Chapter 1365 (first update, please subscribe)
"The ruler of the sea rules the world" - this is the common belief of all countries in the world.A country cannot prosper if the seas are neglected; and there can be no national defense without guarding the seas.

Zhihai, this must be done!
From the 17th century to the 19th century, with the great geographical discovery and the development of overseas colonization, the European powers used naval battles again and again to tell the world the importance of sea power.Especially after entering the 19th century, the navy has always been at the forefront in incidents.

Domination of the sea has become the most important thing related to the future of the country's destiny!
Since the age of sail, it has relied on capital ships, and on battleships, and the quality of battleships depends on its tonnage and main gun caliber.However, how many people realize that times have changed?
Control the air before controlling the sea; without controlling the air, you cannot control the sea.

However, in the navies of the world, there are very few people who really see this problem.

But times have changed!

"The "Great Thunderstorm Plan" is to concentrate forces to fight in the Pacific Ocean."

Cheng Bichen dusted off the cigarette ash and said.


Qiu Zhenzhi, who participated in the revision and formulation of the plan, was not surprised.

"This is because Australia, New Zealand, and the western United States must be conquered by the empire!"

Cheng Bichen leaned close to the table and said.

"For the empire, controlling the Pacific Ocean is the empire's strategic goal. Therefore, no matter what, it must occupy the South Pacific region and completely drive out the British forces. From a strategic point of view, this is the empire's top priority in this war. .”

Those who control the sea control the world——those who control the Pacific Ocean control the world!

In order to control the Pacific Ocean, the empire must ensure that the South Pacific region is occupied early in the war, which is the unanimous view of the empire's top brass.Regarding this point, Qiu Zhenzhi is also very clear that the Pacific Ocean is the destiny of the empire and must be defeated.Without saying a word, he silently listened to the general going on.

"Controlling the South Pacific and the western United States is of course the Army's business, but it requires the Navy to cooperate with the Army's landing. After all, the Army needs to carry out transoceanic landing operations. Therefore, when the Army conducts operations, it must be escorted by the Navy. This is the implementation of operations. The basic requirements of the staff department mean that, needless to say, the escort force, the navy must ensure that more than half of its forces are concentrated in the Pacific Ocean first, so as to strive for an early conclusion."

Qiu Zhenzhi couldn't help interjecting and asked:

"But in this way, the question arises. What about the US Pacific Fleet? We can't temporarily detain the battleship force in order to carry out a decisive battle, right?"

After patting his thigh, Cheng Bichen said:

"Here lies the problem. The key to the Pacific War is the U.S. Fleet. As long as the U.S. Pacific Fleet is still there, how can it easily engage in any Pacific operations, and no matter how successful the landing operations are, it has nothing to do with the overall situation. It is still the fleet that determines the North and South War in the Pacific decisive battle."

After a pause, Cheng Bichen continued:
"If we follow the traditional thinking, we first use the navy to raid the U.S. Pacific Fleet, and use a surprise attack to decide the outcome. If the U.S. troops leave the port, that would be great, and we can win the battle quickly. However, if they do not leave the port, we have to fight for a long time. Be vigilant, this will occupy our sea power, which will not only prolong the time, but also make it difficult to decide the outcome. Therefore, if we can put the US fleet into a mess at the beginning of the war, we will have no worries in the Pacific Ocean. The Southern Line can be arranged to prevent the American Fleet from entering the Pacific."

"The empire's greatest advantage lies in mastering the Strait of Magellan. Once the strait is blocked, it will be difficult for the US military to send reinforcement fleets to the Pacific Ocean."

This is the strategic advantage of the empire.The Panama Canal is not yet completed.If the United States wants to send warships in the Pacific Ocean, it must pass through the Strait of Magellan.

That is to walk under the nose of the it possible?
"Therefore, the U.S. Pacific Fleet should be more inclined to defend in the port in the early days! Rather than going out to fight in the port"

"So...can you use the aircraft carrier's aircraft to attack the US military port?"

Cheng Bichen said directly.

"Of course, there was such an idea before, that is, to use airships to attack air. However, because of the relationship between airship guns and combat airships, although the probability of success is there, it is not great. However, now that we have aircraft and aircraft carriers, if we use aircraft carriers and airships If the plane launches an attack, there may be a new breakthrough..."

Use an aircraft carrier!
Qiu Zhizhi looked at the officer in front of him in surprise, and was speechless for a while. He only knew about the existence of an aircraft carrier last year.

Staring at the young staff officer, Cheng Bichen continued:
"Really! We have to think of all kinds of possibilities and tactics when fighting a war. In short, as long as we can win, we are going to carry out an attack operation, so we are boldly imagining it. How about you go to the First Air Force Squadron?" Let’s have a good understanding and study specific combat issues!”

Staff officer Akima thought silently.

This is not something that can be easily agreed to!
He is a naval staff officer, but he doesn't know much about aviation.But from a tactical point of view, air strikes on the US military port wiped out the main force of the US fleet.This is simply the best tactic. If it can be realized, it will be no less than the airship force that wiped out the Brazilian fleet back then.

However, once it fails, naval operations will suffer setbacks from the very beginning, and may even lead to the failure of the entire war situation.

"It doesn't seem to have any effect?"


"Sir, I mean, if the aviation battle fails, it will have no effect on the overall tactics of the Imperial Navy. After all, nine out of ten of the American fleet will stay in the harbor and we can still use submarines to Breeze puts out the blockade operation..."

When Qiu Zhenzhi answered the officer's question, his mood became a little excited.

There is no precedent in the history of naval warfare for an expedition of thousands of nautical miles to reach another continent and annihilate the enemy's main fleet on the spot!

This is indeed an epoch-making feat!
It is indeed very attractive!
Akima continued to think about it secretly. He was thinking about the plan he made in the past to use airships to attack the main force of the US fleet at Hampton Anchorage. The plan was too difficult to implement, the distance was too long, the time was too long, and there were too many variables.

But what about the aircraft carrier?
The attack can be carried out at a distance of one hundred nautical miles from the Hampton anchorage.

However, I don't know much about the performance of the aircraft.

What is his ammunition load and hit rate? Don't you know much about these?
Cheng Bichen stared at Qiu Zhenzhi with sharp eyes, this young staff officer who has been admired by everyone since he entered the staff department. While waiting for his decision, the office was silent, almost suffocating.


After a while, Qiu Zhenzhi said,

"I think it should work. Do we need a plan now? I don't know much about aircraft carriers and planes now, so I definitely can't come up with it now. I'll go to the aviation team first, so let's find out first!"

"Okay, you go to the aviation team first and learn about the tactics of the aircraft carrier. After the plan comes out, I will report it to the staff headquarters!"

Finally, Cheng Bichen patted him on the shoulder and said.

"Don't worry about this matter, after all... Long live peace now!"

(End of this chapter)

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