Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 115 Ao Guanhai and Jingwei

Chapter 115 Ao Guanhai and Jingwei (First update, please subscribe)
Conquer Chillan!

The news shocked the whole of Chile like a whirlwind. For the first time, since the day the Spaniards conquered Chile, for the first time in the face of the Mapuche who were attacking aggressively at Santiago, white people panicked and panicked. escaped from San Diego.

From the well-dressed manor owners with numerous servants to powerful members of Congress and officials at all levels, to ordinary white middle-class people, many of them fled westward to the port after escaping from San Diego.They believe that - Chile's subjugation is only a matter of time.

The pier is full of Chileans who are scrambling to escape the country. It seems that Santiago has fallen. No one believes that President Monte or Perez can hold Santiago.

"Chile's demise is only a matter of time!"

"Although Monte organized a civil defense team of [-] people, there were only [-] rifles from the Napoleonic Wars, and not even a field gun."

"The fall of the civilized world, this is really the most fantastic scene of the 19th century..."

"The most amazing thing is that we will witness the birth of an Indian nation!"

Smoking a pipe, listening to the people talking there, a gleam flashed in Obama's eyes. He had always expected to be an adventurer, and after inheriting his mother's inheritance, he bought an [-]-ton armed merchant ship. He started his "adventure" at sea. In the past ten years, he has traveled almost all over the world, but he is only a free trader at best.This dull and boring life corroded his soul like poison!


What is a real adventure?

What greater adventure could there be than to take part in the birth of a new nation, and the first Indian nation at that!
At this moment, a stranger walked into the American Merchant's Club at the port. After tipping the waiter, the man asked a few words, then went straight to him and sat down.

"Hello, Mr. Obama!"

Raising his head, there was a hint of doubt in Obama's eyes.

"Hello, you are?"


Sherman produced a business card.

"I'm Sherman Hood, you can call me Sherman."

"you are British?"

"I am Irish."

"Oh, what can I do for you?"

"Mr. Obama, I think you must be tired of the current life. The dull and boring life corrodes the human soul like poison!"

Eyes wide open, Obama said excitedly.

"You, you know..."

"No, Obama, I don't know, but a friend of ours knows you, and he said he could give you a chance, and it's a real adventure, but, would you like it? Obama gentlemen……"

"Excuse me, who is he?"



In a bay west of Chillan, the "American Beauty" was moored there quietly. When the "Orchid Soldiers" boarded the ship, First Officer Smith said nervously.

"Captain, are we really going to help them?"

"Not helping,"

Holding the pipe in his hand, Obama said.

"It's about taking part, and now we're going to be part of this great history, Smith, believe me, when you're old, when your grandchildren are full, every time you talk about this adventure, you'll win The admiration of all."

Finally, after more than a hundred soldiers boarded, the "American Beauty" left the bay and headed north.

More than an hour later, the telegram was delivered to Zhu Xianhai.

Thanks to the Chileans, they are qualified as the captains of the transport brigade. They not only sent guns, but also their telegraph lines, so that Zhu Xianhai, who was in Chilian, could know the progress of "Operation Sea Watching" in the first place.


Saying this name, Zhu Xianhai said with a smile.

"As expected of this king's "Viewing the Sea"!"

In the simulator, Obama, the adventurer from the United States, gave him a lot of help. It was through him that Zhu Xianhai bought tens of thousands of P1853 rifles from Singapore and got in touch with Li Fugui and the others. .

It can be said that Obama is definitely one of the contributors to Zhu Xianhai's defeat of Chile.

However, this time, Zhu Xianhai didn't wait for him to come to him, but sent someone to look for him directly.Sure enough, Oba Ma, who had been so idle for a long time, ran over immediately when he heard that he was playing for "Lanhua".

Where is this person.

It is definitely the kind of legendary "internationalist fighter", who is not for money or profit, but to realize the value of life.

In the future, a big medal will be given to him.

However, there is another thing to do right now!
"Wang Jingwei..."

Zhu Xianhai raised the corners of his lips slightly, and said to himself.

"Now that Guanhai is here, the only thing missing is Wang Jingwei and Mr. Wang."

Normally, it's not easy to find this person, but it's okay.

This one is off the shelf!
In the life simulator, Zhu Xianhai was lucky enough to meet such a "Mr. Wang". Regardless of his position, for Zhu Xianhai, such a person is indeed useful!

Not only useful, but also useful.

Facing the list on the table, Zhu Xianhai raised his lips and said to himself.

"Okay, once this list is released, you should come out!"

After finishing speaking, he called the attendant to order.

"This is the final list of resistance elements. Post it and execute it in three days."

This list is just a bait, just for fishing, and it's still a mermaid!

The list of executed resisters was quickly posted, but it only took half an hour for it to spread throughout the city.

In a mansion on O'Higgins Avenue, the servant looked at his wife nervously.

"Ma'am, Master Bernard's name is on the list, and he will be executed in three days."

"Oh, God! My son."

Rosa exclaimed.

"Why did this happen, why did those savages execute him, shouldn't they put him in prison? Why execute him!"

"Because he is a resistance element!"

Unlike her mother's panic, although Maria was only seventeen years old, she appeared extremely calm.

"No matter who he is, he will not let him go. It is very merciful not to execute him on the spot."

"Maria, he's your brother!"

Rosa, who was in tears, said loudly.

"I know, that's why I want to save him!"

Looking at her daughter in surprise, Rosa's eyes were full of puzzlement.

"You, can you save Bernardo?"

"He's my brother and always will be!"

Maria raised her chin slightly and said firmly.

"So, I have to rescue him, Solan, let the coachman get the carriage ready, and I'm going to visit the chief."

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(End of this chapter)

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