Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 1341 The Empire's Thunderstorm Plan

Chapter 1341 The Empire's Thunderstorm Plan ([-]rd update, please subscribe)

"Actively attack!"

In the imperial palace in Zhongdu, facing Qian Degong, Emperor Zhu said directly.

"In future wars, we must ensure that we have an overall advantage from the very beginning. To maintain an advantage from the very beginning, we must completely disintegrate and destroy them by taking the initiative in the war." ..."

Emperor Zhu, who was sitting on the mahogany "Dragon Chair", tapped his finger on the armrest of the dragon while speaking.

"So, I have ordered the military to draw up a "Great Thunderstorm War Plan", and they should come up with a plan in the near future."

The so-called "Great Thunderstorm War Plan", its predecessor was "Red Plan", it is a war plan planned by the Imperial General Staff Headquarters many years ago about the measures required when entering a state of war with Britain. From an offensive to an attack, the target ranges from the British country to the British slave country.

The plan proposes a series of pre-emptive actions that the empire can take. These actions are mainly to invade and occupy some major ports and railways in Australia and New Zealand before the reinforcements sent by the United Kingdom reach Australia and New Zealand, so as to prevent the landing of British reinforcements and cut off their material delivery routes.According to the plan, the imperial navy fleet will defeat the American fleet before the British Royal Navy's power is invested, so that the American and British navies cannot join forces.

"His Majesty has already decided?"

Qian Degong appeared very calm. On the issue of war against Britain, he was the same as most high-ranking imperial officials.Both were convinced that war between the Empire and Great Britain was inevitable.

It is only a matter of time before the war breaks out. Now that His Majesty Yiyi has formulated this battle plan, it must be imminent.

And judging from the current situation, indeed, it is imminent.

"For the immediate situation, if we don't prepare as soon as possible, then we have to face the situation where the British are actively attacking us."

Emperor Zhu said bluntly.

"Wars between imperialists have never been just. We must not put the country on the brink of crisis because of a false name, so if the situation continues to deteriorate, then we have to fire the first shot. Before they are ready Before."

Emperor Zhu has never been a pedantic person. He is very aware of the power gap between the Ming Empire and the United Kingdom and the United States. It is precisely because of this that he advocates pre-emptive strikes and let the enemy deal heavy damage before they are ready.

There is no justice in imperialist wars. To a large extent, all the actions taken by the great powers are out of selfish desires, and now is the era of rampant imperialism in the history of the world. If this is the case, why care about false names?
"Actually, right now is an opportunity..."

Emperor Zhu said regretfully.

"Now the "Great White Fleet" of the Americans is showing off its power there. It is an opportunity for us. They have concentrated all their main forces in one area-in the next few months, they will stay in San Francisco. If we If we can seize this opportunity, we are absolutely sure to eliminate them all there, so that in the next two or three years, we will not need to consider the threat of the US Navy."

Emperor Zhu still felt very sorry when he mentioned the "Great White Fleet". After all, such an opportunity is very rare.

"Your Majesty, we are not ready at least not yet, but I think..."

Looking at His Majesty, Qian Degong continued.

"Since they can give up the so-called Great White Fleet because of the Cuban issue, they will also reorganize the "Great White Fleet" in the future because of other similar problems. When the time comes, when they join forces again, It's not too late for us to catch them all."

Emperor Zhu nodded slightly at Qian Degong's suggestion. Although he knew that it was unlikely that the United States would gather all the battleships together, he still said it.

"I hope, I hope there will be such an opportunity in the future."

In fact, Emperor Zhu was not the only one who felt it was a pity. Almost at the same time that Emperor Zhu was talking to Qian Degong, in the courtyard of the General Staff Headquarters, two young naval officers were walking there. The collar patch on the left side of the badge is a bamboo joint, which is the meaning of "Operational Research Only" in the staff logo.

"It's really a pity..."

Qiu Zhenzhi said with regret.

"If we are ready, then this time the Americans use the "Great White Fleet" to show off your might is our best opportunity. We can seize this opportunity. Use a decisive battle at sea to destroy them, such as when they cross the Strait of Magellan At that time, we can take advantage of the opportunity for them to pass through the strait, block the strait, use submarines, warships and torpedo boats, and wipe them out in the Strait of Magellan."

However, Qiu Zhenzhi, who is only 25 years old, is one of the youngest staff officers in the staff headquarters. Three years ago, he graduated from the Naval Academy with No.1 grades, and then served on the "Qingzhou". Last year, he was transferred to the commander of the Atlantic Fleet The first section of the Military Affairs Department of the Ministry of Defense became the staff officer of the standing fleet.

This time, the reason why he had the opportunity to join the "Thunderstorm Research Group" that gathered almost all the elite staff of the imperial military was because he was strongly recommended by the fleet commander.

"Opportunity is a good opportunity, but we also have to consider the reality. The reality is that we are not ready for war. Really, think about it again, how can we defeat the US Navy before the British Royal Navy intervenes. "

Like Pan Renwei and Qiu Zhenzhi, they were both naval staff officers. The reason why they came to the staff headquarters was to participate in the formulation of an extremely large and complicated battle plan.

"It's not easy. After all, the United States is a country with a huge army and navy, and our two countries have similar national strengths. If you want to destroy the US sea power before the British use it, you must preemptively strike, and preemptive strikes are also very difficult. .Because the U.S. Navy is usually scattered in many military ports on the east and west coasts, which means that we must attack them from the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean at the same time, and, as you know, this plan is a global plan that requires Investing millions of troops, such a huge battle plan, every detail must be considered, and the core is the navy! Even the invasion of the Northern Territory requires sea transportation to ensure its combat effectiveness. Needless to say, the Pacific region , once an accident happens to the navy, failure is inevitable.”

As soon as his words fell, Pan Renwei said directly.

"That's why the officers asked us to formulate a combat plan that can win with [-]% certainty."

"One hundred percent sure? Baga!"

Although he has been naturalized for many years, Qiu Zhizhi will inevitably speak a few words of local dialect when he is excited.

"Is there anything in this world that is [-]% sure? Sun Tzu said: If victory is not expected, defeat is expected first. No matter what kind of battle, the first thing to consider is not what will happen after the victory, but how to deal with the unfavorable factors. Now we The question that needs to be considered is not just winning, but what to do after losing?"

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(End of this chapter)

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