Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 1355 The Man behind the World War

Chapter 1355 The Man Behind the World War (Second Update, please subscribe)
The huge, white airship with the red Suzaku emblem painted on it is slowly flying by, the whistling sound of bombs falling continuously in the air, and the continuous explosion is heard on the ground below the airship, and the violent explosion Amid the sound, houses collapsed and gunpowder smoke filled the air.The crowd on the ground began to riot, scream, and run...

But he didn't scream or run, and he couldn't hear any sound around him, he just looked up blankly.The airship kept dropping bombs, and then everything around him was burning violently. In the violent explosion, he seemed to be blown away, and then slowly fell towards the ground...

Eyes opened suddenly, James Bond sat up in horror, he looked around the room for a while, and it took a while to realize that he was on the bed in the bedroom, but maybe because of the nightmare, his whole body was covered in sweat Soggy.

He felt that dream was very real!
It's as real as experiencing it yourself!
I can't have such a dream anymore!
Bond said to himself from the bottom of his heart, looking at his sleeping wife next to him, he was careful from under the eiderdown quilt that was a little damp with sweat, then grabbed the nightgown on the chair beside the bed and wrapped it around his body, then struggled He got up and stepped on the floor barefoot and walked into the bathroom.

Under the dim light in the bathroom, there is a pale face in the mirror, which is a typical middle-aged Caucasian appearance-the face is slightly wrinkled, but fortunately, it has not become bald.This face was cute when he was a child, handsome when he was a teenager, and he still looks handsome now.

Looking at himself in the mirror, James Bond only felt a deep confusion enveloped himself.After washing his face with cold water, he grabbed a towel to wipe off the water on his face, grabbed the half pack of cigarettes under the vanity mirror case, took out one and put it in his mouth, lit it and lightened it deeply. He took a puff and blew a puff of smoke into the mirror.

"Everything I do is for my country!"

James Bond said to himself silently in his heart, yes, everything he did was for the motherland!
However, his homeland was not the British Empire, but the Ming Empire.

For the motherland in his heart, he can do anything, just like he can send that person to the position of special envoy.If nothing else, he should achieve his goal.

Suddenly, he found that he looked a bit like the old man who gave him a piece of bread...

"Son, you must be very hungry, this piece of bread is for you."

The child in shabby clothes and shivering in the cold stared blankly at the 50-year-old man in front of him, without saying a word, just staring at the piece of bread. He didn't even dare to reach out to accept this kindness.

"Son, there is a place you can go to now. When you get there, you will live in a house and sleep on a warm bed. Not only will you have three meals a day, but you can also go to school. Are you willing to go?"

The man's words filled his heart with longing. He looked at the man in front of him and suddenly said:
"What do you want me to do?"

The experience of wandering on the street told him that there is nothing in this world without a price.

"Serve your country."

my country?

Where is my country?
James Bond still remembers wondering in his heart, if there is a country, why should the country let him starve?Why let him live on the street?Why let him suffer from hunger and cold?
After arriving in Daming, he finally felt the feeling of home.

I am an orphan, an orphan who is almost starving to death on the streets of London. The empire raised me, the empire educated me, and I am serving the empire!

Everything I do is for my country!
My Homeland!

Although he hasn't set foot on the land of the motherland for a long time, the motherland will always be in his heart.

For a split second, the confusion on James Bond's face disappeared.

"Yes, everything I do is for my country and for all mankind..."

Suddenly James Bond said this in Chinese, and then he crushed the cigarette in his hand into the ashtray, then closed his eyes, and then he sang that song silently in his heart, the long-lost song song……

"The national flag of the sun and the moon is fluttering in the wind, what a loud song of victory, sing of our dear motherland, always be prosperous and strong, sing of our dear motherland, always be prosperous and strong, over the mountains, over the plains, across the vast ocean, the broad and beautiful land .is our mighty empire..."

Silently humming this song, James Bond coughed a few times. Finally, he looked at his face in the mirror again. He recalled the years of training in school, and then came to impersonate a man named James. · Bond's British youth - his parents are British, have been working in India, because of an accidental death in India, as to where James Bond himself went... that doesn't matter at all, the important thing is, He is now James Bond. Not only has he inherited the property of the old Bond, but he has also been connected with his family and has become the pride of the Bond family. He is now the senior secretary of No. [-] Downing Street.

Not only can he participate in the decision-making of the British Empire, but he can even control the decision-making and direction of the empire to a certain extent.

At this moment, the piercing ringing of the phone came from the living room.

"What time is it? Where is the call from?"

Bond sighed, this is what a senior civil servant needs to pay, and when he walked out of the bathroom, the ringing of the phone had stopped.

As he continued to walk forward, a thought suddenly popped up in Bond's mind-God bless, don't, don't ring again!

It seemed that praying was useless—the phone rang again.

Listening to the ringing of the phone, even though it was harsh, Bond still didn't answer the phone immediately, but walked to the phone, lit a cigarette, and waited for it to stop while smoking the cigarette.When the phone rang for the third time, Bond, who was smoking a cigarette, thought secretly in his heart: It seems that something has happened irreversibly.

Ever since he made that suggestion, he had realized that all this could happen, and now, this phone call must be telling him that it had happened.

When the phone rang for the fourth time, the awakened wife called out.

"Honey, who's calling?"

"Honey, go to bed first, it's my call!"

While answering his wife's question, Bond answered the phone, and the call was indeed from No. [-] Downing Street.

" got worse, the Roman Empire not only refused to withdraw troops, but also refused to negotiate with us on the Persian issue! The prime minister asked us to come to the office immediately..."

The news on the phone made Bond lightly respond, and then continued to smoke. He was not surprised by all this. He had already calmed down, and he was ready to put on a thick cigarette after smoking the cigarette. According to the call notification just now, take a car to No. [-] Downing Street.

What will happen next?

If the Russians refuse to withdraw their troops, the situation will be further aggravated.If they refuse to negotiate, that means diplomacy has failed.

Diplomacy failed, so the next step is war?

James Bond, who was wearing his clothes silently, shivered involuntarily...

 The old group is dead, and a new book friend group: 739209015 is welcome to join, discuss the plot together, and deduce the plot.

(End of this chapter)

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