The salary king in the comics

Chapter 70 The Siege Assault Beast Falls Again

Chapter 70 The Siege Assault Beast Falls Again

Holding his left arm, the Siege Assault Beast waved it, and his left arm became more slender and stronger at this moment.

The armor gauntlet originally on the left hand became the hammer head of the flail, and the entire left arm now formed a set of flail weapons.

After tearing off the left arm, the siege assault beast's wound quickly closed and regenerated, and slowly grew a relatively immature arm. According to the growth speed, it would not take long before it would re-form a strong left arm.

However, just as the siege assault beast started to roar, Ash and Constantine had already left far away.

The six Super Hornets, who had already been impatient, waited for the friendly troops to leave, and they couldn't wait to start their ground-licking attack.

Dozens of missiles trailing white air waves appeared in the sky, pointing directly at the siege assault beast.

Within seconds, the missiles had all landed on the Siege Beast and exploded.The smoke from the shock wave even formed a smaller mushroom cloud, appearing on the siege assault beast.

The sound wave from the violent explosion was heard by Devlin who was tens of kilometers away.Holding up the binoculars and looking at the mushroom cloud that formed, Devlin crunched the phone in his hand.

However, under such an attack, the Siege Assault Beast only lost his left shoulder arm, and the immature shoulder that had just formed could not resist the explosion.

Supporting its body with a flail, the siege assault beast sat in the center of the battlefield, waiting for the man in black to be rescued by Patrick.

Padraic let out a scream, and controlled more orcs to appear on the battlefield. These orcs did not rush towards the position of Ghost and the others.

Instead, it climbed onto the body of the siege assault beast, and rushed into his mouth.

The Siege Assault Beast kept chewing the food that reached its mouth, and the flail in its right hand kept grabbing the orcs who couldn't crawl into its mouth in time, and sent them into its big mouth that couldn't be filled.

The AC130 in the air was the first to discover this situation. Under his communication, all the air firepower changed their targets and bombarded the steady stream of orcs on the ground.

All kinds of missiles and shells exploded among the orcs, continuously reducing the number of orcs crawling towards the siege assault beasts, trying to slow down the recovery speed of the siege assault beasts.

However, under the continuous firepower coverage, the air units still could not last long, and the air formations whose firepower began to be insufficient had to return to the airport in New Jersey to replenish ammunition.

With the departure of the planes, the Siege Assault Beast began his feast.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Ash is still hesitating whether to expose some of his strength and get rid of this guy.

At this time, the ghost holding the communicator came over and handed the communicator to Ash.

"Are you Ash? I'm Admiral Terrence Shane. At this moment, a Zumwalt-class destroyer is 20 nautical miles away. It can provide you with fire support during the empty window."

The entry of the navy at this moment provides a new solution, so that Ash does not need to expose the strength that worries the rest.

And I heard Terrence Shane continue to say: "The destroyer is equipped with a prototype of an electromagnetic launcher, which can fire shells at seven times the speed of sound, and should be able to solve this big trouble for you."

As soon as the voice fell, Ross squeezed into the channel and said, "Ash, a new batch of fighter jets is coming soon. Do you have a way to deal with the man in black?"

Ash thought for a while and said: "I suspect that he is some kind of lackey of a big man. He has a very magical blessing on him. Now there is a magician at the scene. I will call him to ask."

After speaking, Ash took the communicator and found Konstantin, who was leaning against the side of the tank and lit a cigarette with the soldier next to him firing continuously at the red barrel.

If it wasn't for the fact that the soldiers were more restrained and knew that this was the help of friendly troops, Bao Qi would come to this guy's back at some point.

"What's your name?"

Ash deliberately pretended that he had never seen him before and asked Constantine's name. The way he asked himself at this moment still appeared when he first confirmed the plan more than ten years ago.

After spreading the fire many times, Ash has innumerable identities. Taking out one or two reasonable ones and arranging them in the set world in advance can be regarded as some kind of help.

Of course, those faces of ancient gods created by a moment of brain damage have long been secretly disposed of by Ash.

Constantine held the soldier's gun, put the muzzle of the gun on the cigarette near his mouth, lit the cigarette, took two puffs and said, "Konstantin."

Constantine, who was smoking a cigarette, seemed to have just seen Ash, and said with some disgust: "I don't do business with ordinary clergy, but this time I will do it with extra money."

Before Ash could speak, Rose in the intercom said impatiently: "Whatever you want, I will agree to it. The Pentagon will pay you everything. Now tell me everything you know."

"What a generous guest!"

Constantine laughed, stubbed out the cigarette and said, "That guy is not afraid of flame attacks. Before me, the clergyman seemed to be trying to hurt him."

Pointing to Ash, pointing out the role of Ash, Constantine continued: "Presumably the priests have discovered that this guy has a very strange protection.

He may have sold chrysanthemums to some evil god in exchange for such protection, and any attack he noticed could not harm him.

There are also other possibilities. Where did he store his life, or what spare tire was linked to him to bear the damage. "

Rose got impatient when he heard so many possibilities, and said, "Then you can't be sure what it is?"

"Old guy, I'm just a mage, not a prophet, how could I know so clearly."

The rude Constantine instead teased Ross, causing Ross on the other side of the intercom to blow his beard and stare, yelling for Ash to kill this guy.

Hastily taking the communicator away, Ash said to Rose: "General, I will test his protection and see what's going on."

"By the way, take that mage with you, and let that mage take his life if necessary."

Rose was still angry and asked Ash to drag Constantine along.Although it was said to be life-threatening, Ash understood that it would be good to have one more help on the battlefield at this moment.

Especially in the face of the immortal man in black, Ross couldn't help but worry about Ash, and having Constantine with him was somewhat helpful.

The destroyer has arrived at the designated location, and the ghost is currently on the tank, using the tank's fire control radar to connect to the communication network to guide the battleship's electromagnetic launcher.

From the sea farther away, a slender silver line flew over, dividing the sky into two halves.

Under the guidance of the silver thread, it precisely pierced the siege assault beast that was still eating Hesai at the moment, broke through its bone armor, and blasted into his body.

The Siege Assault Beast finally let go of the hand stuffing food into its mouth, as if it had eaten too much, and hammered its chest hard, trying to spit out the contents of its body.

However, another silver thread entered his body along the same route.

The siege assault beasts that were attacked one after another exploded, and Ash could clearly see the remaining resentment on the faces of the siege assault beasts that exploded from their bodies.

Losing a threat on the battlefield, Ash raised the Lothric knight sword, and Constantine next to him also took out a flame and squeezed it in his left hand.
A sad news, my laptop failed to hold up.The Eldon Ring requires a minimum 1060 graphics card and an eighth-generation i5.And my computer in 5 is the seventh generation i1050 and [-]ti.

I thought it would be the same as it used to be, a little harder, but it would keep me playing.

But how can there be such a good thing, as soon as the game is turned on, the notebook fan starts to roar, followed by a series of warning sounds.Shut down the computer quickly, and after restarting, it will be a white screen.

The computer that accompanied me for five years just fell down.Hey~
Fortunately, I coded the words in advance, so I don't have to worry about today's update. I took the computer to be repaired.See what the repairman has to say tomorrow.

Thank you for your votes and favorites.Ask for votes, make me feel better/(ㄒoㄒ)/~~
(End of this chapter)

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