Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 106 Robbing money, food, and women

Chapter 106 Robbing money, grabbing food, grabbing women (first update, please subscribe, please support)
The violent explosion echoed in the wilderness.


Thousands of soldiers fell on the ground, soldiers either died under the gun or fell under the shelling.

Anyway, there are no more options for soldiers.

Either die or live.

"For Chile!"

Then go to hell!

[Congratulations, the user once again successfully demonstrated your talent in military tactics, gave full play to your own weapon advantages, and defeated the Chilean army on the north bank of the Biobio River, but the user failed to seize the opportunity when the Chilean army was empty, causing the Chilean army to It was able to reorganize the army, causing the war to continue until February of the following year. Although the Chilean government was forced to sign the peace treaty, it was extremely costly and time-consuming. We hope that users will further strengthen their military, political and strategic literacy. 】

[This simulation earns 100 experience points, the simulation time is half a year, no rewards...]

[This simulation is over! 】



The moment the light screen flashed back, Zhu Xianhai laughed loudly.

"God help me too!"

Zhu Xianhai, who jumped up against the crime, looked up to the sky and laughed, and the depression of missing a good opportunity in the life simulation was swept away.

"Open the simulator!"

Once again, Zhu Xianhai turned on the emulator. This time, he decided to go with the emulator, and he must get an answer!
The open life needs no explanation.

Striding out of the tent, Zhu Xianhai said directly.

"Call all the chiefs over here."

Soon, more than a dozen chiefs gathered together, and their expressions were still full of awe, because their master, the king, used a "miracle" to win everyone's awe.

After everyone saluted, Zhu Xianhai said loudly.

"Okay, as we all know, in this battle, we almost wiped out the main force of the Chilean army. At present, they have less than 5000 troops left, and these troops are scattered in various regions of Chile. There are only 1500 defenders in the capital. So, now , my order is - we are going to march on Santiago!"

Enter San Diego!

Where is San Diego?
The capital of Chile!

In Life Simulator, Araucania's defeat shocked the whole of Chile, and even caused an unprecedented shock in South America.Surprised by General Rodriguez's defeat, Chilean President José Joaquim Pérez Mascaiano immediately set about mobilizing new troops.

But this process is long-he not only needs to appoint officers, but also needs to recruit soldiers and buy weapons. It took two months before and after the Chileans regrouped and recruited an army of 1862 people, and this army The weapons of the war did not arrive from France until January 1.

In other words, until January 1862, they had to use old, nearly scrapped Brown Bess flintlocks from the Revolutionary War - junk from the Napoleonic Wars - for the facade, and even then , there are still two-thirds of the people who can only use the original spear.

A country without a military industry cannot immediately arm an army.

But Zhu Xianhai... didn't seize this opportunity, because he was frightened by the mighty "fifty thousand army".Ever since, he fell into another misunderstanding—when Chile was reorganizing the army, he was also reorganizing the army—reorganizing and training the Mapuche Army, and even sent people to fight against the so-called "[-] army". Went to "rob" several islands along the coast of Peru, and there were more than [-] Chinese laborers on those famous "Guano Islands"!

By arming those Chinese laborers, they further expanded their own forces.At the same time, he also armed himself with many weapons that should have been sold to the Americans.

Perhaps the profits of arms smuggling are high, but compared to their own safety.Money doesn't matter much anymore.

From Spencer rifles to mortars, from grenades to dynamite packs, during those months, Nanhua's transport team used mules to cross the Andes Mountains and brought in a large number of weapons.

So after the war in Araucania, both sides started an arms race almost unanimously, and it is certain that Zhu Xianhai was the final winner in that competition.Although in the end the Chileans still had no choice but to sign the peace treaty and recognized the independent status of Araucania.However, Zhu Xianhai wasted a lot of time and resources.

To a certain extent, even some losses outweigh the gains.

And now what Zhu Xianhai has to do is to make you sick while you are sick!

"What, attack San Diego!"

In the shock of the chiefs, Zhu Xianhai laughed.

"Why, are you doubting my decision?"

There is absolutely no doubt,
No cost!
Wipe out 1.3 Chilean troops!
Such a brilliant victory is enough to convince everyone.


