Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 1347 Hunter and Prey

In [-], to the world, there seemed to be signs of a storm that was about to come.

It seems that every day there is a possibility that war will break out.

For the world, there is a possibility of war every day, but for southern Africa.Every day here is a war going on.

January [-], [-], on this day, the sun was as bright as usual.

The sun hanging high in the sky shines the bright sunlight on the earth, and there are a few white clouds floating in the blue sky. This seemingly arid South African plateau is covered with lush shrubs and green weeds to cover the arid landscape. land.

On the plateau was an army camp surrounded by barbed wire, and beside the barracks was a watchtower. On the watchtower, Corporal Philip half leaned against the outer wall of the sentry box, looking listlessly at the hillside.

The hillside looks the same as the land.They are all dry and bare. Although there are green grasses, they still give people an extremely desolate feeling.

"Why the hell? Blood here?"

Corporal Philip has been here for more than a year. There are many British soldiers on it. He is lucky. Fortunately, he does not need to go to the battlefield or face the bullets of the Boers. People are depressed.

Philip knew that compared to many people, he was lucky, but repeating such boring days every day would always make people feel paralyzed, which also let his high vigilance relax.

Of course, it is precisely because there is no risk.Only then will he have time to think about other issues, such as why are you fighting?

"When do you think this war will end?"

Philip turned his head and asked the comrades on the side, and then said.

"Haven't we already occupied Pretoria, didn't Marshal Roberts say that? As long as we occupy Johannesburg, the war will end, and the resistance of the Boers will soon be disintegrated..."

The past year has undoubtedly been disastrous for the Boers. As the British continued to send more troops to South Africa, Field Marshal Frederick Roberts was appointed as the commander of the British army.Under his command, the British army achieved a turning point in the battle.They occupied Pretoria and a large tract of land in its southeast in October last year. Now, only a few areas such as Johannesburg are left in the area controlled by the Boers.

However, even though most of the Boer Republic was occupied, the resistance of the Boers did not stop. In order to eliminate the resistance of the Boers, Britain adopted brutal methods of war.They burned Boer farms, killed civilians, including women and children, and even poisoned rivers to kill livestock.

In a word, in order to win the war, the British can be said to have used all means.The British attempted to prevent the Boers from fighting through these actions to destroy the economic infrastructure.In addition, the British even tried the method of building concentration camps, putting all the Boers living in the countryside into concentration camps, and then forcing the Boer partisans to surrender.

But it was too late for the British. When they occupied those areas, facing the barbaric behavior of the British trying to destroy their economy, a large number of Boers—those women and children fled to the north and fled to the colonies of the Ming Empire. There are well-equipped refugee camps set up in the Border Empire, where they can live safely until the end of the war.

"Danny should be grown up by now!"

Lying deep in the grass, Jackal couldn't help thinking of his daughter—his daughter and his wife were in refugee camps in the Bechuanaland Special District of the Empire, even though the British occupied his farm and took away his cattle group, but his wife and daughter are still safe, they are absolutely safe under the protection of the empire.

Just get rid of the British and everything will be fine...

Once again, the Jackal observed the British barracks through the scope. He lurked here last night. Like a very patient old hunter, he was quietly waiting for a high-value target. .

What is a high-value target?
It's like being a hunter.Instead of wasting bullets on wild dogs, they will shoot elephants, lions, leopards and other beasts with bullets.

He had had countless chances to shoot in the past time, but the Jackal didn't shoot, believing there would be more worthy targets.

"Marshal, there are more and more voices in London hoping for peace talks, and they are likely to mediate through France or Ming Dynasty..."

Marshal Frederick Roberts, who had just put on his military cap and was about to leave with a marshal's stick in his hand, said directly when he heard what his subordinates said.

"Johannesburg, as long as we capture Johannesburg, then this war will end, my general, now the whole of Britain and even the whole world are watching here, this is the place to end the war."

For Brits, Johannesburg is definitely a sad place.In the past two years, they have launched attacks on the city again and again, but the towering forts and the long-range cannons on the forts have stopped them again and again.

"It used to be their forts that were holding us back. But that's no longer a problem—the Armstrong company has successfully combined the 12-inch naval gun with the train, and soon, the long-range train gun will be transported." to the front, with which the fortress of the Boers is simply vulnerable..."

When Marshal Frederick Roberts said these words triumphantly, he walked out of the wooden house, and standing in front of the corridor, he glanced at the barracks.

Soon he will be reviewing troops in Johannesburg.By that time, the whole British Empire will cheer his victory.

When the Marshal walked out of the wooden house, a Rolls-Royce car drove past slowly. At this time, no one thought that it was this car that exposed him.

On the hillside almost 800 meters away, as the car moved, the Jackal spotted the target he had been looking for all along—a high-value target.

Although he didn't know the official rank of the owner of the car, he pulled the trigger immediately when he saw through the scope that the target person was about to get into the car.

At the moment the gunshot rang, he immediately pulled the bolt to unload the chamber and loaded it. Just as he finished loading the chamber, he saw blood rushing from the target's chest, and he fell down. At this time, he pulled the trigger again. , towards another target.

At the same time, the British machine guns rang out, and the British machine gunners operated the Maxim machine guns to output crazily at the area he was in.

It's just that what the British didn't know was that the jackal escaped smoothly with the help of the gunpowder smoke produced by the explosion.When he escaped, the British barracks was already in chaos—the marshal was dead, and so was the general...

Just half an hour later, the news that Marshal Frederick Roberts and the commander of the British army, General Felrick, were shot by snipers reached London. While the public opinion was in an uproar, it also became the news that crushed the United Kingdom. Man's last straw.It even led directly to the resignation of Prime Minister William Ewart Gladstone.

peace talks...

Four years after the war broke out, peace talks were the only option to end the war.

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