Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 12 The Wild World

Chapter 12 Wild World (first update, please recommend, please collect)
Street, meat case.

A white pig is lying on the case, and the butcher is carrying a knife...

Isn't this the scene of killing a pig?
" hurts me to, wine, hurry up, doctor, give me some more wine."

When the butcher saw the thigh with a saw, the unlucky guy lying on the ground kept howling.

"Give him some more wine."

The doctor who looked like a butcher said to the boy who was carrying a bucket beside him.

After the teenager gave the man a bottle of wine, the pain seemed to ease a lot.

The effect of wine can be so fast?

After the butcher sawed off the man's leg and threw it on the ground, he picked up the iron directly.

"Here..." Accompanied by a puff of green smoke, the surroundings were filled with the smell of meat, but even so, the unlucky guy didn't make a miserable cry, but just drank the wine one after another.

This... Open your eyes wide, Zhu Xianhai said in surprise.

"What is he drinking?"

Buffett said.

"Duck sliced ​​wine, sir."

"Duck wine?"

"Yes, sir, that's the best good thing. Whether it's malaria, fever, or body aches, as long as you're not feeling well, take a sip of duck sliced ​​wine to ensure that the medicine will cure you. If it recurs, then Just two more bites."

Zhu Xianhai was dumbfounded by Buffett's explanation.

Well, that thing is a piece of wine.

Is there anything like this to drink?

In fact, Zhu Xianhai didn’t know at all. In 1860, duck sliced ​​wine and morpho coffee could be purchased from pharmacists, grocery stores, bookstores, and even mobile hawkers at a low price. into the "duck sliced ​​wine".

Of course, for ordinary people, duck sliced ​​wine is still a panacea for all diseases. If you are sick or not, you can take a sip to ensure that "the medicine will cure the disease". In fact, it only temporarily paralyzes the nerves and relieves the pain.

But in this era when western medicine is the butcher, what more can they expect?It can only rely on this kind of sickness that can't be cured, and drinking drugs that make you sick to numb yourself.

Staring at the sliced ​​duck wine in that guy's hand, watching the butcher-like doctor bandage the hapless man's wound with a piece of cloth, and wipe the blood from his hands on the apron, Zhu Xianhai couldn't help praying for the hapless man.

If this guy can survive like this, how lucky he is!Can such a wound not become infected?This is an amputation operation!

While sighing, the next scene blinded Zhu Xianhai even more. He saw the butcher, uh, he is a doctor, a doctor... The doctor walked forward and shouted loudly.

"Gentlemen and ladies, you have already seen how miraculous the effect of my duck slice wine is. Even after amputation, Mr. Madan did not feel any pain. Believe me, Dr. Madeleine's y slice wine is all The best duck wine in Argentina, if you buy it on site, buy two get one free, buy two get one free..."

Eyes widened in astonishment, the impact Zhu Xianhai felt was far beyond his comprehension.What surprised him even more was that the passers-by who were onlookers immediately gathered around to buy duck sliced ​​wine. The enthusiasm was like a supermarket special, and it was like a big rush.

"Well, sir, my... Huh? You are from the East!"

Holding a bottle of duck wine in his hand, Dr. Madeleine looked at this tall guy in surprise.

It's an oriental!
"Yes, I am Chinese."

Now Zhu Xianhai has gotten used to this kind of surprise, after all, in South America these days, orientals are really rare.

They are actually Chinese!

A living Chinese is standing in front of me!
Although Dr. Madeleine was very surprised, he quickly laughed when he came back to his senses.

"Haha, you are the first Chinese I've met, and this bottle of wine is for you."

You kid wants to hurt me, don't you!
In the [-]st century, your crime of selling drugs on the street is enough to be shot.But in this era, it's just so straightforward.

Without even waiting for Zhu Xianhai to refuse, a small bottle of opium wine was stuffed into his hand.

Looking at the sliced ​​duck wine that was forced into his hand, Zhu Xianhai even felt a little dazed, this year is really amazing.It was just too wild.

After Zhu Xianhai left, he didn't go far when he heard someone shouting behind him.

"Gentlemen, have you seen it? Even the Chinese buy duck sliced ​​wine from me, Dr. Madeleine's opium wine, the best pressed wine in America..."

I was surprised, it turned out that I was actually a tool person... These profiteers!
Although Zhu Xianhai complained in his heart, looking at the bottle of pressed wine in his hand, countless thoughts flashed in his mind.


"Sir, duck sliced ​​wine can't cure the disease at all."

On the way home, I noticed that Zhu Xianhai seemed to be thinking about something.Buffett specifically reminded.

"And it's addictive, which is why those doctors are trying to sell it."

Of course, this is because he is a drug!
Those white-skinned doctors are really amazing, and they do business with no conscience.

Zhu Xianhai said with a smile.

"I know."

Nodding his head, he said again.

"But why do you say they would sell this?"


Buffett said.

"Of course it's for money. As long as you can make money, what can't you sell? Besides, his profits are very high."

Obviously Buffett is also a straight guy.

Does this need an explanation?

1860... The Second Opium War!
Those drug dealers in Britain are willing to start a war for drug trafficking!
Who would refuse the huge profits from drug trafficking?

These white skins, in order to make money, what unconscionable things can't be seen?Even doctors are like this one by one.

Zhu Xianhai looked at the glass bottle in his hand, it seemed really wild in this day and age.

"But this business, we can't get in at all."

Buffett asked.

"Sir, all the duck slices are shipped by the British and Americans. They have been monopolizing this business, and we have no chance to intervene."

Buffett pursed his lips and said.

"Otherwise, why do you think only those doctors can make money from it? Because other people can't get in the way! Brits and Yankees only cooperate with doctors, and we can only watch from the sidelines."

Buffett's tone was full of pity, as if he was troubled by missing such a business.

He also wants to do money-making business!But the problem is that there is no chance to intervene.


Glancing at Buffett, Zhu Xianhai said to himself.

"Actually, I discovered a new market?"

"Isn't that what you want to do?"

Buffett wondered.


Zhu Xianhai glanced at the bottle in his hand, shook his head and said.

"Of course not. I'm a man of conscience. How could I do such a thing? But I have a better business..."

(End of this chapter)

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