The salary king in the comics

Chapter 405 Clint's Death Notice

Chapter 405 Clint's Death Notice
The appearance of the Greedy One added another burden to the whole operation, to fight the alien army.

Ships carrying all kinds of supplies have filled the port of Hawaii, and the whole of Hawaii has become a powder depot. In the final strategy of the World Security Council, detonating the active volcano in Hawaii is the last resort.

But all of this must be based on fulfilling the requirements of the greedy people. After all, before blowing up the active volcano in Hawaii, it is better to complete the agreement with less debt.

Steve Rogers, who hasn't appeared for a long time, is leading the S.H.I.E.L.D. team and preparing for the battle.

Just in case, several different teams will sneak into Muto's lair at the same time and obtain Muto's eggs.

Rose's ghost team itself has a relatively close relationship with the Control Bureau, plus the previous spoils cooperation.At this moment, they are jointly dispatched by Ash to participate in the operation.

As for why Ross didn't personally come to direct the operation?As soon as the meeting was over, Ross ran off to take care of his dragon and didn't have time.

Shepherd, the captain of the ghost team, looked at Steve, who was cheering up the players in the distance, and turned to Frank, who was beside him, and said, "You dug it up, has he always been like this? Full of personal hero ideas? This is the army. He is not one of those…”

Those few naturally refer to Ash and the others, and now there is also General Ross. After all, they have surpassed the limit of human beings, and they can kill multiple armies by themselves. Naturally, their strength is beyond doubt.

But Phantom and others also saw Steve's ability. Although he has undergone some enhancements, he still can't beat the ATS armor. Even Frank can kill this World War II veteran without wearing any exoskeleton support.

The army is a place that pays attention to cooperation. They are not opposed to heroes, and even hope to have heroes to lead them, but they cannot be people who are not much different from themselves, or weak.

Yes, in the eyes of the current elite team, Steve, the former publicity figure, may not necessarily be much better than himself.The Control Bureau has a bunch of people who can beat him to death with bare hands, and the Ghost Squad is Ross's high-tech fighters who have gathered all the laboratory technology. Four of them can destroy the normal order of a country.

Frank sharpened his dagger with a small whetstone. Although he knew that the whetstone had no effect on the strange weapon Ash gave him, this habit allowed him to relax very well.

"Give the old man some face, after all, he is the face of S.H.I.E.L.D...."

After saying something lightly, Frank couldn't stand it anymore, turned around and left.For the elite, there is no need for pre-war mobilization, or they have already completed this process in the mission briefing.

But watching Steve's subordinates respond without the slightest momentum, the soldiers present couldn't help shaking their heads inwardly.

After all, S.H.I.E.L.D. is a secret service organization, and their actions are incompatible with Steve, and the cohesion of the army cannot be stimulated by one or two mobilizations.

But who made them S.H.I.E.L.D....

Suddenly, the callers of each action team started working, and the whole base suddenly fell into a busy state.

Admiral Terrence said to the arriving team commanders: "The submarine has sent back a briefing, Muto 10 has landed, and the estimated rendezvous time is [-] minutes. It's time to go!"


A roar is the most effective response.Fighting morale is irresistible.

Next to the helicopter and the fixed-wing transport aircraft, the special features of each team are vividly displayed.

The high-tech invisibility cloak of the Ghost team, the power armor and exoskeleton of the Control Bureau, the mighty action team of the S.H.I.E.L.D. and the uniquely dressed captain.

S.H.I.E.L.D. still made a fancy outfit for Steve, putting the Stars and Stripes directly on his body.

In the past, maybe Steve would still have the same influence as the Civil War. After all, the army respects the strong, but now Steve is not considered a strong one.

The planes with the action team have all set off, and as soon as Muto starts spawning, they will parachute from high altitude, get the items, retreat by land, and be picked up by the submarine at the seaside.

Clint also looked at the action teams with blood spurting, and asked Geralt, who was lying beside him basking in the sun, "What are we going to do?"

"Rest, then fight..."

Geralt's reply was full of idleness, and Dach next to him, like Geralt, was just doing things to kill time on his own.

Clint simply imitated Geralt and lay down on the grass with a grass root in his mouth, looking at the sky.

Suddenly a gigantic bow hit Clint's side, just looking at that head was a weapon that surpassed the limit of human use.

The deformed weapon, the asymmetric design of the upper and lower parts makes it more difficult for the bow to aim at the target, and the short bow arm on one side has a special design, like it can fix the bow on the ground?

Looking at the new weapon, Clint as an archer couldn't help trying it out, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't pull the bowstring.

After trying to no avail, Clint gave up and said, "Okay, I know what you mean, I don't have the ability..."

Hearing Clint's complaints, Geralt looked at Dach, who was on the side, and saw Dach put his bow on the ground, the muscles in his body stretched out, and the bowstring was receding with his exertion.

Geralt said, "Now you are not going to say that you are not as strong as Dutch, are you? How long have you been in Farland?"

Looking at his hands, Clint was a little puzzled: "But... this..."

Geralt asked, "Clint, when was the last time you gave it your all?"

Recalling his past, Clint began to recall slowly, the last time he tried his best.Is it in Antarctica?Without Dutch by his side at that time, his battle was tortuous but easy.

Was that a battle with the Marquess of Hell?He single-handedly gave the lower Marquis a thunderbolt.No, with Geralt by his side, he wasn't afraid at all.

Vampire battle?Or was it the time of great changes in Farland?
After thinking about it, Clint found that since he joined the hunter, his desire for power had become weak.It even means muddling along.

"The last time you tried your best to shoot the Dao. At that time, you had light in your eyes, and I let you join the hunter because you were dying. But now you, after such a long time of training, you are getting more and more slack .”

Geralt was lying down, looking at the sky with his eyes closed, and said: "You don't have the last chance, this time either you can draw this big bow, or quit the hunter. Or you can choose to die in this battle , I can give your family a generous compensation..."

Geralt didn't look at him again, Clint had lost his last chance.Originally in the Antarctic, Geralt thought that under the double pressure of the alien and the Sangvis, Clint could explode his strength.

Geralt stretched out his hand to caress the big bow, and said, "This is a weapon used to hunt dragons in the age of the gods. As far as bows are concerned, they are huge beyond common sense, so they are also extremely powerful.

Therefore, its use must attach one's own will, and use the power of will to use the piercing shot.Attach your will to the weapon, and your weapon can penetrate everything..."

Although after Geralt's many teachings, Clint tried many times, but still failed.

"Clint, you should die in this battle, it's too shameful..."

(End of this chapter)

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