Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 1344 The Empire

Chapter 1344 The Millennium Empire ([-]rd update, please subscribe)


Confront President Rafael Nuñez inside the Presidential Palace of the San Carlos Palace in Bogota.John Smith was straightforward with his offer.

Of course, this is not an offer to buy the railway, but a personal reward to President Rafael Nunez.


President Rafael Nunez didn't react at first, but he soon understood. Looking at the millionaire in front of him, he asked back.

"Are you trying to bribe me?"

"Mr. President, this is not buying you, but a consulting fee paid by our company to you. This consulting fee is that we want to consult Mr. President on railway-related matters."

What is talking nonsense with your eyes open?
That's certainly what John Smith was doing now, but for him, who often dealt with these officials, he knew it well.What kind of bribe should be used?If it was from Persia, he would directly bring boxes of silver coins to the other party.

But here these greedy guys always need some disguise.

Faced with this offer, President Rafael Nuñez hesitated for a moment, then spoke.

"Before that, many people who invested in railways lost money. Mr. Smith, what made you come here to invest in this railway at any cost?"


John Smith said with a smile.

"I believe that the return on this investment should be very rich. Mr. President, I am investing in the future! The future of Colombia. I believe that with the influx of European immigrants, Colombia will eventually rise like the United States. Now invest in railways , no doubt it's about time."

What is talking about people when you see people, and talking about people when you see ghosts?
But many times what businessmen say, even a single punctuation mark cannot be trusted.

But hearing such words in the ears of President Rafael Nunez made him very happy to say.

"Really? When you showed up, did you really think Colombia would be like America in the future?"

"Mr. President, we all know that Colombia is the front line against the Ming Empire, and that's why. London and Washington don't mind giving you loans to help you achieve the rise of your country, with the support of the United Kingdom and the United States. Columbia The rise of China is just a matter of time.”

"Yes, yes!"

President Rafael Nunes said with a smile.

"Mr. Smith, you are right. As long as Britain and the United States support us, our rise is only a matter of time. Anyone who invests in Colombia will get rich returns, Mr. Smith, and of course you are no exception."


Although President Rafael Nunez did not agree, in his opinion, the introduction of British capital is beneficial to Colombia and harmless.Even this is inevitable.

After all, the Ming Empire has always wanted to build a railway in Colombia, but now the intervention of British capital has complicated this issue.

Let the Ming Empire and the British Empire fight.

As for Colombia, it only needs to benefit from it.

Sometimes negotiation is so simple, just need to offer money, it is enough to convince everyone to accept.

This is the power of money.

For Anglo-Persian Petroleum Corporation's railway investment in Colombia, the Ming Empire reacted quickly. Almost immediately, the Imperial Ambassador to Colombia criticized the invasion of the Americas by British capital, and even pointed out that Colombian officials accepted bribed by the the expense of Colombia's interests.

Facing the reaction of the Ming Empire, the response of the British Empire was also very quick, the ambassador of the British Empire sarcastically said.

"Then switching to Daming Capital isn't an invasion of Colombia?" Apart from sarcasm, they also emphasized that the British Empire will increase investment in Colombia in the future to support Colombia's economic development.

When the officials of the two countries were arguing with each other, no one knew that in Zhongdu thousands of kilometers away, many people were celebrating the victory there.

"All we need is a railroad, whoever builds that railroad."

In the combat map room of the staff headquarters, several young staff officers remarked a railway line directly on the map.Although the Colombian railway has not yet been built to Panama, this does not prevent them from adding this railway to the battle plan.

"The British will help us get what we want."

While the staff officers were adjusting the battle plan, Sun Hu, the proposer of the plan, said with a smile in the palace.

"Whether the British want to blackmail us through these railways or not, as long as they can repair the railway from Bogota to Pasto, and then from Berio to Panama, this railway is ours, even if it is There are dozens of kilometers or hundreds of kilometers that are not connected together, and it doesn't matter, our engineers will build and connect the railways in a short time..."

Sun Hu had no idea that the British who invested in the Columbia Railway was not out for profit.He himself is a submarine from the Investigation Department.The so-called profit-making is just an excuse.

Emperor Zhu agreed deeply.

"But it's a bit late to build the railway. If it can be done two years earlier, the railway may have been completed by now."

It's a pity to think about it now. If all this had been done two years ago, perhaps the Pan-American Railroad would have been completed by now.

A railway across North and South America, it will definitely become the main artery connecting the entire continent in the future, and this railway belongs to Ming Dynasty.

"Better late than never, Your Majesty, when we send troops to Colombia in the future, we will take advantage of the opportunity to incorporate it into the empire."

Incorporating Colombia into the empire...Emperor Zhu didn't even think about it, at least now he didn't think about it in his plan at all.

The future Colombia, and of course Venezuela, does not necessarily have to be incorporated into the mainland of the empire. He has other ideas in the future.

The empire can basically maintain the status quo.

However, Emperor Zhu did not explain these, but said in a light tone.

"Let's leave the fate of Colombia to the Colombians, we... Now we have to work hard for the century-old fortune of the empire..."

Compared with little Colombia, Emperor Zhu is more concerned about the future of the empire for a hundred years, or even a thousand years...

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(End of this chapter)

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