Chapter 342 Backstab
Although the Destroyer destroyed Stark's armor as soon as he met, and was sent flying out before he even made a move, it came to help, and we cannot criticize it.

Everyone comforted themselves in their hearts, trying to bury the resentment just now in their hearts.

Loki, who was controlling the Destroyer, was sent flying as soon as he turned around, and he absolutely couldn't swallow this breath.

The Destroyer in the air adjusted its body, its head gradually split open, and a mass of red energy began to accumulate, and then it slammed towards the replica Thor.

The Destroyer's ray has no precision at all, just like the A10 attack aircraft licking the ground, after drawing a long mark on the ground, it is located on the counterfeit Thor.

The Destroyer's beam of light shone on the fake Thor, nearly cutting him in half, separating it from the lower ribs to the left collarbone.

After the blow was effective, the Destroyer did not make up the knife to the fallen fake, but came to the side of Mjölnir, trying to pick up Mjölnir.

Loki will never give up, the owner of this hammer is the heir of Asgard.

Now Loki's attention is completely focused on Mjolnir, ignoring the counterfeit who is healing. After the beam of the Destroyer cut off the connection between the hammer and the counterfeit, he slowly bent his body and tried to take Mjolnir away. rise.

The behavior of focusing on one thing and neglecting another made everyone who saw this incident complain in their hearts.

Thor looked at the Destroyer, and couldn't help but think in his heart, 'Loki, do you want Mjolnir that much? '

Loki's attempt once again proved that he has no chance with Mjolnir.

Just as Loki was trying, the fallen impostor was back to normal, even stronger.

Just like Thor who mastered the power of Thor in the Saka Star Arena in Thor 3, the eyes of this imposter also turned into a dazzling white light, and thunder and lightning were constantly lasing from his hands, releasing them towards the Destroyer.

In a hurry, Loki could only use the Destroyer to confront the clone Thor.The lightning and the light beam collided with each other, creating an even bigger explosion.

After the explosion, Loki refused to give up, and stood up and output, like a fixed fort, shooting continuously at the replica Thor in the sky.

This unscrupulous release of energy directly penetrated the Empire State Building far away across the river, and even in order to attack the flying counterfeit Thor, the Destroyer turned around on the spot and completed a circumcision.

If it weren't for the Destroyer's tall stature, this attack would have cut everyone in half.

People who were several kilometers away felt the beam of destruction gliding over their heads, and the attack without a trace of mercy chilled everyone's heart.

Hearing the sound of the surrounding trees being chopped off, Hill gritted his teeth and said, "Evacuate here, we have to find a safe space!"

Stark, who took off his visor, looked at the dire situation around him, and retorted: "Where is there any safe space? The light beam has shaved everything around ten kilometers away, and the Empire State Building has been penetrated into a high-risk building...

Hill said bluntly without any scruples: "This is no longer a battlefield where humans can participate! Leave here and drop the bomb in 5 minutes!"

Stark stopped in front of Hill and said, "You can't let the situation expand again!"

"What does it mean to expand again? Now the Empire State Building has become a dangerous building, and everything within ten kilometers has been cut off. This is all thanks to that bullshit destroyer! It really deserves the name!"

Hill has no scruples, and he almost points Thor's nose and curses.

Upon seeing this, Stark said: "Ash said he still has a way..."

"What way? Waiting will only waste time! Every second that passes will suffer greater losses!"

"But he said, he will find a way!"

"Wait for the bell? Who can tell me where the bell comes from!"

When Stark and Hill quarreled, a grand bell sounded from everyone's heart, and that sound seemed to cleanse the soul.

Every time the bell rang, the sky became darker, the clouds gathered and suppressed, and the thunder sounded with the storm.

In Black Soul, the bell is a special call. Whenever the bell rings, King Xin will wake up, and the undead will climb up from the coffin and embark on the road of admonishing King Xin.

There were only two clear bells during this process, and the first time was the bell that summoned the undead to spread the fire.

The second time is at the top of the ancient dragon. The sound of the bell on the top of the ancient dragon will make Ashes face the unknown king.

"Whoever wants to go to the ancient dragon, don't ring the big bell." "When the bell rings, no one will survive." This is the advice left in front of the big bell that summons the dragon.

But that time, when Ashes rang the big bell to face the unknown king, along with the bell, he learned the ability that belonged to the ancient dragon—flying.

In the game, you only need to ring the bell to summon the Unknown King, and then just kill him on a special platform.

But when the game becomes a reality, you need to learn how to fly in order to face the unknown king riding the storm dragon.

[Storm Walk: Those who set foot on the top of the ancient dragon to seek the way of the ancient dragon, the fearless ones who face the Lord of Storms and the eldest son of the gods, and the fire passers-by who admonish the King of Salaries.In the sound of the undead's bell, the soul is silent in the storm, and learns the ability to belong to the Lord of the Storm.The ancient dragon born in the storm also expects someone to walk with it. 】

When Ash opened his eyes, the storm was silent, only the slowly moving clouds showed the power contained within.

Every step Ash took was like stepping on steps, the steps made of storms, sending him to the sky.

The storm and the thunder always match, and the thunder gun attracts the thunder and lightning in the clouds, forming a tangible cage in which the counterfeit Thor is imprisoned.

Like the strengthened Ash, he attacked the fake Thor without Mjolnir, and defeated him steadily.The cage of thunder and lightning also made it difficult for the fake Thor to leave, and he could only face the approaching death.

Things seem to be changing for the better.

"He can use lightning? Isn't that Thor's ability?"

With the help of the Destroyer's perspective, Loki saw the action of Ash throwing the thunder gun. Previously, on the screen of the greedy man's mobile phone, Loki only saw the picture of the two fighting and smashing the building.

After listening to the greedy man's explanation, Loki went to Odin's treasury to fetch the Destroyer, but did not see the subsequent battle.

With the ability to fly, Ash doesn't need to release waves to limit the activities of counterfeit goods. He directly bullies himself and fights in close quarters. No one can beat the Fire King in close combat.

The chant in Ash's hand didn't stop at all, and the chant with white light repelled the fake Thor in an instant, causing him to hit a bolt of lightning falling from behind.

The high temperature and paralysis caused by the lightning directly shattered his outer skin, revealing the flowing black liquid under the skin.

The saints in the chant flew out following Ash's slash. Taking advantage of the counterfeit's paralyzed state, the white light emitted from their hands was like the walls of a cage, imprisoning the counterfeit Thor in it.

The counterfeit beat the wall built by the saint angrily, causing ripples, but Ash didn't give him a chance, and slowly raised the thunder gun in his hand.

The thunder gun attracts the thunder and lightning from the sky, and the natural lightning is injected into Ash's hands, making the original thunder gun gradually have a white-gold light.

The difference between victory and defeat lies in this blow!
A red beam flashed, and Ash was shot down from the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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