Chapter 110 All Hands Are Wang Zha (Second Update, Please Subscribe)
Churches, churches burned,
The church was robbed, the evil deeds of the priests were constantly exposed, the debts owed by the Indian farmers to the church were burned, and even the land was "distributed" to the farmers.

From the Mapuche across the Bio-Bio River, on their way to Santiago, behind them was a sea of ​​burning fire!


The church that has been operating on this land for hundreds of years has become the biggest "victim" of the "barbarian invasion".

The church was turned into ruins, into a sea of ​​flames.

The property of the church ... was distributed to the peasants.

The reputation of the church was severely damaged by the shameless actions of the priests. Those whose family members were insulted and desecrated voluntarily joined the army of "barbarians", and they used more brutal methods to retaliate against the church.


This is the first card!

After crossing the Bio-Bio River, Zhu Xianhai played his first card - destroy the church!
Throughout South America, the church is the largest landowner. The church owns a large amount of land. Millions of Indians are just tenant farmers of the church.

What did those seemingly benevolent priests do?
They extract money, they abuse women, they blaspheme boys, in short, as God's messengers, they do all kinds of evil.

It doesn’t even need Zhu Xianhai to fabricate this, let alone in the 19th century, in South America where the church had extensive power, even in Europe and the United States in the 21st century, the priests of the Catholic Church also took pleasure in blaspheming boys and girls , even the pope had to stand up and apologize for them, because too many people did it, and they did too much evil...

With these evils of theirs, Zhu Xianhai was able to stir up everything, even if a peace treaty was signed with the Chileans in the future, the Indians would also become a worry for the Chileans.

As a poker player in the chess and card room, Zhu Xianhai not only has cards in his hands, but also Wang Zha, all of which were delivered to the door by the white man himself.

"Your Majesty, you are destroying the efforts of the civilized world for hundreds of years!"

Standing in front of the ruins of the church, Heisenberg, a Lutheran believer, asked doubtfully.

"Civilized world?"

Zhu Xianhai laughed.

"What is a civilized world? Civilization? Is it Catholicism? Or is civilization the belief in God?"

Raising the whip, Zhu Xianhai pointed to the cannon not far away and said.

"Actually, civilization is just a cannon. The so-called civilization is just the pride of the conqueror. What is the real civilization? It's science! It's progress! In the name of science, in the name of progress, all of this..."

Pointing to the ruins of the church, Zhu Xianhai sneered.

"They are all doomed to be destroyed!"

Looking at the "Indian King" in surprise, Heisenberg said.

"But Your Majesty, when all this is spread to the outside world, it will only confirm their "slander" of you, and they will call you a barbarian!"


Zhu Xianhai laughed loudly.

"Isn't this just right? Just let them see what a barbarian is! Barbarian..."

The corners of his lips raised slightly, Zhu Xianhai said.

"Barbarism is its spirit, and its body is strong. This is the way to strengthen a country!"

Heisenberg didn't understand what he was saying, in fact, he couldn't understand the words of these "Orchid Ministry" Indians at all, unless they spoke Spanish, even the Mapuche couldn't understand them in What to say, most of the time, they communicate with each other in simple Spanish.However, many Mapuche people are actively learning the language of the "Orchid Department".

Even Heisenberg picked up some simple language, words like "eat."

"What does it matter to a savage?"

In the 19th century, Europeans defined what a "civilized world" was, and in the 21st century, they did the same. It seems that everyone except them is a "barbarian", barbarian!I am a barbarian, so what!

Lao Tzu not only recognizes this reputation, but also wants to let you know what a barbarian is!

Looking up into the distance, Zhu Xianhai said in a deep voice.

"I, a barbarian too!"


The barbarians are coming!
Almost at the moment when nearly [-] Mapuche people crossed the Bio-Bio River mightily, radio waves were transmitted along the wires all the way to Santiago and throughout Chile.

For the political circles in Santiago, especially the current President Manuel Monte Torres, who is still in office in a few days, he never imagined that a mighty conquest would turn out like this.

Originally, this attack on Araucania, in Monte's view, should be the last major event he did before he took office, and General Rodriguez is bound to give him the same victory as he defeated the rebels two years ago. He brings news of victory.

But what is the news now?
It was General Rodriguez's total annihilation!
Tens of thousands of Chilean troops were swallowed by the flood, and only a few thousand escaped, but most of them became captives of the Indians, and only a very small number escaped the Bio Bio River.

When the news reached Santiago, it caused a political crisis even here, but as his term drew to a close, even opponents were only paying lip service to their outrage.

General Rodriguez was wiped out.

Then what to do?
That's not just a matter for the next president, Jose Joaquin Pérez Mascaiano, who, as the current president, has to take it seriously.

The first thing to do is to rearrange the army!
However, this needs to be discussed with the next president, but before he can start preparing for all this, even more shocking news came!
"Mr. President, the Indians have crossed the Bio-Bio River!"

As soon as he entered the office, Perez said excitedly.

"Now, the Indians are destroying our villages and towns. Many Indians in the country have joined them. Those rebels have not only burned churches, killed priests, and cut telegraph wires. Your Excellency, we are facing a An unprecedented rebellion!"

Perez, who had just been appointed as the next president, seemed extremely angry. This anger was entirely because all this subverted his cognition-for hundreds of years, all white people believed that they ruled Indians, enslaved They take it for granted, it is their destiny.

But now the Indian riots have subverted their cognition. Is this still the country they are familiar with?
How could those Indians do this?

Shouldn't they be meek sheep?

But now, those docile Indians have turned into a mob, just like the Mapuche.

"Your Excellency, if we can't stop those Mapuche people, soon, they will set off a rebellion in Chile that has never been seen before!"

(End of this chapter)

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