Chapter 425 Luo Ji!

The war in Wakanda should not be called a war.

This is a one-sided battle, a blow to the deformed industrial system in the modern all-out war.

In the face of fighter jets, armed helicopters and tanks that appeared in the established system, the industrial system established by Wakanda relying on Zhenjin suffered the most brutal treatment.

In an instant, the attack aircraft destroyed all suspicious targets that had been marked in satellite observations.

At this time, Wakanda was still relying on tradition to challenge the tribe to the king.

In one bombing, all their leadership and command personnel were destroyed.

And the Wakanda fighter that took off urgently later, although it has a vibrating gold shell, is not afraid of any attack, and can fight more than one enemy.

However, the ground command was paralyzed, making these Wakanda fighters headless, and they could only passively meet one attack after another.

Some pilots even started a gamble against these fighters: how many missiles can make it damaged or forced to land.

Things are a bit anticlimactic in Wakanda, but it's inevitable when you think about it.

In any case, Wakanda's opponent is one of the five undisputed beings on the planet.Gaul will not allow a second voice in its own back garden.

In the post-war cleanup, the corpses of the Skrulls dug up from the ruins also testified to the impurity of Wakanda.

But leave that to the World Security Council.After all, the earth belongs to humans.

Next, let us turn our attention to the distant Asgard.

Since Frigga lost a son, Thor, and a daughter, Tolia, Asgard has not changed much.


Sif took good care of Tolia. After all these days passed, no matter how hard she noticed the difference in Tolia.

However, this is what Sif wants.

As the goddess of land and harvest arranged in mythology, Asgardian female warrior, Thor's wife.Sif has already taken the place of Thor's wife.

Sif hypnotizes herself like this every day: "Isn't it right for a wife to take care of a husband who is mentally retarded and physically uncoordinated?" '

"Thor... Leah! That's not a toy, put on your clothes!"

Sif held the food and yelled at Toria, stopping Thor from standing shirtless and shirtless in front of the dining table, with one foot on the stool while tasting the dishes, and it was difficult to put down the wine glass in his hand.

Toria's movements froze, she sat back obediently, and carefully dressed according to the dressing method she learned these days.

Toria kneaded her shoulders from time to time, and the shoulder straps dragged the weight on her chest, which always made her shoulders uncomfortable.

During the meal, Toria suddenly said: "I'm going to see Loki. Help me tell my mother..."

Sif's movements gradually slowed down, she lowered her head, wondering what she was thinking.

No matter how dull he was, after so many days of contact, Thor could sense the hope and love in Sif's eyes.That has gone beyond the limits of friendship.

Thor doesn't think this is a bad thing. To put it bluntly, Sif has been recognized by Odin and Frigga as Thor's wife from a legal point of view.To put it mildly, the life of these days has already made the straight steel man see himself in Sif's eyes.

Thor wiped his mouth and said: "I have to ask Loki if there is any way to solve my problem, he will always have a way for this kind of prank..."

There are only so many people in Immortal Palace, one less or one more is a big deal.

Toria, who suddenly appeared, has the same personality as Thor, and anyone can see the problem.

However, the difference in gender changed the attitude of the originally bold comrades-in-arms.

Thor originally attended the party regularly with Fandral, Hogan and others, but it turned out to be Toria?

Inserting a woman into a passionate meeting of a group of men will always change the original atmosphere.

Although he knew that the core of the woman in front of him was still his brother who talked about everything, but Tolia was really pleasing to watch at the party.

On the earth, what should I do if I wake up and find that I have become a woman?
In order to prevent himself from having a super-friendship relationship, Thor decided to solve his problems and avoid causing greater losses to himself.

At this moment, Toria put on a robe, picked up her hammer and stood at the door, looking at Sif who was sitting motionless on the dining table.

"Sif, when I come back, I will go to Heimdall to make it clear..."

