Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 1314 The empire needs a divided India

Chapter 1314 The Empire Needs a Divided India (Second Update, Please Subscribe)

Negotiations Even in the secret negotiations of several countries, there are also secret communications and secret transactions between countries.

This is one of the biggest characteristics of secret diplomacy.

Of course Russia can seek Ming's support, but France can also communicate with Austria in private.

With the successful experience of carve up Turkey last time, coupled with the current weakness of Britain, they all understand that the success of carve up the world this time is great.It is precisely because of this that they will strive to make no concessions based on reason.

In the end, after talking about it, on the Suez Canal, the canal area and the Sinai Peninsula were included in the sphere of influence of France. As for the division of Sudan, the [-]th parallel north was used as the dividing line. The north belonged to Austria, and the south belonged to France.

"...Ethiopia takes 12 degrees north latitude as the dividing line, and the northern regions, including Italian Somalia, are included in the sphere of influence of France. The rest of Ethiopia belongs to the Roman Empire."

"France supports the division plan."

"Austro-Hungary supports this partition plan."

"Da Ming also supports this division plan..."

The African partition plan was finally passed, and they all got what each other wanted. Although Da Ming, who had a vast colony in Africa, did not participate in the partition, but according to Da Ming's suggestion, an independent country will appear in South Africa and the Cape Colony in the future .

Daming really didn't have too many demands on Africa.

In fact, Africa is just an appetizer for the entire negotiation. Where is the real most critical region?

From Persia to British India, of course.

British India!

It was the brightest jewel in the crown of the British Empire.

Faced with such a temptation, who can refuse?

It is also because of this that Zhuge Jun was not surprised that the French, Luo, and Austrian clubs were vying for each other around Persia and India as soon as they came up. He was still the same as before. Make a look of being invincible.

His performance would make people a little confused, but in fact, all of this had long been expected by Emperor Zhu.

Even though Daming doesn't want to be the first bird, it doesn't mean that he wants to be a crap stick like Britain.As a shit-stirring stick, the UK's solution is to join a camp it doesn't like to do sabotage. It is always easier, especially for sabotage experts like the British Empire.

But Daming is different. What does Daming need?
Of course it has to be done. Only when an alliance is made can the big guys join forces to "kill the heroes and eat meat".

If an alliance cannot be formed, I am afraid that they will not even be able to pass the stage of "suffering the British".

"India is a big country with a population of more than 2 million. No matter who occupies it, its national power will expand unprecedentedly. At that time, India will not only become their milk cow, but also provide them with soldiers, supplies, arms, etc. And this also It means that in the future, we will face an industrialized country with hundreds of millions of people in the future - don't think it is impossible, people without foresight must have near-term worries, if we want to avoid such enemies, then we must ensure One point - India must never be monopolized by one country!"

Listening to their fierce debate in the conference room, Zhuge Jun once again had His Majesty's will appear in his mind.

"So our task is to ensure the division of India!"

In fact, everyone, including Zhuge Jun, looks down on India.

People in this era have a bad impression of India. For many people, India is just a colony, and Indians pay a little tax. Can Indians be relied on for war and military industry?
But what they don't know is that the British Empire defeated Er Dezi and San Dezi by relying on the almost continuous supply of manpower and goods provided by India.

Will Indian-made warships sink by themselves?
Hard to say.

Will the rifles made by the Indians explode?This is of course not certain.

But the Indians are absolutely competent as "empire cannon fodder".What the British Empire wasted with "imperial cannon fodder" was a generation of young people from other countries!

Emperor Zhu will definitely not make the same mistake, so the task given to Zhuge Jun is very simple, which is to let him ensure the division of India.

Make sure to put the fat of India on the dinner plate, and then the big guy will share it with you. This is the kingly way.

As for eating alone... Zhuge Jun didn't even bother to listen to Giles, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Empire, who was talking eloquently there.

It's a shame that you can think of India alone, will France agree?Will Austria agree?
It's Daming...

That would not be agreed.

This greedy polar bear is really greedy... He can actually dream of a country annexing the whole of India.

It's no wonder that the Russians are the most greedy for territory in the world.I am afraid that even if they call themselves the Roman Empire now, they will not be able to change the Russian soul in their bones.

"...In future wars, the Roman Empire will invest millions of troops. The Roman army will march all the way from Asia Minor to Persia and India. Where is your army?"

Gilles stared at Gustav, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and asked directly.

"Your Excellency, at that time, your army was probably still in Sudan? How many troops can you put on the Indian battlefield? In this world, there has never been anything that you get for nothing."

In fact, Gilles only asked loudly, "How many divisions do you have in Austria, and you actually want to extend your hand to India."

But Emil didn't give him a chance, but said directly.

"Your Excellency, the French army will also attack Persia and India. Not only that, the French fleet will also fight against the British Royal Navy in the Indian Ocean. Perhaps Rome has the largest army in the world, but please Don't forget one thing - the rule of the British Empire is based on the Royal Navy!"

As the foreign minister of France, the emir was only short of directly hitting Rome in the face.

"Only by defeating the British Royal Navy can we truly win the war! And digest the fruits of victory, and..."

After a slight pause, Emil spoke again.

"What we need to face is not only the British Royal Navy, but also the US Navy. Your Excellency, can Rome put aside other countries to fight against the British and American navies?"


Gilles, who was still complacently thinking about "how many divisions there are in Austria", immediately became a little stuttering. He only saw that the Roman Legion could fight all the way along Persia to the South Asian subcontinent and occupy the entire India, but he forgot Just a little bit - the Royal Navy of the British Empire is not a vegetarian.

Moreover, there is no railway between Asia Minor and India. In the absence of railways, Rome must rely on sea transportation to transport war materials. In other words, even if Rome chooses to attack on land, it still cannot do without the sea, and the sea... That's British territory.

How many warships does Russia have?
There are quite a few Russian warships, but they are definitely not the opponents of the Royal Navy...

Perhaps the Roman Empire does not need the help of other countries on land, but it cannot do without the support of its allies at sea.

If you want to swallow it's hard!
(End of this chapter)

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