Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 133 England and France are all leeks

Chapter 133 England and France are all leeks ([-]rd update, please subscribe)
No miracle happened at all, and despite the installation of mirror galvanometers at both ends of the cable, no signal from New York was detected, and of course New York did not receive a signal from London.

In an instant, public opinion in Britain and the United States was in an uproar.


"and then?"

Looking at the frowning Field and Buffett, Zhu Xianhai asked calmly.


"Yeah, I mean what's the situation now?"

"Now that the stock of the Atlantic Telegraph Company has fallen to nothing, no one believes that this telegram has any practical value,"

Buffett let out a long sigh.

"When we left London, we heard that the British government was about to abandon that route..."

Field sighed, only he knew how difficult it was to lobby the governments of the two countries to support the "Atlantic Cable".Now, however, news of the failure was the straw that broke the camel's back.

Facing the dejected two people, Zhu Xianhai smiled.

"this is a good news!"


The two looked at Zhu Xianhai suspiciously, what was he talking about?
"In any case, it's good news."

Zhu Xianhai smiled.

"The abandonment of this route by the British and American governments means that we can sell this route to other people at a high price!"

"Sell it to someone else? Here, who is likely to buy this pile of scrap iron?"

At this moment, Buffett even felt that Zhu Xianhai was a little unreasonable. Did he know what he was talking about?

"Who said he was scrap metal?"

Looking at Buffett, Zhu Xinghai smiled.

"The reason why the outside world makes such a judgment now is nothing more than because even a mirror galvanometer is used to detect and amplify the signal passing through the cable, and the weak signal cannot be amplified."

"Yes, sir, because its signal is too weak, probably because of the cables."

Field, who has lost many friends and investors over the past few years, has never lost his optimism, but this time, he lost it altogether.

"The signal is too weak, but it doesn't mean there is no signal. In the final analysis, it is because the performance of the mirror galvanometer is limited. What if we change to a mirror galvanometer with better performance?"

The mirror galvanometer is one of several instruments used to measure weak currents. The beam projected on the scale acts as a pointer in the traditional ammeter, and the small changes caused by the current are amplified by the deflection of the mirror beam to achieve measurement. .However, the performance of current mirror galvanometers is still very primitive.After all, William Thomson just finished improving it a few years ago.

"Do we have any?"

Buffett asked back.

"What we use in London is the most advanced mirror galvanometer in the world."

"That's London."

Zhu Xianhai smiled mysteriously.

"I have mirror galvanometers here too!"

In fact, the failure had long been expected by Zhu Xianhai. The quality of the submarine cables that Field worked so hard to lay was actually very poor. For example, the lack of purity of copper was a problem.This directly hinders the transmission of the current signal.In history, when this cable was picked up to build the second cable in Field, it also encountered similar problems. How did it solve it?

Nothing more than to further improve the "mirror galvanometer", and then?That line has been in use for decades.

"We have mirror galvanometers here?"

Facing the surprise of the two of them, Zhu Xianhai smiled.

"That's right, otherwise, why do you think I voted for the Atlantic Telegraph Company? And the performance of the new galvanometer is better, and the sending and receiving speed is at least 50 times higher."

In fact, the first Atlantic cable was mediocre even when it worked. On August 1858, 8, Queen Victoria sent a message in Morse code to the President of the United States. His speed was extremely slow - 16 words. It took 99 and a half hours to send the congratulatory message—but the success had New Yorkers all over the city celebrating.

Now, however, the emergence of new mirror galvanometers will change everything.

"Really, really?"

Field looked at Zhu Xianhai nervously. For him whose reputation was ruined, Zhu Xianhai's words were undoubtedly the last straw.

"Of course!"

Zhu Xianhai nodded and said.

"I've built two finished ones that are more than 5 times better than William Thomson's improved mirror galvanometer, and it works perfectly for the transatlantic cable, trust me now lol And sarcasm, after a month, will become a joke!"

Looking at the confident Zhu Xianhai, Buffett said suddenly.

"Did you, my friend, foresee all this?"

"You mean the failure of sending the message?"

Picking up the wine glass, Zhu Xianhai took a sip, and then said.

"Of course, Cyrus, you should be very clear that this telegraph line is invested by the U.S. government and the British government. Now we only hold 50% of the stock. Although the U.S. government is willing to sell their shares, the British government The government seems to have been so bullish on Atlantic Telegram's potential that they have no intention of selling stock at all, have they?"

Of course Cyrus Field knew this all too well.

"Yes, sir, four years ago the British Government sent orders by telegram to two regiments in Canada. These regiments were on their way to India, but when the British Government learned that the Indian rebellion had been suppressed, they sent new orders by cable. By not sending troops, the Treasury saved around £60000, possibly more, and recouped about a seventh of their investment in the cable with a single military order, so the British are bullish on its potential."

Historically, it was the support of the British government that allowed Field to re-lay the second Atlantic cable a few years later.

"So the British are bullish and they are not willing to sell their holdings, which is not good news for us."


Field was full of doubts.

"Isn't the British support a good thing?"

He simply would not have been able to roll out the cable without the support of the British government.

Glancing at Field, Zhu Xianhai heaved a long sigh.

"At least for businessmen, this is certainly not a good thing. What we are after is to maximize profits. The British government... is definitely an obstacle, because the potential of this telegraph line is endless. If we want to play its value , we must make it a rare commodity to live in!"

"Extraordinary goods to live in? What does this mean?"

"It means that after the British sold its shares, when it is successfully tested again, when its stock price soars, the United Kingdom, the United States, they are all willing to pay a high price to buy this line, um, maybe France !The third emperor will definitely be interested in this route, if it succeeds!"

Putting down the wine glass, Zhu Xianhai said proudly.

"If you want to cut leeks, you have to use some means. This time, I plan to use this cable to cut twice on the British, American and French!"

Ignoring the stunned two people, Zhu Xianhai just tasted the fine wine quietly. This time, he felt proud. Everything was within his expectation and within the plan. This is the original intention of Zhu Xianhai to invest in Atlantic Cable.

"Field, how much do you say the Atlantic Telegraph will be worth when it gets another signal? Two million pounds? Five million pounds, or more?"

"Sir, why can't we run it ourselves? It's very profitable! This cable has so much potential, and when it first started it was very expensive to send telegrams, $10 a word, at least 10 words per telegram .If the telegram is expensive, it means that its profit margin is very large.”

Field looked at Zhu Xianhai puzzled.

"Then it must be worth more!"

Zhu Xianhai knew slightly.

"That's just right for a good price!"

Zhu Xianhai knew very well in his heart that this cable was unstoppable, and the best choice was to use it to make a quick buck before others would tear themselves apart!
Such as selling to the French!
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(End of this chapter)

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