Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 1333 The People's Choice

Chapter 1333 People's Choice (Third Update, please subscribe)

"This is the choice of the people, this is the voice of the people, this is the voice of the times..."

As always, Radio Voice of the Americas will always be in the news about the choice of the Ecuadorian people - to become a kingdom.

As the first country in South America to abandon the republic after independence and invite a king to become a kingdom, Ecuador's decision can be said to blind the eyes of the world.

Although historically, the British invited the Dutch to be kings, and the Spaniards broke out a "war of succession" on the issue of inviting foreigners to be kings because of the extinction of the royal family. The most recent one was after Greece became independent. Is the invited Bavarian prince as king.

Well, if you have to say "inviting" the Emperor of Mexico is also an invitation.

However, as we all know, Mexico's "invitation" was an "invitation" by the French, and many people died for this invitation.

But what about Ecuador?
It is indeed the people's choice.People are indeed the result of voting, just like the decision of the Paraguayans to merge into the empire, it is the choice of the people.

Uchis, who was in power as the interim government, took the train to Daming in person on the third day after the invitation was issued.

"This is the best choice!"

Xu Chenglin, Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Empire, looked at Uqis who was sitting opposite and said.

"Not only is it in the interest of Ecuador, it is also in the best interest of you."

Uchis nodded slightly and said.

"Actually, Mr. Minister should know that we want to be a member of the empire. You must know that for us, the reason why we launched the uprising was not for personal power, but for the future of the people of Ecuador. We believe that the empire It is in the best interests of Ecuador that the rule of the

Although he said so, for Uchis, who has already grasped the power, he also knows very well in his heart that this is indeed the choice that is most in line with his personal interests. It may be a good choice to merge into Daming, but what about him?
At most, he would just become a member of the imperial nobles, and then spend his life as an imperial dignitary. Although he did not reject this result, anyone who had tasted the taste of power would understand the beauty of power.

When he became the interim government, when he tasted the beauty of power for the first time, Uchis finally understood why those Caudillo masters would hold power, launch a coup and wage war for it.

Because power is like an aphrodisiac, everyone who is in it will be involuntarily fascinated by it, and sink into it, but fortunately, Uchis is still sober, he is soberly aware that he is just a puppet.

Of course, puppets also have their own desires, their own ambitions.

His ambition is very simple, that is, as the prime minister of the kingdom, to enjoy power and the wealth brought by power in the days to come, nothing more.

No, when did he become so corrupt and depraved?He simply wants to serve the people of Ecuador.Yes, he is the servant of the people!

And of course the servants of the king.

When the "Ecuadorian petition group" headed by Uchis and others took the "American Star" to the central capital, in the imperial palace of the central capital, a young military officer was standing in the emperor's study, as if he was talking with the emperor. While chatting, this young military officer was none other than Zhu Youbo, His Royal Highness King Lu of the Empire.

As the third prince of the empire, he had been serving in the army. In his life plan, he never thought that he would become the king one day, but now he is about to become the king of Ecuador.

So, he came to the palace.

"If they don't know how to advance and retreat, someone will naturally let them understand what advance and retreat are."

Looking at his son, Emperor Zhu said with a smile.

"My father sent you to Ecuador not as a display, but as a real king. In the days to come, you only need to complete a few tasks. One is to complete the land reform, which is to win people's hearts, and It is to introduce Chinese immigrants, introduce immigrants, and promote Chineseization, where is the future of Ecuador?"

Emperor Zhu laughed.

"It is Huaxia! The future Ecuador should be a Chinese Ecuador!"

This is the reason why Emperor Zhu entrusted his son to Ecuador. What the empire needs is a Chinese Ecuador, at least an Ecuador where Chinese immigrants occupy the mainstream of society.

Nodding slightly, Zhu Youbo said.

"Indeed, Ecuador can be changed only by introducing a large number of immigrants. The world only sees that after Peru and other places were incorporated into the empire, the living standards of its citizens have improved day by day, but they have overlooked one point. It is the hard work and hardship of Chinese immigrants that have fundamentally changed those areas."

Although he is Zhu Youbai, the third prince of the empire, in fact, the queen is only his adoptive mother. His mother is Monica. Approval of superiority.

After all, in the past few decades, the same achievements made by Chinese Americans have been confirmed in all places including Ming Dynasty, its colonies, and even Mexico. Although there are more and more Chinese immigrants in Mexico, the locals Far from being disgusted, almost everyone from top to bottom admires the obedience, enthusiasm and simplicity of the Chinese.

Mexicans who advocate the introduction of immigrants from China believe that Chinese immigrants have the advantages of hard work and hard work that no other race has. Chinese immigrants are undoubtedly the most superior labor force in the eyes of capitalists and enterprises.It is their arrival that is rapidly changing Mexico,
"Different from Europeans and Indians, because Chinese are hard-working, eager to learn and good at saving, it is very common for Chinese to go from work to business, and from work to school. As long as there is a fair and good external environment, the Chinese economy The rise of the Internet is almost natural. Of course, while the Chinese economy is rising, the local economy is also taking off. Therefore, it is not so much the empire that changed Peru, Bolivia, and even Chile, Argentina, Brazil and other places. Said it was the Chinese who changed these areas," he said.

Although he was in front of his father, Zhu Youbai did not notice that his words were "erasing" his father's credit, he was just telling a fact, and this fact has long been confirmed all over the world.


Emperor Zhu smiled.

"Huaxia people are the most hardworking nation in the world, and they also value education the most. This is our advantage. We can endure the worst environment in the world to work, and we can save money and accumulate wealth. We can also use the money saved from food and frugality for the education of our children, and these advantages are not possessed by any other nation, and this is the root of our doomed rise!"

There may be some shortcomings in the Huaxia nation, but what is certain is that the advantages of the Huaxia nation are the fundamental reason why it can stand among the nations of the world and stand at the top for a long time.

Looking at his son, Emperor Zhu said with a smile.

"So, Huaxia is their future. The arrival of Chinese immigrants is like a blood transfusion... Yes, it is a blood transfusion. Through blood transfusions, they can change those backward and ignorant areas and help them get rid of barbarism and ignorance. Huaxia..."

(End of this chapter)

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