Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 1358 Civilization Controversy

Chapter 1358 The Civilization Controversy (Second Update, please subscribe)

No matter what kind of reason the Roman Empire finds for itself, one thing is certain is that this is Chiguoguo's aggression.

Of course, the rules of the world in this era are so bare, and the law of the jungle is the basic operating rule of the world.

As time entered the threshold of [-], the world seemed to be sliding towards war at an unprecedented speed, and the dark clouds of war were getting thicker and thicker.

When the world situation was changing, in the capital of the Ming Empire, Emperor Zhu did not pay attention to the changes in the world situation as usual, but played chess there.


In the past few decades, Emperor Zhu has become more and more fond of chess games, but he plays Go. In fact, he is also very good at chess and chess, but he prefers to play Go, especially against The ministers played Go and chatted while playing Go.

"Your Majesty, the current situation in Europe is progressing as you planned, but it seems to be a bit off."

Qian Degong's so-called "fire" means that the fire is short of fire, and that fire...hasn't burned yet. "Can we turn the fire on and get rid of the French card?"

As the prime minister of the empire, Qian Degong certainly knows the truth about the "Jerusalem incident". As long as he plays that card, the war will definitely break out.

"Not yet."

Emperor Zhu smiled and shook his head, then said.

"Wait another two months, after two months, the fire will naturally burn!"

Why are you so confident?

Because... Emperor Zhu has simulated several times and has already learned the answer. After two months, the fire will burn in another way. After the fire burns, no one will be able to stop the fire. .

Eventually, the flames of war will burn throughout the world.

"When one European country after another is involved in this world war, that is when the lights go out from the entire European world."

After playing a chess piece, Emperor Zhu said with a smile.

"It was also the beginning of the general decline of European civilization, whose rise during the last two hundred years was not so much the superiority of the white race as the admixture of many peoples of similar ability on one continent, Anglo-Saxons, Gauls, Germans, and Slavs were more or less under the rule of the Roman Empire. Their civilizations and cultures were similar. During the collapse of the Roman Empire, they established Our own country experienced the darkness of the Middle Ages, before and after the Renaissance, they imitated each other, influenced each other, mixed blood with each other, and fought with each other, and the result of this interaction finally made their power surpass other nations in the world."

Staring at the chessboard, Emperor Zhu thought for a while, then said.

"The French invented the pulley, and the Spaniards imitated it immediately. After the Spaniards invented the hull that can resist wind and waves, the French also built the same boat. The industrial revolution that broke out in Britain was immediately accepted by other European countries. .Not only in terms of technology, but also in knowledge, art, and religion. Speaking of religion, what do they have in common? It is Christianity. Religious organizations play a key role in spreading knowledge, technology, and art, so European civilization is essentially Christian civilization, which is why Europeans call themselves the "Christian world", and of course it is also the reason why they reject us and regard us as competitors of civilization..."

After a pause, Emperor Zhu sneered.

"For them, we are aliens and aliens. This time, we are taking advantage of the differences in their interests and using their internal forces-the French, Russians, and Austrians-to destroy them from the inside of the fortress. In essence, this war is still a battle of civilizations for us..."

But in this battle, Ming's allies have allies from Europe.

Clash of Civilizations!

This is almost inevitable. The real rise of Europe was around the fifteenth century. During the three to four hundred years, the "human wisdom" of Europe developed, from the dark Middle Ages to the Renaissance, and then to the comprehensive development of European civilization. Rise and even dominate the world.

In the middle of the nineteenth century, the rise of European civilization was accompanied by the rampant imperialism, and it was at this time that "Shengde Daming" suddenly stepped into the circle of imperialism.

It was during this mature period of imperialism that the circle was entered, but this circle was dominated by European civilization.

In the simulation of the Nanhua period, why Britain, the United States and other countries regarded Da Ming as a thorn in their side, to put it bluntly, was because Da Ming was not a member of their circle—this circle is the European civilization circle, or the Christian circle.

This circle composed of white people naturally excludes people of yellow race, and the circle of European civilization naturally also excludes Asian civilization.

As a result, race disputes and civilization disputes have become inevitable.

It's just that from the beginning, Emperor Zhu had no intention of "coexisting and co-prospering" with them, and he deliberately wanted to destroy this circle, because in the early simulation, Nanhua only bought the surviving people at the cost of a generation. that power.

Emperor Zhu will not make the same mistake a second time.

"The battle of civilizations - Chinese civilization and European civilization can always coexist, but if European civilization tries to use their context to dominate the world, this is obviously impossible. This war is not so much about us fighting for Fighting for living space is more like fighting for... the coexistence of civilizations!"

As soon as the chess pieces were dropped heavily, looking at the situation on the chessboard, Emperor Zhu said with a smile.

"Qian Qing's family, your chess game today is a bit messy!"

"His Majesty……"

Looking up at His Majesty, Qian Degong replied.

"This situation is getting worse and worse, and my mind is hard to calm down. This battle requires the empire to mobilize millions of troops to fight simultaneously on all continents of the world. Such a grand war can be said to be a war that has never been seen in human history. My minister..."

After thinking about it, Qian Degong said.

"The minister is really a little worried,"


Nodding slightly, Emperor Zhu said.

"Why don't I worry about it? After all, this is putting the entire empire on the gambling table, but in the process of the rise of a great power, not only reassurance is needed, but also a decisive stud is needed. The vast ocean is a casino, and it is necessary to be brave at critical moments Stud is also a must..."

After thinking for a while, looking at the chessboard that had already shown an advantage, Emperor Zhu said in a slightly heavy tone.

"Since it's inevitable, let's go all out, and then... believe in our army! Believe that they will be able to win the war!"

(End of this chapter)

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