Chapter 1306 Making Cannons With Slideshows (First update, please subscribe)
"Extra, extra, the British general Payne Simmons was killed in front of the Boer army..."

Early in the morning, there were shouts from newspaper sellers on the street, waving newspapers in their hands and shouting as they walked.

Half a year after the outbreak of the Anglo-Boer war in southern Africa, it was difficult for the war news there to attract the attention of the people of Ming Dynasty. After all, the war was too far away from them.

For the vast majority of Ming people, instead of paying attention to the war there, it is better to pay attention to daily life such as firewood, rice, oil and salt. After all, for the citizens of the empire, all these are the most realistic.

However, not everyone will pay attention.At least for some people, they still pay attention to the war there.

At least for Zhao Qihang, he has been paying attention to the changes on the battlefield in South Africa. As the person in charge of a company, he is keenly aware that this war may be his opportunity.

The occurrence of any event will bring opportunities, and some people spend their whole lives waiting for their opportunities.Perhaps because of his thoughts, he didn't even enjoy the view from the car window while driving.

In Beihai in April, although the morning breeze brings a little shade, but this is also the best season of the year. During the long winter, people have been looking forward to the arrival of spring.

Feeling the bright spring sunshine and admiring the scenery outside the car window, Sun Mei's face was filled with a happy smile. Looking at Zhao Qihang who was driving and the children sitting behind her, the smile on her face became wider.

What is happiness?
In fact, it is very simple, just a family living happily together.

Soon the car arrived at the school, and when the children got out of the car, Sun Mei smiled at her husband.

"Okay, let's go to the company quickly, we can just take the school bus at night."

After saying goodbye to his wife and children, Zhao Qihang accelerated towards the suburbs.Like all industrial areas, the industrial area in Beihai is also full of smoke and dust, with towering chimneys spewing out chimneys, and the air carries a faint smell of soot.

Although the Bechuanaland Special Zone in Africa replaced the North Sea as the largest coal supplier in the empire, this change in status not only did not affect the North Sea, but even promoted the economic development of the North Sea—thanks to the abundant coal in the North Sea Iron resources, here has become a new hot spot for investment, and many inland enterprises have invested in local factories.

Sidley's 21-year-old Beihai has even vaguely become an industrial city not inferior to Linhai, with everything from shipyards to various machinery factories.Zhao Qihang's factory is located in the industrial area. Six years ago, Zhao Qihang left the mining company and founded the Qihang Iron Factory, which produced various weapons including pistols and rifles. The products were either sold to local immigrants or sold to the west.

Although the factory's products are still selling well, the scale is always limited.

Besides, Zhao Qihang is not satisfied with the present, after all, everyone has ambitions.He was no exception. When the car stopped in front of the factory, looking at the small factory gate, Zhao Qihang pondered for a while, and then said to himself.

"Perhaps... this is an opportunity, if you can seize this opportunity..."

With this in mind, Zhao Qihang seemed to have made a decision, turned the steering wheel, and then drove in another direction, heading towards the city center.


"What kind of weapon do you need? Gentlemen, what you need is not just a machine gun. Even if a machine gun can fight a hundred rifles, what you need is a man who can fight a thousand enemies. The weapon, this weapon, is clearly not a machine gun!"

In the conference room of the Peace Hotel, facing the Boers in front of him, Zhao Qihang began to draw his big pie.

These Boers came to Daming to purchase arms. Compared with the mainland with strict management, Beihai with loose management is undoubtedly the best choice. These small factories mainly produce rifles and pistols, but what they need are machine guns.

However, this is nothing, as long as they can afford the money, these small factories can also manufacture machine guns.

And right now, the Boers who control the Rand gold mine are the worst thing about gold!

The difference with the others is that Zhao Qihang didn't even think about trying to win orders for any machine guns in the past, but it was just a few thousand rifles, a few hundred machine guns, how much money could he earn?

"It's not a machine gun, what is it? Do you have a better recommendation?"

Facing the question from John, the head of the South African "Economic and Trade Mission", Zhao Qihang took a sip of water in a calm manner and continued.

"Of course, you must have better options besides machine guns. As we all know, the 7.5mm bullets fired by machine guns, although their performance is extremely superior, can only kill one enemy with one bullet. Of course, don't queue it It will penetrate the bodies of two people, but that's it. However, with its dense firepower, it can bring extremely heavy damage to the enemy on the battlefield.

But we can't just be satisfied with this. After all, what we need is a weapon with higher combat efficiency and higher killing efficiency.What kind of weapon is it?In response to this problem, I have visited some soldiers, veteran soldiers who have been on the battlefield, and also visited the war memorial.

Through investigation, I found that the vast majority of casualties on the battlefield are caused by shells, gentlemen, this is supported by statistics - according to the statistics of the Imperial Army, about 50% of the casualties on the battlefield are caused by shells of.

This also means that only 10% of the troops on the battlefield caused more than 50% of the damage caused by artillery, that is to say, compared with rifles or machine guns, artillery caused more casualties.

So in order to improve the killing efficiency, we need a more effective artillery weapon.But unfortunately, for now, neither howitzers, mortars, or rockets are effective.

So, we decided to develop a new artillery weapon..."

While talking, Zhao Qihang released model pictures of new artillery models through the slide machine, and introduced them.

"This kind of artillery is a machine gun - we borrowed from the structure of the Decade-style machine gun, and theoretically enlarged each component so that it can fire 30mm shells. Compared with the 30mm Gatling machine gun, Its weight is lighter. According to our actual calculation, its weight will be controlled within 100 kilograms, which means that it can accompany the infantry to attack, and when encountering the enemy, it can expel thousands of shells in a very short time. Hit the enemy, and it will be the most efficient killing weapon ever created."

Zhao Qihang changed slides one by one and said.

"That's pretty much where we've come from."

Speaking of this, he pointed to the factory in the distance.

"As long as you are willing to invest in my factory, gentlemen, you will soon be able to harvest this kind of weapon that can defeat a thousand."

Before Zhao Qihang finished speaking, John couldn't help but speak.

"What? Investing in your factory? You mean you don't have that weapon yet? Are you making guns out of these slides?"

Spread your hands, Zhao Qihang said directly.

"Is there any problem with this? Don't think of us as those guys from the UK and the US. This is Daming, a place full of miracles. We are using innovative concepts to attract investment. Once there are concepts, there will naturally be manufacturing." .”

(End of this chapter)

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