Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 1303 Give Them One Hope

Chapter 1303 Give them a hope (first update, please subscribe)
"... What kind of help can you give us?"

Connery's voice rang in the room. Since he met Mr. Zhou in the restaurant three days ago, he has been successfully persuaded by the other party.

A free and independent Ireland of the Irish!
Isn't that what all Irish people crave?

"We can help you a lot!"

Xu Lindong said in a calm tone.

"You are all well aware of the strength of the Ming Empire. With the help of the empire, you can realize dreams that you have never realized for hundreds of years, gentlemen."

"I don't play games I'm not sure I can win."

A moment later another voice was heard, and it was Joseph, smoking a cigarette.

"We all know how powerful the United Kingdom is. With your so-called help, it is impossible for Ireland to become independent. In the end, the Irish will bleed."

"Mr. Joseph, it is impossible to gain independence without bloodshed!"

Connery looked at Zhou Lanqin in front of him. He had reason to believe that this person was the legendary intelligence officer of the Ming Empire.

"Yes, Joseph, how can the British make Ireland independent without bloodshed?"

"Connery, you know very well that the Ming Empire will not help us for no reason!"

Joseph looked at Xu Lindong and said.

"Why do you help us? You have nothing to do with Britain."

"Use your imagination."

Xu Lindong said with a smile.


"Yes, there is no conflict between us and the British at present, but there are irreconcilable differences between us and the British on many issues. We believe that by supporting the independence movement in Ireland, we will help weaken the British power. It is the fundamental reason why we support you!"

Connery was secretly delighted when he heard this.As a philosopher, he knows very well that only when Ireland has value can it receive the support of other countries, and with the support of major powers, it is possible for Ireland to gain independence.

"It can't be successful, after all, we're dealing with the UK."

"The Boers succeeded. They succeeded in winning independence, and until now, they still hit the British again and again on the battlefield. Gentlemen, don't you want to win the freedom and independence of the nation like the Boers?"

Xu Lindong said bluntly.

"With the help of the Empire, you have a chance to win it all, and now is your best chance."

"But why go to South Africa? Why are we going to South Africa to help the Boers?"

Although some Irish went to South Africa with hatred of the British, most Elguis did not think they should go to South Africa.

"Because there, you can receive military training and gain war experience on the battlefield. By the end of the war, the Irish will have an army belonging to Ireland. Why did the Fenian uprising in 1867 fail? Because a bunch of peasants with no military training and no experience in war can't defeat an army! But in South Africa, that's all going to change! This is your chance! And Ireland's chance!"

Faced with such an opportunity, who would miss it?
At least for these Irish people, they will not miss it. After all, this is the only time in hundreds of years that they can clearly see the hope of national independence.

Sometimes what Daming does is very simple—just to give people hope.

In the ensuing time, organizations ranging from the Irish Brotherhood to the Fenian Society were liaised and supported by Imperial intelligence, and through their support, the Boers once again received a new force. , in the days that followed, the American newspapers were full of articles reminiscing about the Great Famine, and the newspapers were full of hatred and hostility towards the British. In this way, thousands of Irish people left by ship. New York, they arrived in Africa to receive military training there, and then fought side by side with the Boers on the battlefield, gaining war experience, and soon the news of the "Irish Brigade" winning consecutive battles on the South African battlefield spread to the United States.

"is this real?"

Patrick Joseph Kennedy looked at the news in the newspaper, and looked at his friend Klenken with some puzzlement.

"Why do so many Irish go to South Africa to fight? Didn't we Irish shed enough blood during the Civil War? We used to bleed for America, why should we bleed for the Boers now?"

The reason why Kennedy said this is because when he was young, he saw too many Irishmen who were forced to sign the enlistment form as soon as they got off the ship, and then sent to the battlefield. Hundreds of thousands of Irishmen even They didn't rush to live a new life in the New World, but died on the battlefield. Whether in the north or the south, too many Irish people died.

"Patrick, it's true, but they didn't shed blood for the Boers, they shed blood for Ireland!"

Connery looked at his friend and said.

"For Ireland?"

"Yes, for the independence and freedom of Ireland, our people will receive military training there, gain war experience there, and when the time is right, they will return to Ireland and start another uprising! Launch the campaign to win Ireland's freedom uprising!"


Connery's words made Kennedy exclaim in shock.

"Revolt, my friend, what do you say?"

"Yes, it was an uprising, for the independence of Ireland, Patrick, you are a member of parliament, you are a politician, you must know what it means, when they return to Ireland, they must be able to repel the British and force They agreed to Irish independence."

Connery stared at his friend and said.

"Patrick, this is your chance as well. Here, we will always be Catholic, and we will always be Irish."

Connery said firmly.

"People's memories cannot be erased. Maybe in the United States, we seem to be equal, but in their eyes, born Irish, always Irish, you can become a member of parliament, or even a millionaire, but my friend."

Staring at Kennedy, Connelly said:
"Born Irish, lived a foreign life."

From the tone of Connery's voice, he was full of complaints. It was not a complaint, nor was it a vent.He is telling a fact.

"Yes, it's a fact."

Kennedy rubbed his fingers lightly on his cheek, trying to relax himself.

"I've worked my way up from a businessman to a state legislator, but I'll always be an Irishman, and we'll always be outsiders to America, and no one will think of us as our own unless one day Between us came the president of the United States."

"That's obviously impossible!"

Connery made a "sorry" look.He knew that the possibility was zero!
"You know, no American is going to vote for an Irishman to be president. But, my friend, if you stand with us, maybe, before long, you or your children will be Irish President, my friend!"

President of Ireland!

A look of astonishment appeared on Kennedy's expression.He stared at his friend in front of him.

It took a long time before he spoke in a tone full of doubts and expectations.

"Is this possible?"

"Anything is possible in an independent Ireland, my friend..."

(End of this chapter)

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