Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 1296 International Volunteers

Chapter 1296 International Volunteers (Third Change, Please Subscribe)
In war, the politicians provide the ammunition, the rich provide the food, and the poor provide the children!When the war is over, the politicians retrieve the remaining ammunition, the rich grow more food, and the poor look for their children's graves.

On the way to leave the Republic of South Africa, Ma Rulong couldn't help but come up with such a sentence in his mind, where did the somewhat nonsensical words come from?
Ma Rulong is not clear, but he feels that this sentence is not entirely correct, at least in his opinion, in this war, it is not the South African politicians who provide the ammunition, but the empire.

Those Boers who fought for the freedom of South Africa had no idea that they were the strategic tools of the empire.They seem to be fighting for South Africa, but in fact?
Sitting in the car, Ma Rulong just looked at this vast land. Suddenly, an inexplicable sadness surged in his heart.

Although he knew nothing about the future of this war, he could foresee the future of these Boers, and they would die... many of them would die, this was their fate.

What exactly did they die for?

For whom does the bell toll?

The car was running on the empty and wild land of South Africa, and staring at the land outside the window, Ma Rulong felt complicated. He was not mourning for the future of the Boers, but for the land.

Even for this world, everything seems to prove to him a fact - this is a world where the weak prey on the strong, in this world, all the weak are not only the meat of the strong, but also the tools of the strong .

tool man...

In fact, for the weak, sometimes, it is a lucky thing to be able to become the tools of the strong, because at least they have the value of being used, so that they can become the food of the strong. At this time, he can make his own voice, instead of being like meat on the board, there is no room for resistance.

In this world, the fate of the weak has already been doomed, but because of the help of the strong, they can resist another strong.

Of course, sometimes, even if this world is a world of the weak and the strong, there are still some noble people who sympathize with the weak in their bones, or are hostile to the British.At a time when the Boers were fighting for their country, volunteers from all over Europe rushed to help the Boer Republic, those volunteers considered British actions in South Africa as an act of aggression and violation of the sovereignty of an independent state, the struggle of the Boers against British aggression Arousing the sympathy of the people in Europe, after the war broke out, the newspaper called on those who wanted to sign up to volunteer and go to South Africa to help the Boers defend their independence.

To everyone's surprise, among these volunteers from Europe, the largest number was not the Irish who were hostile to Britain, but the Russians, or the Romans.

Before the war broke out, hundreds of Romans traveled thousands of miles to South Africa, and most of them were imperial nobles.

"Gentlemen, I don't need to waste too many words. We are here to fight the British. Many of us have grandpas, fathers, and even brothers who died in the Crimea. Under the gunpoint of the gun, now is the time for blood debt and blood..."

As the commander of the Roman Volunteer Corps, Fyodor Guchkov looked at the nearly two hundred subordinates of various ages in front of him. If they were in Rome, they could command hundreds of thousands of troops—among them, Most of them were of noble birth, and now they came to South Africa as volunteers, not so much to fight the Boers as to fight the British.


Russians will always hold grudges, they will never forget the experience of their fathers who hated Crimea, and of course they will not forget how the British stood on the side of Turkey, trying to block their attacks on Turkey time and time again War, preventing them from restoring the glory of the Roman Empire.

Even Fyodor Guchkov himself, brother of Alexander Guchkov, an aristocratic politician of the Roman Empire... Both nobles.

Although Fyodor is very young, because he was the first Roman to arrive in South Africa, he became the captain of course.

"Haha, Fyodor, now is exactly the time for us to make the British pay their blood. I heard that the British are planning a counterattack. They have transferred tens of thousands of people from India. If we win, the whole of Constantine The fort will sing of our victories..."

Whether it is an old person or a young person, when the voice of the vice-captain Massimov fell, they were all full of longing for everything. When they were cheering "Ula" there, not far away, the grandson Yizheng silently checked his weapons, and most of his comrades-in-arms were doing the same. Unlike the Roman volunteers who had as many as 200 soldiers, there were only a few hundred volunteers in Daming, but Sun Ziyi's identity was not simple. , he is the eldest son of the Imperial Army General Xing'an Hou Sunhu, he came here for a very simple purpose, that is... to fight the British.

"Captain, look at those Russians..."

Li Guoen looked at the Russian and said softly.

"I touched their identities. There are 193 noble children among them, and the other two are unknown, but according to other people, they may come from the Roman royal family, and they may be the sons of a certain, or two grand dukes. Heir, he is almost a prince."

Li Guoen is the staff officer of the Imperial Volunteer Squad, but in fact he is an agent of the Imperial Bureau of Investigation. He came here to collect various intelligences.

"It seems that within Rome, the hostility towards the British generally exists among the upper echelons of the country?"

Putting the rifle aside, Sun Ziyi said.

"If that's the case, it's certainly good news."

"This is for sure, although the Roman Empire did not directly intervene in this war. But it is well known that a large number of Russian volunteers participated in the Anglo-Boer War, and their number is still the largest. I heard that in Constantinople, people take The ship left there, entered the imperial colony, came here to become a volunteer, the enmity between Rome and Britain is very big..."


Squinting his eyes, looking at the young backbone of the future Roman Empire, Sun Ziyi said.

"Hate does not necessarily pass with time. Few Romans will forget Crimea and the blood that their fathers shed there. The debt owed by the British always needs to be repaid... "

Debts owed are always due, no matter when.

Why are the big guys so interested in killing eagles and eating meat? To put it bluntly.It is because the big guys are full of hatred for Britain. After all, no matter what age, the boss will always pull hatred.

The hatred in the past has made some people full of hostility towards Britain, which is why there are volunteers from all over the world in Bull. There may be internationalist fighters among them, but the largest number are those who harbor hatred towards Britain, such as Britain has a blood feud against the Russians...

(End of this chapter)

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