Chapter 58
Block Island is only 20 kilometers away from the easternmost point of Long Island, and it takes only ten minutes to arrive in front of Stark's yacht.

The ship was parked in a shallow sea area away from the beach. The alloy team led by Sandman disembarked first, approached slowly from the shallow sea, and finally took cover around the beach and set up a defensive position.

Ash led Cassel and Stark in the cab, observing the situation outside through the glass.

"Ash, what are we waiting for here? Didn't we sneak in with them?" Stark was a little puzzled.

"No, wait a moment, someone will come to pick us up."

Only then did Ash take out the onion wine that Stark had been thinking about, and handed it to Stark to calm his nervous heart.

At this time, Cassel has completely calmed down, and his current calmness makes Ash even find it incredible.

"Our ship is in shallow water, no one will find it. What's more, with such a long coastline, it's impossible for their defense focus to be here?"

Stark analyzed the reasons rationally, and raised objections to Ash's action plan.

In Stark's view, it is necessary to maintain the threat to the outside world and maintain the appeasement of the hostages, but also to deploy defenses on the entire island. The focus of this team's defense must be on the buildings on the island. Only in this way can we carry out street fighting with the enemy. , causing greater casualties to the enemy.

"Tony, you are analyzing it from a rational point of view, which is no problem, but once the war starts, no one will be rational, let alone facing a military chief of the Marine Corps now.

General Hammer will deploy to any direction, as long as we land, he will receive the information. "

As he said that, Ash pointed to a few shells on the beach in the distance, and the shells stayed on the edge of the beach where the waves hit.

"Like, there must be something wrong in those shells."

Not believing what Ash said, Stark found a small underwater working robot on the boat, and remotely picked up the shells Ash pointed to.

Controlling the robot to return to the yacht, Stark went to the stern to get the shells picked up by the robot.

Not long after, Stark came back with a look of disbelief, with a conch the size of half a palm in his hand.

Smashing the conch still on the floor of the cab revealed a black contraption from the fragments of the conch.

Stark knelt down, flipped through the device, and said incredulously, "It's actually a vibration sensor. It's installed on the beach. Under the impact and interference of the waves, can he detect the vibration caused by people's actions?"

"He doesn't need to find out, as long as he feels something is wrong, he will send someone to check. The heart is the best omen."

At this point, Ash paused, and then said: "I have a friend who can shoot a small can at a distance of 1760 yards.

I asked him how he could be so precise, and he told me to follow his inner feelings so that he could hit every shot.The gun he used was not an expensive guy from Stark Industries. "

Facing Ash's ridicule, Stark nodded nonchalantly and said: "Except for the slightly higher price, Stark's equipment is all good. After all, it is impossible for us to compete with second-rate arms dealers." Cheap small arms market.

But I can sponsor your friend, as long as his new shooting record is marked with a Stark weapon. "

"I can also develop new targeting systems and shrink the missile system into the bullet. This will allow everyone to become a precision shooter."

Speaking of this, Stark seemed to have some inspiration, and whispered his thoughts to the watch on his wrist.

Leaving Stark and Cassel in the cab, Ash walked to the deck outside the cab, put his hand to his mouth, whistled an extremely loud whistle, and then waved his hands towards the woods on the beach.

Ash shouted towards the woods: "Come out, I'm here to find Fran Hammer, I'm here to negotiate."

As soon as the words fell, a bullet flew close to the ship, hit the sea, and splashed a splash.

Stark and Cassel quickly squatted down and hid under the window sill of the cab to avoid accidental injury.

"Don't worry, come out, this is just a test, didn't you see that Sandman's team didn't respond at all!"

Stark, who was dubious, still listened to Ash's words, stood up, and saw through the glass that a soldier wearing all-terrain camouflage and camouflage paint on his face came out of the woods.

The soldier stood still less than 20 meters away from the woods. This position allowed him to expose his position and contact Ash and others, and he could quickly return to the woods and continue to hide.

After Ash noticed that someone had come out, he said to the two on board: "Let's go, the negotiation has begun."

Disembarking from the boat, wading all the way, Ash dragged Stark and Cassel to the beach.

Leaving aside the two who were still pouring water out of their shoes, Ash walked directly in front of the soldiers.

"Come on, take me to see General Hammer."

After saying this, Ash didn't see the actions of the person in front of him, but felt that he was covering up.

After carefully observing the person in front of him, through the oil paint on his face, Ash realized that this was someone he knew.

Major Anderson, one of the former Rebel commanders, was ordered to investigate the IMC's Pilot until he got himself stuck in the wall...

Come on, Anderson, who used to serve in the Phoenix Firebase, was operated by Ash two years ago, pulling him back from death.

And this time, Anderson, as Fran Hammer's adjutant, also participated in all aspects of the threatening operation.

Caught between the savior and the loyal superior, Anderson's soul began to be confused.

Patting Anderson on the shoulder, Ash said, "Let's go, this time I bring good news."

After walking a few steps ahead, Ash realized that Anderson hadn't followed, and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Sir, I am the Marine Corps. You brought Delta. They are the Army. Their concealment on the beach is not up to standard." Anderson pointed out Ash's little move with some embarrassment.

Taking out the communicator, Ash yelled into it: "Did you hear that? Your concealment work failed, and your infiltration plan failed. Come out, let's go directly to see the big boss."

It didn't take long for Sandman and the team members to gather in front of Ash, and was directly pointed out the hiding place. Now, like Anderson, Sandman poked his head and stood in front of Ash.

The situation was reversed, and now Ash became the most experienced person on the scene.

Ordering Sandman to lead someone to bring Stark over who was still pouring water out of his pocket, Ash gathered everyone at the scene.

Standing in front of everyone, Ash turned around gracefully, and was the first to walk towards the depths of the jungle.

"Sir, I went wrong, the direction is here."
Strong push today! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
I am very grateful to my judges, thank you.

It is your support that brought me to this step. I, as a novice, can get to this step. It is true that the judges gave me face.I'm so grateful, I don't know what to say.Thank you for your kindness here.thanks.

(End of this chapter)

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