In many cases, prestige is forged by victory after victory. A great victory is enough to make everyone surrender to it. Moreover, for the Mapuche, this victory is the first in three hundred years. Second-rate!
It was the first real victory for the Mapuche people!
Even, now their king will lead them to attack Santiago.

Regardless of the era of the Inca Empire or the era of the Spaniards, they have never had such a brilliant and great victory.For these idle Mapuche people, more fighters than civilians, they yearn for victory.

After all, in this battle, they were just playing soy sauce... that is, they were just shouting a few times. In fact, everyone was like this, even the soldiers of the "Orchid Tribe".

"My master, how could your servant doubt the master's decision?"

Faced with the king's order, Sebald of the Golden Eagle Division immediately stood up and obeyed Tao, one of the most powerful tribes of the Mapuche people of the Golden Eagle Division.

"As long as the king gives an order, all warriors in the tribe will obey the king's order, no matter attacking anywhere!"

Although he agreed verbally, Sebad, as the tribal chief, also had his own ideas.

"However, my master, Santiago, is the capital of the Chileans after all. We are hundreds of kilometers away from there, and we will encounter many Chilean cities along the way. If we attack Santiago, will it be too risky? What? After all, there are a lot of white guys defending there."

What Sebald said was also other people's worries. Seeing this, Zhu Xianhai just asked rhetorically.

"After this great battle, how many troops are left in the Legion of Chile?"

Without waiting for everyone to answer, Zhu Xianhai said.

"2000? 3000? Up to 5000! These troops are scattered in various parts of Chile. Right now, Santiago and even the whole of Chile are simply women with open skirts, waiting for us to conquer them. Of course, conquering them is not realistic, at least , we can use this expedition to exchange for a peace treaty that is extremely beneficial to us, and dispel the Chilean ambitions for Araucania from now on!"

End the war here as soon as possible!
This is the reason why Zhu Xianhai decided to go on an expedition before the Chileans reacted. The most important reason why he was so confident was—according to the results in the simulator, his decision was correct!
After all, the main force of the Chilean army has been wiped out in that man-made flash flood.They simply had no strength to resist the attack of the Mapuche.

Today's Chile is a naked beauty.Waiting to be conquered by others, if the opportunity is not seized, soon this beauty will only wear clothes and even a layer of armor.

Chance in war has always been like this.fleeting.

Besides, from another aspect, only through this attack can these Mapuche people be firmly tied to their chariots.

And that's the most important thing!
"Master, are you saying that there is no defense in San Diego right now?"

For the Mapuche people who traveled over the mountains and led them to rob the mountain every year, they naturally became a little excited when they heard about this situation.

"Not only is there no defense, but from the Bio Bio River to Santiago, along the way, their doors have been opened to us!"

Looking at the chiefs, Zhu Xianhai continued to encourage them with an excited tone.

"In the past few hundred years, only other people have ever attacked us. We have never fought back against the whites. Why have they never been the only ones to attack us? Why are they the only ones to take our land? Why are they the only ones Take our women? Now we're going to attack them, we're going to take our land back, we're going to take their women, take their wealth, destroy their cities. We're going to make them fight for their There is a price for evil, and we're going to attack, attack, attack without stopping."


While the Chileans didn't react, and when they were powerless to resist, they completely beat them to the ground.

One battle will determine the universe.

At this moment, Zhu Xianhai blew the horn of attack.Not just offense, but revenge.

Facing the king's decision, the chiefs also became excited. After all, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Go and rob those white people, go and take everything from them...

In the words of the Mapuche people, there is also what they think of as political correctness.

This political correctness is very simple. It is nothing more than eating, drinking and beating women... No, it is to rob white people.

For this reason, they even did not hesitate to cross the mountains and translate the Andes to rob the Argentines.

Now finally they have a chance to get revenge on the Chileans.

How could they miss such an opportunity?

All of a sudden everyone shouted excitedly.It seems that at this moment, they have already seen the burning city and the countless spoils of war...

Looking at the excited people, Zhu Xianhai suddenly had an idea in his heart.

It seems that people all over the world are the same, at least there is not much difference, the easiest way to get them to fight is nothing more than - robbing money, robbing food, robbing women.

(End of this chapter)

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