Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 1368 The Revenge of Napoleon V

Chapter 1368 The Revenge of Napoleon V (Second Update, please subscribe)

London, it's raining.

Members of Congress are giving speeches, angry people are shouting there, they are arguing and shouting there.

All the words are "revenge" and "war".

No matter what political affiliation they belong to, no matter what their political position is, they are now almost on the same page.

When the news of the naval battle in the Persian Gulf came, when people in the UK opened their newspapers and saw the headlines on the front page saying that the British warship was sunk and 170 six Royal Navy officers and soldiers were killed in action, one can imagine their anger.

In this era, those arrogant British never imagined that their British Empire would be so bullied by other countries.Even they can clearly feel the Russians' contempt for the British Empire.After all, in history, only British warships intercepted merchant ships from other countries. When did warships from other countries intercept British merchant ships, and they were troop carriers?
Now the Russians not only blocked the British ship, but after the interception failed, the escorting Royal Navy warship was attacked by the Russian warship, and the ship sank and the people died. Faced with such a reality, people naturally cannot bear it.

So angry crowds took to the streets to protest the brutal atrocities of the Russian navy by means of demonstrations and walks.These Anglo-Saxons themselves were robbers. They not only burned Russia on the streets, no, it should be said to be the flag of the Roman Empire, and even directly smashed the Russian embassy in London.

At the same time, the angry Britons also took aim at the government.Hats such as weak and cowards have been thrown at the head of the government. In the eyes of those British, such a weak and deceitful government should have stepped down long ago.

Driven by public opinion, the anger of the British people is burning more and more every day. From the localities to London, almost all politicians are there to demand revenge.

The reason why the British have such a violent reaction is just a normal thing.After all, for the British, the Royal Navy has always been their pride.For the British, the sinking of the "Destroyer" is not only a source of hatred, but also a slap in the face of the British where they are most proud.

The damage value is not large, and the insult is extremely strong.

The media reports are tantamount to uncovering everything, further insulting all of Britain, and pouring fuel into the fire of hatred--insult and hatred are infinitely expanding in everyone's hearts, and the public sentiment Indignant, the government and the public exploded, and public opinion boiled...

Of course, some observers found that this matter seemed not as simple as they imagined. On the one hand, it was the agitation in the newspapers of public opinion, and on the other hand, it was the radical words of politicians. On the other hand, what about Downing Street?Downing Street was eerily silent.

Is this silence cowardice?
Of course it's impossible. In the eyes of observers, this is the calm before the storm!

Downing Street is making a difficult decision.

Those observers with a keen sense of smell are just guessing like this. Everything has to wait for Downing Street to make a decision before the outside world can understand what their plans are.

However, for James Bond, he already knew the final decision of Downing Street.

After leaving No. 10 Downing Street, James Bond opened his umbrella. Then he stood by the side of the road, looked at the passers-by, let out a long sigh, and left without saying a word.


The British are not the only ones paying attention to Downing Street. In the European continent, which is just across the strait, Napoleon V, who was supposed to be newlywed and enjoy the beauty of his newlyweds, always asks the British reaction several times a day as usual.

Facing her husband's concern about the direction of the UK, Isabel asked curiously.

"Your Majesty, do you want England to declare war on Russia?"

If this is not the case, how can he pay attention to the movements of Britain every day?

"I don't want them to declare war, but because everything has reached a critical point and no one can stop it..."

Judy suddenly felt emotional.

"Tipping point? What does that mean?"

Moving her slender yet plump body on the soft sofa, Isabel looked at her husband and asked curiously.

"It's a boundary that is bound to explode."

Judy thought for a while, then said.

"The British occupy most of the overseas colonies in the world. Every country, including us, that wants to expand overseas will inevitably conflict with the interests of the UK. However, overseas expansion is related to the country's future foundation. There is no doubt about it, so the great war among the nations will definitely break out, the only difference is the time of the outbreak and the cause of the outbreak."

Listening to her husband's explanation, Isabel, the imperial queen who was born in the Bourbon-Orleans family, thought for a while, and then sighed.

"It turns out that's the case, but among the people, not many people like war."

"Yes, not many people like war."

Nodding, Judy said.

"Just the unilateral will of the ruling group cannot mobilize the whole people to wage war..."

There was a pause, and then Judy spoke again.

"But with a proper reason, when the patriotism of the people is aroused, they will naturally desire war, just like the British now. The sense of humiliation brought about by the sunk warship makes the British desire revenge, even Desire for war, at least until they send half their youth to the field, they will not regret this choice."

"My God, half the youth, what kind of war is this going to be?"

With a sneer, Napoleon V said:
"It's a real world war! The whole world will be involved in it, whether they like it or not, they will definitely be involved in it, and even this war is inevitable. The most serious domestic problem in the world today is that after continuous rapid economic growth , have all fallen into a downturn to varying degrees, corporate profits have generally declined, unemployment has risen accordingly, and society is in turmoil... The current situation is unfavorable, so people's minds have changed."

Looking at the eloquent husband, Isabel suddenly said nervously.

"And what about us, my dear? What about France? Are we going to get involved in this war?"

The wife's question made Judy think for a while, then he pursed his lips again and said.

"It is impossible for us to stay out of this war. This is not only because of our alliance with the Russians. There is also a more important reason-the British! They murdered my brother!"


Isabelle was surprised.

"The British...they planned the "Jerusalem Incident". Both my brother and the Pope were assassinated by them!"

Napoleon V sneered.

"For the past few years, I've been waiting for today, for this opportunity, do they think I'll forget?"


In the competition between countries, the competition is often about patience, and it is even more necessary to compete for patience if you want revenge.

In the past few years, Judy has learned to be patient and to wait. He has been enduring the desire for revenge deep in his heart, waiting for the opportunity to come.

Now that the opportunity came, how could he miss it?

"Now is the time for the truth to come out."

 The old group is dead, and a new book friend group: 739209015 is welcome to join, discuss the plot together, and deduce the plot.

(End of this chapter)

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