Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 113 Go Forward, Cossacks of South America

Chapter 113 Let's Go, South American Cossacks (Second update, please subscribe)
The Mapuche are coming!

Hearing the thunderous sound of horseshoes in the sky, Bernardo seemed a little excited. Although he felt a little guilty, he still pretended to be calm and said.

"Don't be afraid, gentlemen, cavalry can't get over the barricades! We just have to stand here and shoot, and besides, we have cannon."

The cannon, a cannon left over from the colonial era, was older than his maternal grandfather.

While Bernardo was encouraging the people, Sebad, who led the [-] elite members of the tribe, had already arrived at the outskirts less than two kilometers away from Chillan.

When he learned that Chillan was defended by the Chilean army, he didn't bump into it as in the past, but communicated with the artillery captain of the Lanhua Department in Spanish.

Although he is the captain of the artillery unit, Long Quanhai can't speak a few words of Spanish, he said after a while of communication.

"We... cannons, cannons..."

After patting the 12-pound bronze field cannon seized from the Chilean army, Long Quanhai pointed and gestured ahead.

"Blast them away...then, you go in again, and then, we bombard them again, and you attack again..."

"Yes, yes, Jiu is Jieyang."

Chief Sebad nodded while speaking the blunt "flower language".

After gesticulating for a long time, after completing the communication, Sebald thought in his heart that he must let the children in the tribe learn the "language of flowers" in the future, otherwise how would he communicate with the powerful orchid department?What's more, His Majesty the King also speaks "flower language"!

It's just that flower language is too difficult to learn, and it's a headache to learn.

It's okay, my third kid is usually disobedient, and it gives me a headache just looking at it, let that kid learn the "language of flowers" and let him taste his father's pain.

Thinking of this, Sebald felt proud!

Learning "flower language" is good, it can make those brats feel uncomfortable, which is a great thing.

Just as Sebald was imagining the headaches that those wild boys would suffer when they were learning the "language of flowers", a messenger came over there.

"Your Majesty has ordered that after conquering Chilian, each person will be rewarded with two cups of "victory"..."

Before the messenger could finish conveying the order, the people around the chief shouted excitedly in blunt "flower language".

"Drunk, drunk, drunk..."

Listening to their shouts, Long Quanhai was speechless for a moment. Whether they shouted "Long Live", "Wan Zui" or "Drunk", I am afraid that only God knows, but what is certain is that,

What is the favorite of the Mapuche?
Of course it was wine.

Eating, drinking and beating their wives is the daily routine of every Mapuche man.However, like all Indians, the Mapuche do not know how to make wine, let alone spirits.Any Mapuche who once drank the spirits brought by the whites will never forget the good taste of "strong drinks". In the process of trading, all kinds of alcoholic drinks, such as rum and brandy It is a hard currency for trading, and it is very attractive to the Mapuche people.

Even in this expedition, the first thing Zhu Xianhai did after capturing the "Eagle Fort" was to set up a winemaking workshop, specializing in making corn wine, which is the most popular spirit in Northeast China in later generations.

The sixty-eight-degree strong liquor was brewed at the time of "flooding the three armies". In order to celebrate that great victory, Zhu Xianhai named it "Victory Brand" liquor. Once it was launched, it immediately conquered the Mapuche people. .

The reward of two glasses of "Victory Brand" liquor is enough to drive any Mapuche crazy!

Of course, as the common monarch of all Mapuche people, Zhu Xianhai would never favor one person over another, and the same order was given to Dao.

"From now on, all troops that have performed outstandingly in battle will get two glasses of corn wine!"

It will definitely make the Mapuche people risk their lives to kill the enemy, and even the most timid person will turn into a fearless Cossack...

Cossacks in South America... that also needs alcohol stimulation!

"Cannon, cannon! Indians have cannon..."

On the barricades piled up with rubble, tables and chairs, there were screams of panic, and the citizens looked nervously at the cannons in the distance.

"Don't be nervous, don't be nervous, we also have big..."

Before Bernardo could finish speaking, Long Quanhai roared. Amidst the violent cannonade, the muzzle of the [-]-pounder field gun shot out a cloud of flames, and the spherical shells roared towards the barricade. The solid shell would not explode, but when it hit the barricade, a large amount of rubble was still blown away, causing many citizens to be injured.

"Quick, counterattack..."

Just as the citizens aimed their cannons at the cannons kilometers away, the Indians fired again. The four cannons aimed at the barricades like a battering ram.

However, after only two rounds of shelling, the seemingly solid barricades collapsed. Almost at the moment when the barricades collapsed, He Xi, the eldest son of Chief Segard, saw a bright light in front of his eyes and immediately shouted loudly.

"For "victory", silly..."

After the sound fell, He Xi drank the glass of "victory wine" he had just been given in one gulp.

The hot taste, from the mouth to the throat, this is the "first-line throat"!

The moment Victory drank into his belly, he felt a rush of heat rushing to his forehead, and He Xi immediately shouted frantically.


Shouting the blunt "language of flowers", He Xi, who took the lead, led hundreds of cavalry, and charged towards the barricade mightily.

The sound of horseshoes stepping on the paving stones was crisp, and the rapid sound of horseshoes and the yelling of the Mapuche cavalry echoed outside Chillan City, beating the hearts and souls of the guards.

"Don't be afraid, hold on..."

Bernardo, armed with a revolver, tried to calm the people around him even though his brow was sweating nervously.

But in the face of the cavalry rushing forward, even with the remaining barricades blocking them, some of them were still afraid. Shrouded in fear, they even wanted to retreat involuntarily.

At this moment, Bernardo shouted.


At a distance of 300 meters, the cannons in the middle of the barricades fired, and hundreds of shells roared out like raindrops, covering the entire street. In the smoke of the cannons, the Mapuche cavalry rushing over seemed to hit a tripping rope. Yes, it fell down with a bang.

Scarlet blood enveloped the entire street in an instant. The wounded horses and Mapuche people were struggling in a pool of blood, but the Mapuche people behind did not stop. They continued to move forward, not afraid of death or guns. .

"It hurts..."

Once again, when the Mapuche cavalry charged against the smoke, there was another hail of bullets waiting for them, and the howling lead bullets knocked down dozens of cavalry again.

But it was only for a moment, and the paving stones of the street were all blood red.

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(End of this chapter)

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