintance, and the tense atmosphere before also eased.

And Constantine also took advantage of this time to slip out, leaving space for the two of them.

The collection of scumbags, when it's time to sneak, never look back!
(End of this chapter)

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