The salary king in the comics

Chapter 77 The Siege Assault Beast Falls Again

Chapter 77 The Siege Assault Beast Falls Again

However, the giant beast carried the angel's beam of light hard, raised its right hand to block it above its head, and locked the winged knight with the gap between its fingers.

After confirming the position of the Winged Knight, the Bone Giant Beast lowered its right hand, stretched it towards its chest, removed its own ribs, and threw it at the Winged Knight.

The huge white ribs whirled to attack the Winged Knight who had been attacking in the sky.

In order to avoid the attack, the Winged Knight had to stop the attack of the angel beam of light, and flew to the side to avoid the incoming rib dart.

Just as the Winged Knight flew away to the side, preparing to continue to suppress the giant beast with the angel beam of light.

The rib that flew to the back of the Winged Knight spun around and flew towards the back of the Winged Knight.

The ribs, which were about the same length as the Winged Knight's height, hit the knight who was facing the giant beast from behind, smashing him hard on the ice sheet.

The bent ribs stuck the Winged Knight on the ice sheet, and the Winged Knight couldn't break free for a while.

And more tiny branches protruded from the bone, and began to extend and grow in a staggered manner, and soon formed a huge net structure, buckling the winged knight inside.

The Winged Knight, who had made a lot of achievements, was locked into a cage by the enemy at this moment.

Without the restraint of the Winged Knight, the Bone Giant Beast walked towards the beach step by step.

Taking out the knight sword, Ash rushed towards the giant beast.

Even if you have to use nuclear weapons, you have to wait for other people on the beach to evacuate before using them. Now, the primary goal is to hold this big guy.

The siege assault beast, which was originally more than ten meters tall, now lacks the covering of the body, and its height has decreased slightly, but it is still a huge monster.

Following Ash, Constantine then rushed out.

Cooperating with the attack of Ash and others, Ghost commanded the remaining soldiers who had not yet evacuated to start covering fire.

Gunslinger Roland moved even faster, and he was the first to attack with the piercing rifle.

The bullet shot forward along Ash's body, hit the orc blocking in front of Ash, pierced it with undiminished power, hit the two unlucky guys behind it, and finally hit the fourth The orc exploded inside.

The power of the mercury bullet and the strong recoil of the piercing rifle shocked Roland greatly. Rubbing his shoulder, Roland felt a little overwhelmed.

Abandoning the attack on those weak orcs, Gunslinger Roland turned his target to the long-range molting monsters that seemed to be more threatening and could project bone spears.

Ash was the first to reach the beast, ahead of him was Constantine's Fireball.

The fireball exploded accurately on the giant beast's face, causing no damage to the giant beast except for a burst of flames.

But it happened that it was this flame that blocked the giant beast's sight. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ash jumped up and thrust the sword into the giant beast's heel forcefully.

Along the gap in the giant beast's armor, Ash found the right position, followed the gap of the bone armor forcefully, and began to cut with the Lothric knight sword.

The giant beast that relies on tendons to link its body is like Achilles in ancient Greek mythology, and Ash cut off his Achilles tendons at this moment.

This Achilles tendon connects the muscles at the back of the calf to the calcaneus, and is an indispensable tissue for human walking, running, climbing and other sports.

The same giant beast that walks upright inevitably has this key organizational structure.

Following Ash's cut, the Bone Behemoth inevitably began to fall to one side.

Ash, trying to replicate the same result, pulled out the knight sword and found the other leg of the giant beast.

But when he got closer, he realized that after performing the same operation, the giant beast had already covered the gaps in its bone armor like covering a knight with wings.

Ash, who failed to achieve his goal, turned sideways to avoid the arm that fell from the giant bone beast.

Dodging the giant beast's attack, Ash didn't stop at all, stepping on the arm that the giant beast smashed down, he sprinted all the way up.

In the blink of an eye, Ash rushed to the shoulder of the giant beast.

Aiming at the left eye of the giant white bone beast, Ash thrust out the sword in his hand.

Although it is the standard weapon of Lothric, it is still an excellent high-quality weapon for the undead. The knight sword smoothly went along the eye socket of the giant beast and pierced into its eyeball.

Facing Ash's attack, although the giant beast was prepared, it was not as fast as Ash.

Hit by Ash's blow, the giant beast tightly closed its eyes, and its skin full of toughness was clamped instantly, blocking Ash's knight sword.

Trying to pull out the clamped knight's sword, trying to pull it out without shaking at all, the giant beast's right hand patted Ash again.

In order to avoid this attack, Ash had to give up the knight sword stuck in the left eye socket of the giant bone beast, and jumped under the giant beast.

After being attacked twice, the giant beast fell into a state of crazy Xia Ji bullying.

His right leg was cut off from the Achilles tendon, and his left eye was stabbed blind by the knight's sword. At this moment, the giant beast swung wildly with both hands, violently attacking everything around it.

Seeing what Ash had achieved, the gunslinger tried to attack the giant beast's other eye. However, even if the piercing rifle hit the giant beast's right eye at this moment, it didn't do any damage.

Constantine's fireball has never stopped, and has been bombarding all the body that the bone giant can cover.

The flames covered the entire body of the giant beast, covering and burning the giant beast's body.

At this moment, the bone armor of the giant beast also glowed slightly red, shining the same color as flames.

This time, Constantine, who didn't have a cigarette in his mouth, walked forward while throwing fireball bombs.

The giant beast was in a sea of ​​flames, but it calmed down under the flames without any damage.

He stopped his frantically sweeping hands and looked at the two people in front of him with his only right eye.

Finally, Constantine stopped the fireballs he was constantly throwing, took out his cigarette case, and lit one for himself.

Taking a puff and exhaling a round smoke ring, Constantine said proudly, "You know? Even a magician needs to learn the basics."

The behemoth was a little puzzled by what Constantine said, and even tilted his head in cooperation, as if saying, 'What does it matter? '

"What happens to an object that is heated to a high temperature and then suddenly cooled?"

After finishing speaking, Constantine gestured a downward middle finger towards the giant beast.

And Ash, who was next to him, instantly condensed a thunder gun and shot towards the ice cap under the giant beast's feet.

Bearing the huge weight of the giant beast, and being continuously burned by Constantine's fireballs, the ice sheet under the giant beast's feet has already become precarious at this moment.

And Ash's Thundergun was the last straw that broke the camel's back.

The thunder gun exploded, blasting the ice cap under the giant beast's feet, and the giant beast kept pawing at the ice cap to grab something.

But in the face of its massive weight, the shattered ice sheet only allowed him to grab some broken ice.

With the concerted efforts of Constantine and Ash, the Bone Siege Beast fell again.

(End of this chapter)

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