Heimdall is Sif's elder brother, and their parents don't exist, so when Thor goes to Heimdall because of Sif, it's only because of his relationship with Sif.

Sif inside the door smiled and shed tears, and Toria outside the door sneaked into the prison of Asgard.

Seeing Thor's sneaky look, the guard took a deep breath and turned his head, giving way to the passage behind the door.

"Loki! Loki! Wake up!"

Loki, who was sleeping soundly, seemed to hear the voice of his idiot brother, but the voice was mellow and pleasant.

'Why do I find Thor's voice beautiful?This must be a dream! '

Loki turned over, changed his position and fell asleep again.

However, the banging cell made him turn over and sit up, looking at the woman who was [-]% similar to Thor on the opposite side of the transparent cell.

Frigga had already told Loki about the changes in Thor, but Loki still pretended not to know anything.

"Guards! Guards! Where are the guards!"

Loki tried to call others to come over, so that Thor's appearance at the moment was exposed, which gave him an inexplicable pleasure.

However, Thor summoned Mjolnir just as he used to deal with Loki before.

The huge hammer pointed at Loki in the cell, making his voice smaller and smaller.

When it became quiet, Thor pointed to his change, and asked, "Loki, how do you get rid of your prank?"

"This is not my prank!"

Thor showed the ring on his hand that ordinary people couldn't see, and said, "But this is something your friend gave you!"

"I don't have such a friend!"

Speaking of the greedy man, Loki is very reluctant to admit that he is his friend, but for Loki, this devil can understand his heart instead.

This kind of entanglement made Loki suddenly think of what the greedy man said before, the power that suits him best.

Loki's eyes narrowed instantly, and he said, "Okay, I have a solution. But you have to find clues about the Reality Gem for me."

Originally, Loki thought that he would use this matter to hold Thor back, and even tell him not to bother him, but he didn't expect Thor to blurt it out.

"The Reality Gem? Ether particles? What are you looking for?"

Loki asked in surprise, "You know?"

"Thousands of years ago, when the celestial bodies gathered and the nine kingdoms joined together, the dark elf Malekith tried to use ether particles to bring the universe into darkness, but was defeated by his father, Boer, and the ether particles were sealed up..."

Thor introduced things about dark elves and ether particles, which made Loki look suspiciously at the transformed Thor in front of him. Could it be possible that transformation will make a fool smarter?
However, Thor just did a little homework in advance after receiving Ash's 'prophecy' about the dark elves.

Loki waved his hand and said, "Now that you know, go and find the Reality Gem, it can create illusions and break the illusory cover on your body..."

Hearing Loki's words, Thor hesitated, and said, "I can't leave Asgard, at least for a while..."

Thor's heaviness made Loki realize something was wrong, and asked, "What happened?"

"I got a prophecy back then, the prophecy about my mother was precisely because of the dark elves..."

Thor told Loki the content of the prophecy told by Ash.Let Loki sentence these dark elves to death in his heart.

Loki punched the cell door and asked, "Then why don't you kill him!"

Thor shook his head and said: "I tried, but the place where the dark elves are located has been turned into darkness, I can't tell the direction at all, maybe only ether particles can get them out of their lair..."

Hearing Thor's words, Loki's heart was only cold and cruel.For Loki, Frigga has surpassed everything. Frigga warmed Loki's cold heart with her mother's love.Facing this enemy who would hurt Frigga, Loki didn't mind letting them taste his cruelty.

"Open the prison door!"

"But father..."

"I say! Open the cell door!"

Loki's unquestionable voice made Thor aware of his younger brother's anger for the first time.

Loki who walked out of the prison door did not escape, he just stood in front of Thor and grabbed Thor's hand.

The power belonging to the metamorphosis ring circulated on the two of them, Toria gradually turned into the original Thor, and Loki gradually turned into Loki.

"I'll go find the gems, and you will protect the mother! Then find those guys and kill them all!"

(End of this chapter)

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