Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 102 Chilean Army, That's Food

Chapter 102 Chilean Army, That's Food
The coffin is coming!
The rest depends on when you cry!
The news of the arrival of the Chilean army spread like a whirlwind.

Perhaps during the long Araucanian War, the Mapuche stubbornly resisted the Spaniards and Chileans for more than three hundred years.

Although the Mapuche defended the land with their valor, in fact, they would keep losing it.

On the battlefield, their bravery, their horses, and their spears can always make the enemy pay the price.

But in fact, they are always vulnerable to the large-scale troops of the Spaniards and Chileans.

The musket, the cannon, always beat the spear.

Their robbery is nothing more than hitting and running, taking advantage of the cavalry, that is, going to the vast Pampas grassland to grab a pass. On the Chilean side, the Chileans used the organized army, cannons, muskets, and fortresses. made them human.

And now that tens of thousands of Chilean troops are pouring in, these chiefs are naturally terrified. After all, the reason why they asked for reinforcements at the beginning was because they were afraid of the Chilean army.

Those seemingly fearless natural fighters seemed to be a little nervous, and the chiefs became even more panicked, and all the people who looked at each other turned their eyes to the "Orchid Department" for help.

However, Zhu Xianhai ignored them at all, but stretched out his limbs, called guards, and stood guard outside his tent, and then he went directly into the tent.

Before the big battle, do a simulation first.


[Whether to start the simulation. ]

[You spend three experience points to open the simulation scene. ]
The light screen flashes and the scene loads quickly.

The Chileans are coming!
The Chilean army is here!

In the face of tens of thousands of Chilean troops rushing menacingly, the nineteen Mapuche chiefs made a wise choice.

"You are our king!"

"Master, you are our king from now on!"

"We will always be your most loyal servants, my master!"


Faced with the Mapuche's persuasion, Zhu Xianhai, who had been prepared for a long time, of course did not refuse, and this group of local turtles did not need to be polite, and they did not know what politeness was.

Zhu Xianhai did his part and became the second king of Araucania and Patagonia. As for the first king, he was abolished as a matter of course.

Afterwards, everything became simpler, the enemy was in front of him, everything was kept simple, and there was no so-called "enthronement ceremony" for this group of soil turtles.However, there are tens of thousands of Mapuche fighters kneeling down to pay their allegiance.

In the mountains shouting "Long Live" fact, amidst the chaotic shouts of the Mapuche people, Zhu Xianhai only felt that his own figure must be incomparably majestic.

It's a pity... there is no professional photographer!
Otherwise, I will definitely take a photo that will last forever - the picture of the king ascending the throne.

After the king ascended the throne, he would naturally go to patrol the mountains... Ah bah, it was the king's personal conquest.


The rapid sound of military drums echoed on the plain. This scene was a little strange, but it was also a little familiar.

If you have seen old movies such as "The Battle of Waterloo", you will definitely feel familiar. You can see the Chilean army in blue uniforms lined up in rows, and the shouts of officers echoed in the wilderness. Bronze cannon lined up between the queues.

Even though this was the first battle that Zhu Xianhai led the army to participate in, his expression was extremely calm, completely ignoring the tens of thousands of Chilean legions surging across the mountains and plains, pointing at the army, and said with a light smile:


In the eyes of everyone, this is simply bragging!

But in front of him, there were only more than a thousand people, and these thousand people were lined up in a single queue. This kind of queue was ridiculously thin.

Facing such a queue, General Rodriguez was taken aback for a moment, with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

The Chilean soldiers lined up with the snare drum stopped involuntarily and looked back at the officer.The officers were also bewildered.

Their opponents are too few!

What about the Mapuche?
Uh... behind this thin line of defense.

In his life, General Rodriguez, who has fought against the Mapuche many times, has seen all kinds of enemies, and those Mapuche are all fearless characters.

But their courage is on the horse, that is, when the number is superior. On this frontal battlefield, the Mapuche are often vulnerable.

He had never seen an opponent like today. There were only more than a thousand people, but they put on such a formation in a big way. Facing thousands of troops, how dare they be so arrogant.

The most important thing is that they are carrying rifles, and they seem to be preparing for an upright frontal battle with the Chilean army.

Really weird.

The savages actually used muskets!

It was strange, and even stranger, they were in line, just standing there waiting!

"The Indians have also started using muskets and receiving military training!"

General Rodriguez panicked for no reason, and inexplicably thought of the future scene - tens of thousands of Mapuche who received modern military training, stood in line on the battlefield like Europeans, and fought a decisive battle with the Chilean army with guns and cannons .

"What a bunch of arrogant guys!"

Afterwards, it was proved that they did have the capital of arrogance.

But now, General Rodriguez has only one thought in mind-to completely dispel the arrogant thoughts of these Indians.

Then he gave the order.

With an order, the military drums sounded, and tens of thousands of Chilean troops began to move, and the cannons rumbled on the battlefield.

Facing the shelling by the Chileans, the "Mapuche" musketeers who were standing there in line moved forward a few steps, and then...disappeared.

Instead of disappearing, they entered the trench in front of them.

They stood in a half-deep trench, with only half of their bodies exposed, letting the shells roar overhead. Amid the rapid drumbeats of the Chileans, as the distance approached, at a distance of a hundred meters, the trenches The Mapuche suddenly opened fire.

In an instant, bullets flew over like raindrops, and the battlefield was filled with continuous gunshots like firecrackers.

The white smoke of gunpowder filled the front of the trench in an instant, and the dense rain of bullets made all the Chileans fall down immediately.

Faced with such a dense and accurate hail of bullets, the Chileans all became trembling.

The powerful firepower of the renzhu rifle stunned all the Chileans, and General Rodriguez was taken aback again, as if he understood the reason why they rushed into the trench.

After half an hour.

Zhu Xianhai won a great victory, not one soldier was injured, but more than [-] Chilean troops were killed or wounded.

The battlefield was strewn with corpses, and there were screaming and crying Chileans in pools of blood everywhere

Just when General Rodriguez ordered the retreat, the Mapuche cavalry who had been waiting outside the battlefield were dispatched!

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(End of this chapter)

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