The salary king in the comics

Chapter 4 Can Lord Ash hear my voice?

Chapter 4 Can Lord Ash hear my voice?
There was a John just now, and Ash could guess who it was. His wife was Helen, with a melancholy and handsome face, short beards, and always wearing slim-fitting suits.It should be the John Wick who sent your family together after a disagreement.

Now there is another John, Ash is a little uncertain, the person with the same name can't tell the difference.

At this time Jane spoke: "You are talking about John Wick, he lives opposite us, I am Jane Smith, this is my husband John Smith."

After Jane's introduction, Ash realized that one was John Wick and the other was Mr. and Mrs. Smith.Good guy, the killers are also joining the group?Is it easier to live together for work or find a neighbor to make a profit?
During the conversation with Jane, John was always unable to intervene. He wanted to start the topic many times, but was interrupted by Jane.The right to speak is always kept in Jane's hands.Ash also learned about their occupations, Jane worked in a consulting firm, and John was a manager of a construction company.

Finally, during the conversation between Jane and Ash, Jane even got a deal for her husband John, about the modernization of the sacrificial ground.And his husband John didn't say a word, except for the two coughs at the door at the beginning.

After talking about the business, Jian Jian took the reluctant John away.Seeing that John hesitated to speak, Ash believed that he must have a lot to say.

Ash returned to the campfire, and the fire-proof woman was holding the biscuits that Helen had just given her, and kept flipping through them.

"It's edible. Although the undead don't have a sense of taste in the world of spreading fire, we can have a sense of taste to taste some things in this world." Ash saw the fire-proof girl's hesitation, and explained road.

In the world of Dark Souls, the undead until the ashes have no sense of taste. The only thing they can feel is the thrill of drinking the elemental bottle, and Jack Baldo's onion wine.

The only 'food' that can be tasted is Ash's pastime and pursuit most of the time.

The fireproof girl put the biscuit into her mouth, took a bite carefully, and savored it carefully.

"Sure enough, Lord Ashes, is this the smell before the world shattered?"

Ash knew what the Fireproof Woman meant. The world was not destroyed, but it was still dying. No one knew what would be ushered in after the fire was put out. No one knew whether it was the prophesied deep sea age or the coming of the faded ones.

But now there is a new way to gather the power of the entire Black Soul world, coupled with Ash's more than ten years of layout, the era of finally extinguishing the fire will not come.

"It's just the smell of roasted common wheat. Don't worry, I'm here for everything."

"Master Ashes, you collected all the powers of the Salary Kings from you, but did not turn them into firewood in the initial furnace, but instead told us that there is new hope, which is exactly what the Salary Kings who have been reluctant to spread the fire expect. It is also the hope of every undead who embarks on the road of spreading fire."

Turning the salary king into firewood to keep the initial furnace burning is a rule established since the era of the sun king Ge Wen. The salary kings who used to perform the duty of passing fire also carried the spirit of the sun king and continued to dedicate themselves.

However, this kind of continuous burning in the physical sense made batch after batch of salary kings unable to bear it, and deviated from their duties one after another, fleeing and hiding.

At this time, the ashes man listened to the ringing of the fire-passing bell, climbed out of the unowned cemetery, took his own equipment, and embarked on the journey of "persuading" the king of salary.

But this is all just lingering, to provide a little help for the continuation of the world. Civil strife broke out in Lothric, which is really clear.Frank's undead team has long lost their minds due to the erosion of the abyss, but they are still stationed at the entrance of the Kasas cemetery.

Even though the giant king Youmu had great ideals during his lifetime, he also lost to the mission of being burned again and again.As for Eldridge, who has already turned into an abyss, Ash doubts whether he still has a brain. All he needs is a silence ban, and he becomes a ooze that only needs to be chopped continuously without any effect.

Only Ludos, before he had time to escape, was broken by a fireproof woman who did not want to be named, dragged to the Fire Passing Sacrificial Ground, and placed on the Throne of Desire.

Everyone has long been aware of the scam of Chuanhuo, and has long been tired of the responsibility of Chuanhuo.It's just that if you don't spread the fire, the world will be shattered. Only by persisting in spreading the fire can the era of shattering come later.

"Don't worry, my fireproof girl, the age of the deep sea will not come, and the era of spreading fire will also end." Ash comforted the fireproof girl.

"After knowing that I got the Salary King together, didn't I directly start spreading fire, but went to Ring Seal City?"

The Fireproof Woman seriously recalled it for a while before she slowly said: "I remember that Lord Ashes gained power beyond the salary kings at that time. He went to explore the Ring Seal City but was constantly sent back to the campfire of the sacrificial ground. Finally, Lord Ashes called Mr. O'Beck , the witch Karula, the blacksmith Andre, the sisters Yulia and Friede, and even the annoying Patch."

"Yeah, I was repeatedly killed back to the sacrificial ground by a person, and at that time I gained the power from this world."

Ash slowly explained to the Fireproof Girl the past that he had never told.

When Ash finished exploring the world in the painting, he took the young lady to look for her grandpa Gail. Unexpectedly, just after solving the black dragon Meepo Midil, time was shattered. At first Ash thought it was Gail who opened it. Yes, I didn't expect to meet a person I never thought of in Felianoer's bedroom.

A woman with a bald head and a monk's robe.

"At that time, I met the guardian of this world, Ancient One. She lifted the time seal attached to Felianoer. After that, Gail rushed up and gave it for nothing."

Speaking of this, Ash sighed. Although it was easy to say, Gail in Ring City had absorbed all the power of the salary king at that time, and Ash had no good results against Gail.Then after Gail entangled with Gu Yi for a while, he was sealed by Gu Yi.

"Afterwards, I sent the young lady back to the sacrificial ground, and started a confrontation with Gu Yi."

Ash didn't describe the battle between Ash and Ancient One in detail, but the Fireproof Girl guarding the Fire Passing Sacrificial Ground knew very well that every once in a while, Lord Ashes of hers would use different postures and shouts to be killed by The campfire teleports back.

After repeating it countless times, Ash went to the big library and called back Obeck and Karula, kicked Paqi, pasted the painting world behind the blacksmith's desk, quarreled sister Yulia, and then discussed something together.

During the period of discussion between Ash and O'Beck and others, they created some very magical weapons in the eyes of the fire prevention girl.For example, the moonlight sword that can be released in two stages, and the enchanted gauntlet that can be worn under the armor.

What surprised the Fireproof Girl the most was the process created by Ashes to solidify the radiant of the deadly mercury spell to form the so-called mercury bullet.

"In trying again and again, she and I found that no one can do anything to anyone, and I know her well, and with my friendly persuasion, she followed my suggestion and handed over the final decision on the six gemstones to Me, and I just need to agree to her little request."

As he spoke, Ash squeezed with his index finger and thumb, expressing the meaning of billions of dots between the fingers.

"All we need is for us to establish the fire-spreading sacrificial field, and then completely anchor this place today, and promise Gu Yi to send back and destroy the things that appeared in other dimensions around the sacrificial field. And don't show too strong before the time of the big event enough power.”

"Look, it's very simple, right?" Ash said with a smile to the Fireproof Girl.

"Master Ashes."

"Well, I'm here."

"can you hear my voice?"

Ash held the Fireproof Woman's hands against his chest.

"I hear it all the time, my fire-proof woman. May the flame guide us."

(End of this chapter)

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