Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 1349 Make Rome Great Again

Chapter 1349 Make Rome Great Again (Second update, please subscribe)
With the signing of the "Berlin Treaty", the war in southern Africa finally stopped, although Britain got some powers they had longed for at the negotiating table, such as citizenship rights for immigrants, restrictive clauses for railways, and With agreements such as tariffs, it seems that Britain is the winner, but in fact?
The whole world saw the weakness of Britain.See through the essence of the UK as a paper tiger.

But in any case, the world seems to have once again entered into a world of peace.But in fact, when the weakening of Britain was seen by the whole world, "Pax British Empire" was also destroyed, and it was from this day that peace ceased to exist.

No matter how much human beings yearn for peace, for the world, peace is mostly an illusion of human beings. After all, in human history, war is continuous, and even war is the eternal theme of human history.

Epics praise the beauty of peace, but more epics praise heroes, and heroes come from war, from war.

Everyone has a chance to be a hero, and for Alexei Nikolayevich Kuropatkin, a telegram from the border opened his eyes.Saw an opportunity to be a hero.

"The general, those rebels, fled into Persia again, and in the past years, those rebels, they have always been, rebelled against the rule of the empire in the Caucasus, and when we attacked, once the battle was lost, they would Will flee to Persia. If our army cannot break through the border, then this war will continue forever!"

After listening to the staff officer's report, Kuropatkin asked directly at the end.

"Then what's your suggestion? My Michelle."

The reason why he is so close is that Mikhail is the son of his old chief, General Skobelev. During the Turkish War, he was General Skobelev's staff officer. Let him have today, 12 years ago, the general passed away, he naturally had to take care of Michelle, and it was under his care that he was at least an official last year.

This kind of mutual support is simply a normal thing in Russia.In fact, the same is true in other countries.

"Crossing the border!"

Michelle said bluntly.

"Follow those damned heretics across the border, find them, kill them, kill whoever shelters them."

Cross the border!

Mikhail's suggestion made Kuropatkin immediately think of Tsar Alexander III in Constantinople and the desire of the Constantinople bureaucracy for Persia.As an old fritter who has been in the officialdom for many years, Kuropatkin knows how to figure out the holy will.

"Everyone in Constantinople is eager to get Persian oil! The wealth brought by oil will be the most precious wealth of Rome... Oil is a gift from God to Rome! It must not be taken by pagans."

Kuropatkin, who has penetrated the ultimate esoteric meaning of the tsar, also knows that Persia is the sphere of influence of Britain, so he said.

"Cross-border operations... Persia, that is the sphere of influence of the British."

The commander's answer made Mihar Yil laugh.

"General, the days of the British are over now. They may have a mighty Royal Navy, but the British are nothing but giants of the sea. On land they are vulnerable."

The reason why Mikhail is so conceited is precisely because of the Boer War. The war of resistance not only caused Britain to shed blood, but also let the whole world see the ugliness of the British there.

England... is but a giant of the sea.On land they are simply vulnerable.At this time, he has forgotten now, how Russia was defeated in Crimea, and how did it sacrifice a tsar?

"After suffering the defeat of the Boer War, it is impossible for the British to set foot on the mainland, let alone stop our actions on the land. Besides, we are also famous for our teachers! Those heretics, they once killed Heretics of the dead pope. Persians . . . as well!"

The "Jerusalem incident" has changed a lot. Before the Jerusalem incident, the Russian Empire was relatively tolerant. After the incident, facing a large number of Turkey in the conquered area, they directly asked them to convert to the Orthodox Church. They destroyed the Tianfang Temple and changed it to a church. .The Caucasus region did the same thing, but the Caucasus people were too stubborn. The Turks gave up their resistance ten years ago, including the Kurds who converted to the Orthodox Church. But until now, the resistance in the Caucasus region has not stopped.

Since becoming the governor of the Caucasus, Kuropatkin has been troubled by the rebellion here. Although the vast majority of people have converted to the Orthodox Church, there are still a few people who choose to resist.

"Constantinople...will there want us to enter Persia?"

Kuropatkin asked back.

"Your Excellency, Constantinople may have a certain fear of Britain, but they certainly don't mind us taking an adventure in Persia to test the bottom line of the British..."

Looking at the governor, Mikhail said in a sarcastic tone.

"How could the British, who had just suffered a defeat in South Africa, choose to go to war with the Roman Empire in Persia? God can testify that they didn't have that courage at all."

Yes, how could the British, who had just suffered a defeat, go to war in Persia and the Roman Empire?They can't even defeat the little Boers, let alone the more powerful Roman Empire!
The Roman Empire - but has the most powerful army in Europe!Even the Roman army was several times larger than the population of the Boer Republic, and the Boers could make the British hate the battlefield, not to mention the Roman legion that conquered Turkey.

No matter how the balance was weighed, Kuropatkin could not find a reason to refuse.On the one hand, Persia was the aspiration of the whole of Constantinople, and on the other hand, Persia was so weak.In the past, he relied on the support of the British Empire to maintain until now.

But now?
What does Britain rely on to protect Persia?

With their disgraceful British Army and Colonial Legions on the Boer Field?

After making this judgment in his heart, Kuropatkin looked at Mikhail and said.

"My Mikhail, are you willing to lead the army and cross the border? Your father once defeated the Turks, and now the glorious moment has come to you. waiting for you to conquer."

"Your Excellency the Governor!"

The heels of the boots touched lightly, and Mihail bowed his head and said.

"It is my honor that those savage pagans must feel the sharpness of the sword of God."

For Mikhail, this is also a moment he personally looks forward to.His father was honored in the war.Now he will also gain his personal glory in Persia, and he may even achieve more brilliant results than his father.

At this moment, in the Caucasus and in Baku, the soldiers' desire for military feats and ambitions for expansion combined, and what kind of fruits they will produce, only...God knows.

What is certain is that they believe that their actions can make Rome great again.

 The old group collapsed, and another book friend group was established: 739209015. Everyone is welcome to join, discuss the plot together, and deduce the plot.

(End of this chapter)

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