Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 1353 The Orient Express That Determines Destiny

Chapter 1353 The Orient Express That Determines Destiny (Second Update, please subscribe)
How important is intelligence work in international affairs?

Important enough to decide the fate of the country!

At least one piece of intelligence could have made the difference between life and death for Persia.Of course, a piece of intelligence will also determine a country's decision-making.

On October 21, [-], when four Dreadnought-class battleships sailed through the Suez Canal and sailed across the Persian Gulf of the Red Sea.In Paris, on this autumn morning, six thirty.Next to the platform of the Paris train, there is a blue train parked. This train is the famous "Eurasia Express", which is actually the French version of the "American Star".Although it is called the "Eurasian Express", in many cases, people prefer to call it the "Orient Express" - this is the express train to the East.

Beside the footboard at the door of the sleeper car, stood a young British Army major in a dark green uniform—what was the greatest contribution to the Boer War?It is to let the British get rid of the dazzling red military uniforms and replace them with khaki or dark green military uniforms.

Although it was still autumn, the weather in the early morning was a bit cold. Escorting diplomats for a visit was not enviable, but Major General Andorra still faithfully performed his duties.Since he was born in a noble family, he can talk to noble ladies in Paris in beautiful French, and chat with noble ladies in Russian, about literature, opera and movies. There is almost nothing he does not understand. Of course, most of the time, they They all speak French. After all, French is the common language of the upper class. As for English, it is a bit vulgar.

Of course, he has no such opportunity now, because the mood of the special envoy he escorted, Randolph Churchill, has become worse and worse since he arrived in Paris.

This Mr. Churchill was Chancellor of the Exchequer, but he only served as Chancellor of the Exchequer for 5 months before returning to the backbench of the House of Commons. He is a political loser. This time he was appointed as the special envoy entirely because ...God only knows why.

Churchill himself knew.

He resigned back then because he miscalculated the situation, just as he thought his resignation would cause a major blow to the cabinet, but his resignation would not have a fundamental impact on the cabinet and the political situation, so the prime minister calmly accepted Randolph's resignation , and then appointed former Liberal Party frontbencher G.J. Goshen to succeed the Chancellor of the Exchequer.Although this handling caused some political fluctuations, the government still held on.

This ending greatly exceeded Randolph's expectations, and he realized that he had made a mistake.When Randolph was once asked why he resigned so rashly that his political career ended prematurely, he replied: "All great men make mistakes. Napoleon forgot Blücher and I forgot Goschen .”

Yes, he misjudged the situation. Even after resigning, he thought that he would have a chance to come out again after a while.But he didn't expect that he would never return, and Salisbury always ignored every call for "Bring Randolph back!"

Over the past few years, he has spoken at rallies to dwindling audiences, and newspapers have seldom published him.Political frustration made him extremely depressed, and even caused his health to deteriorate day by day.

In fact... not many people know that this is the effect of syphilis.

"I'm going to save the British Empire, my dear,"

Churchill said with some excitement that when he spoke, the beard on his lips was shaking and his hands were trembling.

"Now only I can save the British Empire and stop the Russian ambitions, those damn Russians, they are a group of Mongolian bastards, they are a group of aggressive Mongols in their bones──"

Looking at her excited husband, Jenny sighed and said.

"Honey, you should control your emotions and pay attention to your words, you are a diplomatic envoy..."

"I know, these words, I wouldn't say that to them, but,"

Randolph said with a smile:

"I need to remind myself that those Russians are a bunch of greedy guys. Any concessions from us may be regarded as weak! So, I need to be tough..."

Then Randolph was there again emphasizing his ideas, and this time he was talking more about the interests of the British Empire, and the glory and honor of the British Empire, and things like that.

Listening to what her husband was talking about there, Jenny sighed in her heart, and she couldn't help thinking of him... Her Daming lover, they were together in the past years, and only in his arms could she Find the solace that belongs to women.

That is, when they were chatting, Major Andor got into the car, and he was standing outside the car. He didn’t know anything about what Mr. Special Envoy was talking about in the car. His duty was to escort him to Junshi. Fort Tandy.

"When can we get to Constantinople?"

Major Andor asked when he saw the conductor.

"It's 6:40, we're leaving in five minutes,"

Said the conductor,
"Tomorrow, around six o'clock tomorrow evening, we will arrive in Constantinople."

This is not the first time he said this, everyone is very curious about its speed, in fact they all know - 1.5 days!
This is the speed of the "Eurasian Express", a miraculous speed, only it can drive so fast!
"It's really fast,"


The conductor agreed, and then said.

"Today you can enjoy the roadside scenery along the way, sir, the most beautiful scenery in Europe along the way."

"Yes, when the time comes, I must take a good look at it,"

While they were talking, the "Eurasia Express" started slowly, and when the train roared out of the Paris train station, an oriental man in a top hat and a windbreaker on the platform glanced at the distant train, and then said to himself.

"Okay, the target has been set off. All goes well!"

He slapped his fingers again while speaking,

"When we get to Constantinople, other people will take over... Constantinople, actually, I really want to go, the scenery there seems to be very beautiful."

In fact, he has never been to Constantinople, nor has he seen the scenery there, and everything is heard.

At this time, on the "Eurasia Express" train roaring out of the train station, passengers began to appear in the restaurant. The identities of these passengers were different. Unbeknownst to them, the world is slipping in another direction, and the people who decide the fate of the world are on the same express train with them...

(End of this chapter)

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