Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 108 Entry, entry

Chapter 108 Entry, entry (third update, please subscribe)
If a thief can come, I can also go.

Zhu Xianhai speaks Chinese.

The general must not understand, he needs an interpreter here.

If a translator had told him, the meaning of this sentence would be very simple—if you can rob me, I can rob you.

This is where the justice in the world lies, and it is also the justice in the world.


River Bio Bio!
It's like a line. For white people, the civilized world is to the north of this line, and the barbaric land is to the south.

Barbarism needs to be conquered and cultivated. They never thought that one day, barbarism would strike back at the civilized world.

On the Bio Bio River, there is a checkpoint.

A European-style stone arch bridge connects two worlds—one is civilized and the other is barbaric. General Rodriguez crossed this bridge and started his road to conquest.

However, the news of the annihilation of General Rodriguez also spread from here!
completely annihilated!

Although the news of the rout was so shocking, Lieutenant Martin, who was guarding the bridgehead fortress, never considered that one day the Mapuche would attack here.

But in the past two days, a steady stream of refugees brought a piece of news that shocked him to the extreme—the Mapuche were attacking the north!
The Mapuche are coming!

They are coming towards the Bio Bio River!

"We're going to stop them here!"

As the guard, Lieutenant Martin looked at his fortress with pride - a stone fortress, five meters high, with shooting crenels and gun emplacements on the fortress wall, enough to withstand the attack of tens of thousands of Mapuche people!

There's no way they'll pass through here!

Soon, September 9st.

The vanguard of the Mapuche cavalry arrived, and like all Mapuche raids, they burned the deserted farmsteads and retreated empty-handed.

The farmers have withdrawn to the fort, which is why they usually pay taxes such as food to the fort in exchange for the protection of the army.

That afternoon, more and more Mapuche appeared in his sight, just as Lieutenant Martin yelled conceitedly.

"Boys, let the damned Indians enjoy the baptism of the civilized world!"

Before he finished speaking, he was horrified to see artillerymen appearing in the distance—the Mapuche actually had cannons, a total of more than twenty cannons!

"Damn it! Must be the cannon they captured from the General."

Lieutenant Martin really guessed right. These bronze cannons were really captured from General Rodriguez. This general is simply the captain of the transport brigade. and twenty-six cannon.

Although there is a shortage of gunpowder, what is certain is that the Mapuches have indeed changed their guns from shotguns, no, it should be from spears to guns.

It's just that they don't work very well.

"Your Majesty, this fortress is easy to conquer!"

Putting down the binoculars, the European beside Zhu Xianhai said quite conceitedly.

"Only 150 bombardments are needed to destroy this fortress, I promise, it will be captured in two days."

"Major, two days is really a waste of time. There is a saying in China that soldiers are precious and fast!"

Put away the binoculars, Zhu Xianhai said.

"Pull my Armstrong cannon!"

Then, he turned his head and said.

"Major, times have changed!"

"Times have changed?"

Bellucci looked at the young people around him in surprise.

Surprised, he really felt the changes of the times. Who would have thought that the guest in his family would become the king of the Mapuche people?

Zhu Xianhai was only slightly surprised by Bellucci's surprise.

In the simulator, Zhu Xianhai saw Major Bellucci again. As a captive, he was the "pet" of the Mapuche people, and was even pulled out by the chief of the Golden Eagle Department as a symbol of his "ability to conquer and fight well"—they An Argentine major was captured and more than [-] Argentine soldiers were annihilated.

Seeing an old acquaintance, Zhu Xianhai naturally kept him and gave him freedom.Although the major did not "naturalize the Mapuche", he didn't mind helping him train the Mapuche and causing trouble for the Chileans. For the Argentines, it was absolutely politically correct.

This is true in the simulator, and it is also true now. Of course, Zhu Xianhai also promised to unite their father and daughter.

It wasn't even necessary to wait until after the war—the Bellucci sisters, who had waited months in Viedma without any progress, finally embarked on their adventure to find their father.

Soon, they will meet.

In fact, Zhu Xianhai needed Bellucci, a cavalry major, to train the Mapuche cavalry. For Nanhua, having such a cavalry unit was a powerful supplement in itself, especially in the case of insufficient human resources.

Moreover, for this expedition, he really needed the help of some white officers, including Major Bellucci, and he even recruited several Chilean officers. Chile in this year is also a country of immigrants. For those from Bavaria, As far as the immigrant officers in Prussia and other places were concerned, they had no awareness of sacrificing their lives for Chile.

Thanks to General Rodriguez, he sent him the staff department—a staff department composed of twenty-six European officers.

There is even a group of more than [-] mercenaries. They were soldiers from Chile before. They include Europeans, Indians, and mixed races, but what is certain is that they are all mercenaries who fight for their wages. Between death and a salary, they definitely choose the latter.

"Well, gentlemen, the show begins!"

Zhu Xianhai laughed.

"The lieutenant colonel is looking at you!"

"Yes, Your Majesty,"

Lieutenant Colonel Heisenberg said respectfully.

He is an artillery officer who graduated from the Bavarian Military Academy. His surrender gave Zhu Xianhai the artillery in the true sense. Of course, the training is just the beginning.

"Chief Sebad, wait a moment, after the lieutenant colonel blasts the compound away, I will leave the rest to you."

Zhu Xianhai never had the idea of ​​sending troops to attack.Artillery bombardment, infantry attack... can be attacked, and there will be casualties.

Chinese people are precious and cannot afford to lose.

Let's leave it to the Mapuche to attack the fortifications!

"Don't worry, sir, as long as you can open the magic castle, the rest of the Chileans will be handed over to us!"

Chief Sebad's eyes were full of desire for battle, and he desperately wanted to show the strength of the Golden Eagle Division in front of the king.

This is a great opportunity!

Suddenly, the cannon sounded.

The sound of the Armstrong cannon is completely different from that of the front-mounted smoothbore gun. It is sharp and violent. There is no sound of the shell hitting the copper in the barrel, only a loud bang.

Amid the deafening sound of cannonballs, the shells roared and flew towards the fortress at the bridgehead.The moment the shell hit the fort, there was a violent explosion, and with the sound of the explosion, the stone wall of the fort was blasted through.

When the gunpowder smoke cleared, not only Sebad and the others were dumbfounded, but also those officers who had just "returned to their submission" were also stunned...

This cannon is so powerful!
Aside from their astonishment, an idea popped up in their hearts.

Times have truly changed!

The astonishment of the crowd had long been expected by Zhu Xianhai. This was the power of the new type of explosives. In front of the cannons filled with the new type of explosives, these simple fortresses were nothing more than paper lanterns.
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(End of this chapter)

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