Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 1371 Bismarck Can't Stop It

Chapter 1371 Bismarck Can't Stop It (Second Update, Please Subscribe)

Peace or War?

We speak of "peace" everywhere - peace-loving Rome!

Britain makes the most undignified demands!
They thought we were going to give in... NO!

A people of giants that no trial can destroy, who fear no bloody war, no matter where the threat comes from.

By His Majesty's Grace, the great Roman legions, the Army and the Navy, are at war, and February 28 is set to be the first day of mobilization!

The German emperor authorized the ambassador to submit a letter of credence, asking us to lift the mobilization!
God can testify!

We're exercising our right to self-defense...they think we're afraid?Will be afraid?
... In 1812 and 1813 we dishonored Prussia!

Now, it's just history repeating itself again!


War broke out!
A pair of old hands were trembling, and the old man in the back seat of the car just looked out of the window. Outside the window, there were cheering people everywhere. Soldiers and people waved the German tricolor flag and sang "Germany Above All".

This kind of passionate scene used to make people excited, but now?

But it made the old man look a little scared, and even made his hands tremble involuntarily.

"Duke, we have arrived at the palace..."

Looking at the familiar palace outside the car window, the Duke of Lauenburg heaved a long sigh. This was his first time here since he was dismissed by the emperor five years ago.

Why did he come here today?
In order to persuade the emperor, to persuade the emperor not to intervene in this war, the question is, will the emperor be happy?
Taking a deep breath, he got out of the car.

As soon as he got out of the car, someone said in surprise.

"It's Duke Bismarck!"

"It's Bismarck..."

Although he has been away from here for several years, when Bismarck, the Duke of Lauenburg of the Empire, and of course the direct founder of the German Empire, came here again, it immediately caused a sensation. Those who were singing the national anthem All looked with joy at the duke who had brought glory to Germany time and time again.

"The Duke."

It was not the palace officials who came to meet Bismarck, but the Imperial Prime Minister Klaudwig Karl Victor. After he took office, the relationship between Germany and Britain became closer because of his expansionism and his advocacy of breaking the attack of France, Russia and Austria. For him, he and the British simply hit it off.

With the support of Britain, Germany even acquired a Pacific colony last year-German New Guinea, which can be called Germany's largest colony.And it was the United Kingdom that gave it to Germany. The generosity of the United Kingdom is simply unprecedented.

When Germany was excited by Britain's generosity, only Bismarck said it coldly.

"It's just a dog bone thrown by the UK and he wants to trade it for us to help them defend Australia!"

His remarks naturally angered Emperor Wilhelm II again. After all, in the eyes of the emperor, it was a great diplomatic victory.

Dog bones, if you have the ability, you can get a piece and have a look.

Of course, neither the emperor nor Victor firmly recognized that the colony was a dog bone.

"Prime Minister, is His Majesty there?"

"His Majesty is summoning the British envoy."

Victor glanced at the old man of the empire, and said softly.

"Congress has decided that if Russia does not lift the mobilization, we will mobilize the army!"

After a pause, Victor explained.

"This is for the benefit of Germany, we must break through the French and Russian attacks, and..."

"This is suicidal!"

Bismarck said directly.

"At that time, I advocated signing an agreement with the United Kingdom because of the French-Russian alliance and the close alliance after the marriage. Therefore, we need to use the power of the United Kingdom to balance all these, instead of fighting Russia and France for the benefit of the British. My friend, we cannot go to war with two countries at the same time..."

Faced with Bismarck's reminder, Victor, the prime minister of the empire, said directly.

"However, Duke, we have to face the reality that France, Russia and Austria are all against us. If we don't take this opportunity to break all this, then we may face them alone in the future, at least for now..."

Victor said while leading Bismarck to the palace.

"Now the British will guard the sea for us. We only need to use what we are best at—that is, the army, to attack the Russians and the French. Duke, we all know that Germany is at the crossroads of Europe, surrounded by great powers, Strategically at a disadvantage, it is easy to fall into the embarrassing situation of being attacked on both sides. If we don’t take the initiative to break it, then one day, they will take the initiative to attack us. At that time, what will we use to resist them?”

Victor's gaze first turned to the distance, then retracted, and fell on Bismarck.

"Isn't this what you are worried about? I remember that when the "Alliance of Four Emperors" was signed, you told everyone more than once that the environment facing Germany was the most threatening ever, and we had to think about how to break the French The alliance with Russia, which has to deal with attacks from east and west, is now our only chance, not only a chance to win, but also a chance to realize our dreams."


what dream?
Build a Greater Germany!
This is the dream of every German.

"This is a gift from the British to His Majesty!"

Compared to the excitement of others, Bismarck was very calm although he had dreams.

"Except for Austria, where is the east? The whole of Poland? No, the British will be more generous. After all, it is generosity of others. To Minsk? Kiev? Even the whole of Ukraine?"

It has to be said that Bismarck's sense of smell is extremely keen, and he clearly explained the bait thrown by the British, at least part of the bait.

"In addition to the granary we dream of, we can also get large overseas colonies. As a country with a growing population, we need large plains to grow food for us. We need overseas colonies to provide us with supplies and accommodate us. Population, and all this can only be obtained through war, listen..."

Pointing to the outside of the palace, Victor said.

"Why is everyone cheering? Are they cheering for military exploits? Yes, but they are also eager to expand, eager to have a vast colony like the French and the Ming people. We... Germany should also Own a colony in the sun!"

Facing Victor's words, Bismarck suddenly understood at this moment that five years ago, he was not abandoned by Kaiser Wilhelm II, but by all Germans, they don't need a conservative , the Prime Minister who is unwilling to expand, the Germans—from the emperor to the nobles, from the nobles to the soldiers, from the soldiers to the industrialists, from the industrialists to the workers, from the merchants to the citizens, everyone is eager to expand, and they all desire to have a vast land. The colonies provide resources and house population.

Looking at the thoughtful Duke, Victor asked.

"Duke, what are you thinking?"

Bismarck did not answer, suddenly, he found himself abandoned by the times.

"It seems that no one can stop the outbreak of this war now..."

(End of this chapter)

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