The salary king in the comics

Chapter 374 Who Can Seriously Call This Name!

Chapter 374 Who Can Seriously Call This Name!
It was beyond Ash's expectation that Jin could call Ash.

As an earthling who knows Ash's true identity, Jin Bing avoids Ash when he can, and begs his elder brother Onion Knight if he can't.

But now he dared to call Ash?This is not Jin Bing's usual style.

Either Jin Bin is really desperate, and now he can only call Ash to save his life.Either he had a plan in mind and made this call to get Ash's attention.

And the person holding the certificate of the control bureau to obstruct Jin Bin?Who in New York doesn't know that Jin is covered by Ash!
Do not!There is another person who doesn't know, Steve Rogers who just went out with his ID today.

Ash thought of the answer in an instant, and now only Steve, the idiot, didn't know.

But how did he match up with Jin?Jin Bing has now completely given up the underworld industry, or in other words, the underworld in New York has been cleared up by Ash with the help of the Bureau of Control.Only those outsiders who don't know the situation will make trouble, but those will be interviewed by George Stacy with the ATS exoskeleton armor...

Jin Bing made this call to report the news, he was afraid that Ash would find some reason to kill him.

"Okay, I get it, don't worry, it's nothing to you..."

Receiving Ash's promise, Kim put down the phone with a smile.

After taking the towel handed by Leslie, Jin wiped the sweat off his face. In the face of the real horror, it is already very powerful to be able to finish these words.

Looking at the presumptuous people on the construction site in the distance, a cruel smile appeared on the corner of Jin Bing's mouth.

"Bring everyone back, and be careful not to hurt the person holding the certificate. Whatever they do, just wait for a while..."

In the past, Ash and the counterfeit Thor fought and shattered most of the buildings around Liberty Island. Later, the salaried king Youmu cut off a section of the Hudson River with his own momentum, and the flames are still burning in that land. superior.

And Jin Bin, as the largest real estate builder on the entire east coast, naturally undertook the reconstruction of this area.

But today, a few people broke in, inexplicably beat up the worker, and damaged the original excavating equipment.

Those workers are villains who have changed jobs, and they are not willing to bear this kind of humiliation at all.They took out the guys they had eaten before.

However, there are characters on the other side who are not afraid of bullets, and rushing into the workers is an old punch.

But later, the men and women stopped this behavior. The man took out the ID card of the control bureau to ease the situation, and the workers slowly withdrew from the construction area.

Unexpectedly, this kind of behavior caused conflicts among them, and now those inexplicable people are arguing on the construction site.

Before Ash arrives, the NYPD arrives at the construction site first.

With several ATS exoskeleton armors, George Stacey's confidence gradually became stronger. Facing those crimes with superpowers, the just police department will not tolerate them.

Two large transport vehicles, loaded with four ATS exoskeleton armor with police paint, rushed directly into the construction site.

The arrival of the police made the intruders who had already started fighting among themselves even more flustered.

A man in a red tights with two devil horns on his head said, "We have to go, this is against the rules..."

The decadent lady reeking of alcohol rolled her eyes at the man and said, "Oh~ the barrister knows it's illegal, so you still let me come?"

The big black man held the leather man who wanted to leave with one hand, looked around and said, "Don't forget our purpose is to stop the hand and get the keel. And you, Danny, are too impulsive."

The man named Danny glanced at the black man with disdain, and cursed: "Don't call me by my fucking name, there are still outsiders here now! Call me Iron Fist!"

Looking at the chaos in front of him, Steve couldn't figure out why so many changes had taken place outside after decades of sleep.

Workers on construction sites will always have a variety of weapons?Someone with copper skin and iron bones can ignore light weapons?A man who is clearly blind, quick and agile, and even dodges bullets?There are also people whose hands can shine, who can easily penetrate an excavator with a punch?

Looking at the lady in front of him who didn't care at all, reeking of alcohol, Steve couldn't imagine that he just wanted to get a ride, so why did he get into all these troubles?

The people in front of them reached an agreement amidst the noise, and quickly searched for a suitable escape route.

The woman reeking of alcohol hiccupped, looked at Steve who was unmoved, and shouted at him: "Aren't you leaving? Waiting to be caught here?"

Steve still hasn't figured out the situation yet, and said: "I showed my ID, they should report it, and I should stay here and wait for processing."

The woman's eyes widened, and she said doubtfully, "Could it be that what you showed is true?"

"What else? Should I produce a false certificate?"

Before Steve could understand what the woman said, the woman rushed over and took his ID from Steve's arms.

"Captain of the Control Bureau! Captain of the Army! Shet, who the hell are you? With the name of Steve Rogers on it, this thing should be a false certificate at first glance! Who would call Steve Rogers a serious person!"

Hearing this, Steve's expression was a little strange, but he still kept waiting.

The sound of the approaching siren and the urging of others made the woman start to panic. She casually stuffed the ID back into Steve's arms, took a deep look at Steve, and then left with the others.

When the ATS armor of the police station broke through the enclosure, there was only Steve who raised his hand and gave the French military salute.

George Stacy came to Steve after receiving the call back from the scene control.

Looking at the documents and clothes that were put out, George sneered and said, "It seems that you have prepared very comprehensively. You have not only the documents but also the matching clothes. It's just that you made a mistake! You insulted the name!"

When Steve still wanted to defend himself, as soon as he raised his head, the cannon on the right arm of the ATS armored by the guard started to warn. Steve looked at the 25mm tube, but still shut his mouth sincerely. Now This is not the time to justify.

In the interrogation room of the police station, Ash saw Steve being fixed on the seat.

Seeing Ash coming, George laughed and patted a bunch of documents into Ash's arms, and said jokingly, "Look, there are still people who dare to pretend to be the Control Bureau!"

Ash put the documents in order and said, "I didn't say he was a fake..."

George saw through your Ash's faking expression, and said, "Who is a serious person to fill in the name as Steve Rogers? You still want to quibble!"

Ash tilted his head slightly and looked at George with a smile. The smile in his eyes made George feel more uneasy.

George's Adam's apple moved involuntarily, and he said in disbelief, "Could it could it be?"

"Some time ago, we went to the North Pole and accidentally blew him up."

(End of this chapter)

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