Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 123 Hot Springs of the Andes

Chapter 123 Hot Springs in the Andes ([-]rd update, please subscribe)
It turns out.

The idea of ​​getting girls to know each other is wrong.

When the group of them rode horses along the mountain road and crossed the Andes, whenever their eyes fell on Marlena, seeing her tall and straight figure, Maria felt heartbroken for a while.

The advantage lies with the enemy, not with us.

Even Monica is... heartbroken.

Zhu Xianhai saw the secret battle of the girls along the way, and felt very helpless.

In the simulator, their relationship seems to be very harmonious, why are they constantly fighting secretly here?

Uh, it seems... In the life simulator, Maria appeared in a different order. At that time, the Bellucci sisters had already entered the room.

Well, the girls are a little late this time...

Maria has the first-mover home field advantage.


There are many hot springs in the Andes Mountains, where earthquakes are frequent and there are many volcanoes. For Zhu Xianhai and his party who traveled long distances, soaking in hot springs for a while is undoubtedly the most exhausting thing.

The steam in the mountain hot spring rises under the moonlight, and the valley at midnight is completely silent, only the sound of water flowing.Standing in the white mist of the hot spring, enjoying the immersion in the hot spring water, the tiredness of the past few days faded away in a short while, and turned into a comfortable feeling all over the body.

Leaning lazily on a rock, Zhu Xianhai closed his eyes, and was able to relax completely for a rare time. It seemed that he hadn't relaxed much since he crossed the Andes Mountains.

"It's rare to be free in life!"

At this moment, faint footsteps came over.

Malena, who hadn't slept all night, stepped out of the tent.Then she walked to the edge of the hot spring, her sight was blocked by the curling white mist, she looked around and saw no one around, so she took off her nightgown and stepped into the hot spring.


The hot hot spring water made her moan softly, and then she lay down comfortably.

is her?

Even though the rising mist blocked Zhu Xianhai's sight, the girl's soft moan made him recognize who it was.

It's Malena.

She doesn't seem to know she's here.

Right here, he heard the loud sound of water, and amidst the rippling water, he could feel a body swimming in the water like a fish.

By the moonlight, seeing his daughter Ruyu's figure swimming like a mermaid in the hot spring, and occasionally slipping by his side, Zhu Xianhai felt his heart beating faster and his mouth dry.

After swimming in the hot spring for a while, the person submerged in the water, and the moment she got up again and pulled her hair back behind her, Marlena saw the man sitting between the stones, her eyes widened in surprise, and she hurriedly used her arms to cover the body in front of her. , although the arms are crossed, but less than half of it is covered.

He... why is he here?

", why are you like this!"

Even though it was midnight, following his fiery gaze, she still realized that half of her body was exposed at this time. She squatted in quickly, and when she was about to swim away, she felt a hand grabbing him. .

Facing the girl who wanted to run away, Zhu Xianhai didn't say a word, but stretched out a hand and grabbed her. Amidst the girl's moans, the mermaid fell into his arms with splashes.

Perhaps it was the scalding hot spring that made his body feel a little hot. When he lowered his head, he saw Malena sticking to his arms.The beautiful face was covered with drops of water, the red lips were half parted, and a pair of eyes just looked at him like that, nervous and fiery.

Although the girl covered her body with her hands, she couldn't hide her figure, and she was even faintly rippling with the water...

In this situation, when the flowers are blooming, what is there to hesitate?

Maria was awakened, or rather woken up by the sound of water waves.

When she woke up from the tent, she was still worrying about whether it was because the pair of sisters made her mind full of troubles, so she didn't sleep well, and she was almost awakened by a little noise.

I heard the sound of splashing water.She put on her clothes and started out of the tent. There were only three tents on the flat ground by the hot spring, and there were no other people here.

Who is swimming in the hot spring?

Maybe going for a swim is also a good choice.Just when she stepped into the hot spring, the woman's humming voice came faintly from the curling white mist.

In an instant, her eyes widened!

Repressing the confusion in her heart, Maria swam straight towards the direction of the sound, and then amidst the rising mist, the scene that greeted her eyes was fragrant.

"You, you..."

At this moment, Maria's mood was mixed. She was in the hot spring, and she just looked at them eagerly, her eyes were full of astonishment and unwillingness!

She was the one who arrived first, how could Marlena be the first!

Standing in the hot spring, she has long hair that looks like a sea monster, and she is red all over, staring at the vigorous man, and her heart is in turmoil.

After thinking about it, she bit her lip lightly, but in those blue eyes, there was a deep sense of unwillingness and dissatisfaction.

Then, she walked straight over like that, and when she heard the movement behind her, just as she was about to turn her head, Zhu Xianhai felt someone sticking to his back, and a woman's bold whisper came from next to her ear.

"Honey, you are mine!"


Facts have proved that the hot springs are exhausted but there is a limit. After a night of absurdity and hard work, Zhu Xianhai did not leave this beautiful valley the next day as usual.

It was another day and night of absurdity and excess. During this process, Zhu Xianhai fully felt the passion and boldness of the Latin girl.For this, he is naturally happy to enjoy it. There are still many benefits for a man in this era...

Even when the king is not in court, even if you relax, there is an end.After resting at the hot spring for two days, they finally set off again, but it was at this time that they separated.

The Bellucci sisters were going to Linhai. They longed to see their father who had been away for a long time. On the night of parting, they were naturally extremely happy. Even Maria also took the initiative to return to her tent later.

The next morning, when the girls were about to leave, Zhu Xianhai patted her on the back lightly and said to the reluctant Malena in his arms.

"After you meet the major, you can go directly to Nanhua to find me."

"Well, well, I will definitely find you..."

When she said this, she involuntarily cast her eyes on Maria. Although the absurdity of the past two days has brought their relationship closer, she still knows that at least in the next few months, he will be belongs to her!Thinking of this, she couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, just when she got on the horse in despair, Monica walked up to Zhu Xianhai's side, her eyes were a little angry and stubborn, she looked at him after a long time, and said.

"I... will not admit defeat!"

(End of this chapter)

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