Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 104 I, the Son of the Plane

Chapter 104 I, Son of the Plane (Second update, please subscribe, please support)
"General, the line of defense they built ahead!"

The sharp-shooting soldiers who were investigating the movements of the Indians pointed to an earthen parapet near the hillside and reported to General Rodriguez.

"They also deployed artillery!"

"They actually know how to build fortifications!"

General Rodriguez ordered the troops to stop and observed with binoculars.

The Indian's trenches, seen through a telescope, seemed crude, but strong enough to withstand his cannon.

"Fortunately, they only have more than a thousand people."

That morning, General Rodriguez ordered his troops to attack, but his attack was frustrated from the beginning.

When the Chilean line was four or five hundred meters away from their defense line, the Indians in the trenches opened fire.Despite the long distance, it still caused some damage to the Chilean army and successfully prevented several attacks by the Chileans.

"Damn it, they must be using rifled guns."

General Rodriguez thought for a while, observed the battlefield with a telescope, and finally his eyes fell on the old river.

"The troops advanced to the river channel."

The river course is only more than [-] meters away from the Indian defense line. If the position is advanced there, the dried up river course can provide good cover for the soldiers.

Following General Rodriguez's order, the Chilean Army immediately rushed to the old gravel-covered river. When they hid in the river and avoided the Indian guns, they did not notice that in the trenches The smile on Zhu Xianhai's face.His smile was full of complacency.

This is exactly the time he has been waiting for!
"Send signal!"

Following his order, the signal soldier immediately fired a signal flare into the sky with the signal tube, then on the top of the mountain, then another mountain, and then another mountain...

In the hinterland of the mountain more than ten kilometers away, there is a huge barrier lake. This barrier lake was formed by the earthquake in the mountain a few months ago.

The Andes Mountains are the most earthquake-prone region in the world.Earthquakes have almost never stopped here, and landslides caused by the earthquake a few months ago blocked the river.

In fact, the river was originally not that wide, and the water flow was not too fast, but after several months of accumulation, this barrier lake has gathered, so tens of millions of cubic meters of river water.

The dikes formed by landslides have reached the point of crumbling.In the simulator, Zhu Xianhai just "coincidentally" encountered a dam break.

After observing the barrier lake in the hinterland of the mountain, Zhu Xianhai decided to deal with him in his own way, that is, to use it as a weapon.

In war, there is no need to stick to the norm.

Any method that helps to win the war can be used.

The same is true of the natural environment.Of course, the more important point is - what happened in the simulator made Zhu Xianhai wonder if he was plagued by bad luck.Otherwise, how could there be so many disasters?

But certainly not now.And as long as it is used properly, Zhu Xianhai must be the son of the plane in the eyes of the outside world.

Of course, Zhu Xianhai will definitely not wait for the barrier lake to collapse naturally under the water pressure.After all, that timing cannot be grasped.It couldn't be easier to solve this problem, it's nothing more than a few hundred catties of explosives.

After seeing the signal flare, Sun Tianmao, the engineer captain, immediately shouted.


When the words fell, he pressed the detonator forcefully. With the help of hundreds of kilograms of explosives, the river water that had accumulated for half a year was already crumbling under the impact of tens of millions of cubic meters of river water, and the barrier lake burst suddenly.


It rushed out of the mountain like a runaway dragon, galloping in the valley and in the river, and the sound like thunder echoed in the valley.

At this moment, the mountain seemed to be roaring.

"What are they doing?"

The signal flare in the sky made General Rodriguez feel a little ominous.

At the same time, he saw that there seemed to be something moving in the distance on the right wing, it was the Mapuche.Their horses rushed towards this place. Thousands of Mapuche people rode thousands of horses. The movement of galloping was like thunder, menacing and very scary.

But that's it, it's just a group of Indian cavalry, it is impossible for them to break through the line of defense composed of muskets and artillery.

"It's a trap!"

Enemy on the back!

This discovery caused General Rodriguez to immediately shout.

"Everyone immediately used the river as a line of defense to prevent the Indians from attacking..."

There is no problem with this order at all. With a good defensive position, it can always effectively block the attacks of the natives.

When he gave this order, for some reason, General Rodriguez only felt his eyelids flicker, and even his heartbeat accelerated. The unprecedented sense of uneasiness filled his heart with doubts, and he even moved towards the look around.

What's wrong?
It seemed that at this moment, he felt like a prey in the mountains, and he felt uneasy about being targeted.

"Is it right there?"

Just when doubts arose in his heart, the sound from the mountain made him cast his eyes there.

Because of the cover of the mountain, when the unrestrained dragon howled, galloped, and rushed down the valley, General Rodriguez and the Chileans in the river thought it was a Mapuche. People's ambush, they didn't think about the flood at all.

Now is not the season for heavy rain, who would think of mountain torrents?
As for the barrier lake formed a few months ago, it was never even thought of by them.

Almost instinctively, they felt that this was just another ambush by the Mapuche.

"Another group of Mapuche?"

General Rodriguez said to himself.

"Hmph, charging in multiple directions at the same time, so this is not their plan!"

Nodding slightly from the bottom of his heart, General Rodriguez observed the surrounding terrain. The terrain was not favorable to the legion, but it was okay.

"The troops spread out and form a hollow square with the river as the center, ready to welcome the cavalry!"

When the order was given, General Rodriguez looked towards the Indian line of defense and muttered to himself.

"Maybe this so-called "Orchid Ministry" should have Europeans helping them fight the war."

With the help of Europeans!
It's not that General Rodriguez discriminated against the Indians. In fact, until now, after hundreds of years of fighting between the Indians and the Europeans, they still haven't learned modern tactics. Even gunpowder... is also because of the embargo and high price. Rarely used by Indians.

"There seems to be something wrong with the voice."

General Rodriguez was puzzled by the sound of rolling thunder coming from the mountain.

But he couldn't tell, what was the difference.

Suddenly he felt a chill down his back, and his heart was filled with guilt.

There seems to be something really wrong with this voice!
Just when such doubts emerged in their hearts, the voice became louder and louder.

Finally, someone realized the danger!
This is definitely not some Mapuche cavalry!

Even though they had such awareness, it was too late for this person, and the roaring dragon rushed out of the mountain pass with a sudden slam.

In an instant, everyone was scared out of their wits.

Everyone, including General Rodriguez, saw a yellow dragon rushing out of the valley!It's a flood!


From where...

At this time, who can care so much.

Those Chilean soldiers who were adjusting their formation following the army drums and the officer's order all fled desperately towards both sides of the river bank, but where could they escape this unbridled dragon!

Tens of millions of cubic meters of floods hit everything in the mountain like a whirlwind. Not only did the tall trees on the hillside break down like weeds, but even many boulders rolled in the flood like driftwood. Rush down the mountain with all kinds of flotsam.

The moment the tens of millions of tons of flash floods came out of the valley, they roared and hit everything under the hillside. Those Chileans who had no time to escape were swallowed by the flood without even having time to scream. They had flesh and blood in the flood , fragile like ants, smashed to pieces in the collision of boulders and trees, the flood is full of bright red...

(End of this chapter)

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