Chapter 1299 The driving force of the nation's advancement (third update, please subscribe)
As Hegel said: "A nation must have some people looking up at the starry sky to have hope."

What kind of people are those who look up at the starry sky?
There are scientists, philosophers, and of course politicians. Perhaps the former determines the scientific development of a country, but it is the latter that determines the destiny of a country.

Scientists and philosophers look up and think, and politicians also think and look up.

Unlike the former, the latter is often driven by ambition.


Most of the time, it can drive human beings forward.Always ambition.

Most of the time it is ambition that drives people forward.You can satirize this ambition in all ways, but you can never deny that it is ambition that drives the progress of human society.

In the world of great controversy, almost all countries, all looking up at the starry sky, imagined the earth under the starry sky, what did they imagine?How to expand the scope of the country's rule under this starry sky, don't think that they are a group of ambitious people. In fact, the inaction of mediocre politicians is undoubtedly a crime for a nation.

Especially in this world of great strife, there are only two kinds of countries in the world, one is the country that uses iron and fire to open up living space for its own country, and the other is the country that does nothing in the world of great strife and has nothing to gain. nation.

As for the others... that is, fish that can be eaten by mermaids.In this environment, those fish are not countries, they will always be just fish.

Of course, few countries are willing to be mermaids, and few countries are willing to do nothing, so every country is working very hard to become stronger.

No matter how far they have progressed, one thing is certain is that when any country's strength reaches a certain level, they will be full of desire for this small blue planet.

After all, the world is too small, and the ambitions of human beings are endless.

"People are not enough to swallow an elephant!"

When putting down the information in his hands, Emperor Zhu said in a sarcastic tone,

"As long as Russia exists, they will not give up conquest. Expansionism has long been engraved into their bones. In terms of the world, there has never been a country like Russia that has grown from a small country in such a short period of time. The Principality of Moscow started and conquered such a vast land..."

As soon as His Majesty finished speaking, Qian Degong said loudly.

"Your Majesty, why do you want to boost other people's ambitions? Even if we landed in Nanhua, our Ming Dynasty has only been established for 30 years. In 30 years, our country of Ming Dynasty is not inferior to Russia..."

This is not conceited, even primary school students of Daming can recite a passage of text to prove the vastness of Daming.

"Our lands run from the North Pole to the South Pole! Our oceans run from the Pacific to the Atlantic..."

As for from the North Pole to the South Pole... this is not even an exaggeration, Nanhua is the only country in the world that has land from the extreme north to the extreme south... Well, this does not include the South Pacific territories and African territories.

Well, Daming is also the only country in the world whose territory spans three continents, Asia, North and South America, and the size of the country...Russia is just a little brother in front of Daming.

"Well, the reasoning is this way, but... you can make a fortune in silence!"

Emperor Zhu said directly.

"And we are different from the Russians. Our conquest is for the benefit of the local people. Are we conquest? No, it is liberation, right..."

Emperor Zhu came up with his "Blessing Theory" once again. It is definitely a blessing for the people of South American countries to be ruled by Ming Dynasty. This blessing is definitely not "996" or "007", but the real Fubao, only need to work for 10-12 hours a day, why are there 12 hours of work?Because new areas like Peru and Bolivia need a period of transition.

"But Russia is different. As long as it exists for a day, it will not give up its ambition. Starting from the Principality of Moscow, expansion is its instinct. Its instinct is to conquer and expand, whether it is military, political, or economic. This is true even in terms of trade, the desire to expand has long been carved into his bones, as long as there is a chance, they will expand, no matter who the opponent is..."

Expansion is the instinct of imperialists, and this is most vividly displayed in Russia. In this regard, it can be said that no country can compare with Russia, and at most, only the Mongols can compare with it.

"Your Majesty, there is a saying in Europe "Tear off the face of a Russian and you will find a Tartar."

Qian Degong's words made Emperor Zhu nodded slightly, and then said.

"So, all we need is to create an opportunity for them, an opportunity to expand!"

Smiling triumphantly, Emperor Zhu pointed to the piece of information just obtained in front of him and said.

"In the past, we were the ones who were worried about Russia getting off the ship, now we don't need to worry about them getting out."

There is no need to worry about Russia anymore, because Russia has jumped on board on its own initiative. Their current ambitions for Persia and India have led them to embark on a road of hostility to Britain, and on this road, Ming is They are indispensable helpers.

"For Russia now, it's not that he can't get off the ship, but they are more worried about Daming's getting off the ship."

After thinking about it, Emperor Zhu said.

"Now, we can even consider how to use Russia's ambitions to serve our future plans."

What does unilateral transparency of intelligence mean?
It means that Russia has no idea that the Ming Empire is also very interested in "killing the British and eating meat"!Not very interested, but deliberate!
This also means that Da Ming has a bargaining chip in the negotiation, and in this negotiation, Russia is doomed to be the loser, because Da Ming knows his hole card very well, but they don't know Da Ming's hole card.

In the past few years, the intelligence network established by the Investigation Department has allowed Da Ming to obtain many military and political secrets of various countries. Those secrets allow the empire to deal with various things calmly. cheater.

"Who else can escape?"

After Qian Degong asked back, he frowned and said.

"Austro-Hungary, will they get out of it?"

"Austro-Hungarian Empire……"

Emperor Zhu thought for a while, then shook his head and said.

"They probably won't get off the boat, because they are also jealous."

After standing in front of the window for a while, Emperor Zhu hesitated: In the past ten years, the Austro-Hungarian Empire has been jealous of Russia and France, the former's expansion, the latter's oil, of course, the empire is also jealous extreme.

"Qian Qing's family, you know that in this world, the most important thing is profit. If the Austro-Hungarian Empire gets off the ship, what can they get? If they are on the ship, at least, they can participate in this feast of "killing the eagle" , get a good return, and what are we guaranteeing now? Let them know that the return is good, of course, this head, we have to let the Russians do it, after all-"

Smiling, Emperor Zhu said.

"The Russians are very vain, they must be happy to be the "leader of the Eagle Killer"..."

(End of this chapter)

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