Chapter 397
Hill clearly knew that there was only one enemy beside him, but the enemy was invisible, so he couldn't find him no matter what.

In the snow, he could temporarily judge the enemy's position through footprints and flying snowflakes, which allowed Hill to avoid several fatal attacks.

But the enemy also understood this weakness, and he pushed Hill into the building step by step. The broken shadows and environmental occlusion provided by the remaining buildings of the whaling station provided the perfect hiding environment for the Predator.

Hill didn't know how long she had been hiding, and every time she took a breath, she would be greeted with a fatal attack. She was already exhausted, and she didn't even have time to think carefully.

And in the battle with the Predator just now, Hill was completely unprepared. The powerful force of the Predator directly knocked the Goethehilt counter sword in her hand into the air.

Out of the combat habits of agents, Hill distanced himself from the enemy, looking for possible opportunities.

Grabbing a handful of snow, Hill stuffed it into the leaky gaps in the house. In Dutch's combat instructions, this kind of enemy relies on thermal imaging to capture prey, and the blocking of the house can provide her with breathing time.

But no matter how hard he gasped, the Predator would not give her time, and he was also approaching Hill step by step, ready to take her life.

Hill took out a bunch of odds and ends from his pocket. The earrings were detonators, the shaped explosives were hidden in the heels of his shoes, and the zipper pulls on his body were detonators that matched the detonators.

After assembling the pieces, Hill slowly buried himself in the snow, waiting for the Predator to walk into the trap.

Hiding himself in the snow without a cold jacket, Hill felt his whole body turned into a piece of ice. While his limbs became stiff, his consciousness began to lose consciousness.

'can not sleep!can not sleep!Soon, soon! '

Hiller recited, trying to awaken his body and will with the voice of his heart.Her gaze was firmly fixed on the distance, a battery was short-circuited by her with a wire, and the heat released was the most obvious signal in this icy world.

Just when Hill was about to fall asleep, there was a wave of fluctuations visible to the naked eye in the distant air, and the electric light spread and flickered, revealing the Predator from his invisibility.

It was only a step away from Hill's attack range, and the heat signature of the shorted battery was farther away from the Predator.

Hill meditated in his heart, staring at the Predator in the distance, hoping that he would take that fatal step.

However, the Predator did not approach at all, but took a round piece of metal from his body, shook it in his hand, and spikes appeared from the ring.

Like a frisbee-like weapon, six claw-shaped darts are arranged irregularly on the disc, and there are glove-like finger holes in the middle of the frisbee, which seems to be used for melee holding.

The Predator bent his arms and raised the frisbee over his shoulders, and under Hill's surprised eyes, he threw it directly at her.

"Damn it! I've been discovered long ago!"

Hill jumped out of the snowdrift and tried her best to control her stiff body to dodge to the side. The Frisbee rubbed against her body, taking away a series of blood beads.

Before she had time to check her injuries, Hill shifted her position again, and the moment she dodged, the frisbee that had just attacked her drew an arc in the distant sky, and struck again towards her original position.

Exclaiming that he had lost his life, Hill pressed the detonator in his hand without looking back.

The snow brought up by the explosion dyed everything around it white, and by the way, it provided Hill with an opportunity to retreat.

Under the stairs of a house, Hill checked his injuries by the light shining from the cracks in the stairs.

Just as the frisbee passed by, the claw-shaped dart carried on the frisbee cut her right arm, and her right lower abdomen was also injured.

What's even worse is that the dripping blood has followed her escape, pointing out the direction for the Predator to follow.

Hill treated the injury on his arm casually, and quickly shifted his position before he could deal with other injuries.

This game of chasing me and running away didn't last long, and the fragments just now were her last insurance.

Just as she turned the corner of a house, frozen snowflakes lay in front of Hill.

Leaning back suddenly, Hill dodged the enemy's attack. The air flow driven by the brandished cold weapon made her feel the biting cold wind like the day she was born.

As I said before, Hill was born in a snowstorm, as if that snowstorm showed her character and life.

But now, in the Antarctic snowstorm, the wind of death brought by the enemy made her think of the birth that she should have died in exchange for her mother's life.

Turning over and getting up from the ground, Hill had no intention of running away this time.

"Come on! Either you die or I live today!"

Hill tore off his clothes that had been cut by the frisbee, firmly grasped the remaining Goldhilt sword in his hand, and wrapped it around his hand with rags.

This mentality of fighting to the death caused the Predator on the opposite side to retreat from his invisibility.

Standing dozens of steps away from Hill, the Predator held the Frisbee he had just used, but this time he did not throw the weapon, but put it away.

Tie Xue stretched out his right hand and moved slightly, and two special wrist knives with serrated teeth stretched out from the equipment on his arms.Then Iron Blood placed it on his left chest, and swung it down violently.

This is an invitation to show off your weapons!
"bring it on!"

Hill held up Goethilt and launched an attack on the sword and Sangvis synchronously.

The weapons of both are not ordinary. The special weapon from the black soul and the wrist blade of the Predator can resist the corrosion of the alien acid blood.

When the metal collided, there was no spark, only the harsh sound of the impact.

Hill, who already had the will to die, only had the iron blood in his eyes.She didn't realize that her fighting movements became smoother and smoother, the blade in her hand could accurately block the sawtooth of the iron blood's wrist blade, and use the sawtooth to block the iron blood's further movements.

Hill, who could only be exhausted at the beginning, is now on par with the Predator.

Although in the movie, the three predators who participated in the trial all died, they fought under the chase of the alien army without hot weapons, and even united with a human to kill the alien queen.

For a race capable of interstellar battles, young people who participate in the trials of life and death are not weak at all.

Hill, who has been fighting so far, doesn't think about anything else, he just wants to kill the enemy in front of him.

So Hill sold an opening, handed over his left body, and the iron-blooded wrist blade pierced into the body directly along Hill's collarbone.

At this moment, Hill tensed his body, locking the wrist blade with muscles and bones, making it difficult for Iron Blood to draw the knife.Then, in Tie Xue's eyes, he directly stabbed the long sword in his hand into his body.

Both sides were injured, but neither side was willing to let go, and at the same time, neither side was willing to give up the weapons in the other's hands, so in this way, the two relied on their will to stalemate.

The effects of injuries and the environment make it difficult for both the Predator and Hill to persist for a long time.

When Hill fell, Iron Blood on the opposite side also fell at the same time.

In the field of vision where black vision had already appeared, Hill saw several flashing figures around him. They were other Predator warriors who had been watching the battle for a long time.

Before closing his eyes, Hill just wanted to curse: "Fack! Geralt!"

(End of this chapter)

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