Get up at 5:30 am.

Then go for an hour-long run in a nearby park, then head home for a quick shower and dinner. At 7:10, I bid farewell to my wife and children and went out on time, cycling to work.

Arrived at 7:50. ...

Martin's life is almost static, at least in the past 15 years, his life has never changed.

As usual, upon arriving at the unit at 7:40, he had to go through several security checks before entering the building.

This is always the case with the Investigations Department.

If you want to enter the investigation department, you need to go through a lot of inspections.

At around 7:55, Martin came to his desk, turned on the lamp as usual, and started his day's work.

His job is very simple, gathering intelligence from newspapers, both foreign and national, as an intelligence analyst, he is undoubtedly competent, and has been excellent in his work for the past 15 years , and even received awards.

For the naturalized people, this is undoubtedly the greatest recognition.

"All the intelligence in the world is hidden in the public information..."

Martin knew what he was looking for.

He can obtain the movements of the British army from British newspapers, grasp the logistics supply of the British army, and can find many seemingly unconnected, but there are many connections between them. For intelligence analysis, Martin has his own Skills can even be said to be talent-his father was a fixed servant of the shogunate, and the Martin family was born in large numbers from the four families of He Yoshio, Konishi, and Motoki, known as the Four Famous Families.The shogunate's Feng said that they were very efficient in collecting overseas intelligence. During the shogunate era, they collected a lot of intelligence about the Qing Dynasty and Europe.Although he didn't know much about Europe, Martin's intelligence analysis expertise was still inherited by Martin.As an unemployed samurai, he relied on this specialty to enter the investigation department and become an intelligence analyst.

After flipping through the newspapers delivered from the British mainland for a while, Martin poured himself a cup of tea and sat at the same table with a colleague.The co-worker was clearly tired, as he was yawning profusely.

"Didn't you sleep all night?"

Martin asked.

"Yes, on the night shift. And these newspapers..."

The colleague pointed to the newspaper on the table and said.

"Is there still a lot that I haven't read? Domestic newspapers are like this. Even if you read all of them, you may not gain anything."


As soon as Martin glanced at the newspaper, he suddenly said "Huh".He pointed to the newspaper and said.

"Have you read the obituary?"

The colleague looked at the obituary he pointed to and said.

"Oh, a very common obituary. This Ma Bangde Shengde came to Daming on August 16, 8. Shengde died in Xuzhou due to an accident in 23. His funeral was in... nothing unusual. "

"Is there anything out of the ordinary?"

As soon as Martin picked up the newspaper, he unfolded it and asked.

"What newspaper do you think this is?"

"Interim report? What's the matter?"

The colleague said while yawning.

"The circulation of the mid-term newspaper exceeds 300 copies, and almost every city in Ming Dynasty publishes such a newspaper,"

Ma Tianyi's words made the colleague stop yawning, and his face turned pale.

In the office, everyone knew that Ma Tianyi was very powerful.When he said this, other colleagues stared at the newspaper—they all remembered an unspoken rule that everyone published the obituary in the local morning newspaper, because the obituary only needs to be read by local people.

"How much does such an obituary cost? Ten dollars? Or twenty dollars?"

Martin pointed to the obituary and said.

"No one will spend so much money to publish an obituary, and they are not big people. There must be something wrong with this obituary!"

Ten minutes later, Martin came to the director's office and reported the "abnormal information" to the director.

"Well, something is wrong."

The director took a look and said.

"In this way, I think we should first inform the Imperial Security Bureau of this information, and they will deal with domestic affairs."

Soon this information was sent to the Imperial Security Bureau. Almost when the Imperial Security Bureau received the information and deployed special agents to investigate, what they didn't know was that this "obituary" was actually a call from the British to lurk. The spy in Ming Dynasty.

"Surely they'll be able to see that message,"

In the British Embassy, ​​Major Anderson said,
"According to the information we have, Lawrence doesn't know much about the recruitment situation that year. He may have the intelligence network, but he doesn't know all the people. And according to the official news from Daming, there must be some people who don't Arrested, so I assumed, and everyone assumed, that if someone wasn't arrested, then they must have gone into hiding, right?"

"So, we need to wake them up through the news in the newspaper, right?"

Sam asked, holding up a newspaper and asking.

"However, this funeral is fake, and so is the deceased. Even if they read this obituary, how can they contact us?"

"They're definitely going to have a way, and this is just the beginning,"

Anderson said,
"Now all we need is to tell them that the British Empire knows they are still lurking, and now the British Empire is calling for them. If anyone among them sees it, they will definitely respond. Believe me, those people are very grateful to Ming Dynasty The hatred will drive them to take the initiative to restore contact with us! In a special way."

Anderson took the newspaper and said.

"This newspaper was published all over the Ming Dynasty, they must be able to read it..."


At 06:30 in the afternoon, Zhang Lun stood up from the desk where he had been working, and then, as usual, walked to his car with a cowhide handbag.

At this time, his heart was shrouded in some kind of fear, and of course he was also a little excited.Perhaps because of his excitement, he could even hear his own heartbeat. When he got into the car, he took out the "Interim News" from his handbag again.Then he said to himself.

"Mabond, Mabond..."

When chanting this name, he seemed a little excited, his cheeks and chin seemed to be trembling slightly. At this time, he didn't look like an engineer, but a gambler at a gambling table.

Yes, he was gambling!

Staring at the newspaper, he thought for an unknown amount of time before he drove the car out of the factory, then carefully drove out of the urban area and headed west to the train station.After arriving at the train station, he stopped the car at the roadside parking place and walked about half a mile before walking into a red public phone booth and dialing a number.

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