Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 1373 The Brit's Conspiracy

Chapter 1373 The Brit's Conspiracy (Second Update, please subscribe)

At noon on March [-], in the Persian Gulf.

On this day, the Persian Gulf was as calm as ever, but now it was the center of the world's storm.

The naval battle a few days ago has profoundly changed the world.

Of course, it also made the Russian fleet in the Persian Gulf a target of public criticism and a thorn in the side of the British.

However, for the fleet commander, General Makarov, who knew the power of the British, he ordered the fleet to leave the Persian port on the day of the conflict and sail directly into Kuwait.

Kuwait...that is the royal territory of the Ming Empire.

The port of Kuwait is nothing more than a naval anchorage port.It's not a formal naval base at all. There are no docks, ship canals, ship repair yards, ordnance processing and other necessary base facilities here. There is only a simple lighthouse standing abruptly on the tip of the cape at one end of the port.

A huge breakwater juts out from one side of the coast.The waves of the Persian Gulf are kept out of the port, and there are no waves in the port all year round, and the level is like a mirror. .

At this time, the Russian fleet led by the Dreadnought-class battleships Sevastopol and Petropavlovsk was quietly berthed at the berth.

If it is normal, the arrival of the friendly fleet will come, but now... what does the existence of this fleet mean?

Regarding the visit of the Russian warship, Governor Zhang Guoren did not realize the danger at first. After all, before this, the Russian warship also sailed here to replenish oil and water.

But soon, after knowing what those Russians did in the Persian Gulf, Zhang Guoren understood why the other party came here.

"This group of bastards, they want to get us involved!"

Indeed, that's what the Russians thought. Not only did they want to take refuge here, but they also wanted to involve Daming in this incident.

Standing on the balcony of the Governor's Mansion, Zhang Guoren stared at Russia on the sea... No, it should be the seven warships of the Roman Empire Navy. Although the two hill-like battleships look very spectacular, in Zhang Guoren's view, they are just The ear of the deaf - a display.

"Are there any new instructions in the country?"

Zhang Guoren asked again.

What is he asking?How to deal with the Russian ships, drive them out?Still stay here as a guest.

If you stay here, you will cause trouble!

"The country still requires us to treat friendly navies, and now Russia is negotiating with the empire about the sale of warships."

What is the so-called sale?
It's just a blindfold. To put it bluntly, the Roman Empire sold these military ships trapped in Kuwait to the Ming Empire for a price, and then what?The Ming Empire sent some naval officers and soldiers to drive the ship back to Rome, and finally, they spent money to buy it back.

In this way, these few Russian dreadnought ships blocked in the harbor can leave Kuwait openly, and the dead chess becomes a living chess.

"Courtesy? Don't they know that there is a British fleet in the Persian Gulf?"

The British fleet is in the Persian Gulf. To be precise, it is just tens of nautical miles away, eagerly waiting to wipe out the Russian fleet!
"My lord, this is the territory of the empire. Unless the British want to go to war with the empire, they will never open fire. Negotiate...they should negotiate further!"

Just when Tian Chuan, Director of the Foreign Affairs Department of the Governor-General's Office, said these words,
General Fisher, who has been cruising outside the territory of the empire, is staring at the distant coastline with a telescope. In the past few days, he and his fleet have been cruising here.

The Russian fleet...can't hide in the port of the Ming Kingdom all the time!

"Your Excellency, urgent call from London!"

Captain Jellicoe personally walked to Fisher's side with the telegram, and said softly while handing over the telegram.

"London requires us to take all measures to deal with the Russian squadron within today..."

all measures?
To deal with the Russian squadron...

These words burst into Fisher's eyes, and he smiled directly.

"London is trying to drag everyone down!"


"Germany has mobilized, France has mobilized, and so has Russia, but no one has declared war. Now, as long as we bombard the Russian fleet hiding in the port of Kuwait, the declaration of war will be inevitable, and the whole world will be involved... ..."

As a soldier, Fischer was to those politicians in London
"The Russians hid here, didn't they also want to drag the Ming Dynasty into trouble?"

Jericho thought for a while and said.

"But even if we drag Ming into trouble, what about the Americans? If the Americans stay out of the matter, it will still be extremely disadvantageous to us."

"Americans...Leave this issue to the Ming Dynasty! Now implement the order!"

Although this telegram is very frivolous, it holds great promise in Fisher's hands. It is a telegram that determines the fate of the world.

Putting the telegrams lightly in his pocket, Fisher said.

"After approaching 6 nautical miles, launch shelling!"

"Your Mightiness……"

Jellico, who originally wanted to remind the Russian fleet to be in the port of the Ming Dynasty, spoke on his lips.

"Yes, Your Excellency!"

Immediately, the Fischer fleet sailed into the territorial waters of the Ming Empire again. In the past few days, Fischer commanded the fleet to sail into the territorial waters of the Empire many times. harm the right of way.

Everyone is used to this, including Lieutenant General Makarov, the commander of the Russian fleet on the battleship Sevastopol.

"Sir, the British are coming again!"

"Again," Lieutenant General Makarov said.

"Let them go. The British are just waiting for us to go out. Now the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is negotiating with the Ming Dynasty to sell warships. Once the agreement is reached, we can leave here."

For the Russian sailors trapped in the port of Kuwait, their only hope is that the two countries can reach an agreement, otherwise they can only be trapped on a warship and in the port of this friendly country.

"This is the port of the Ming Empire. The British...unless they want to go to war with Ming, they will never attack us."

Putting down the binoculars, Makarov didn't even look at those British warships. To a certain extent, he hoped that Fisher could fire the guns. This is also the purpose of his coming here - to provoke a war between Ming and Britain .

If the British fire... that's double happiness!
The watchman who had been staring at the British fleet exclaimed loudly.

"My God, the British turned their naval guns on us!"

Just when Makarov turned his head in surprise, the shadow of the ship in the distance showed a dazzling flash.

The dreadnought finally fought her first battle since its invention, telling the world how powerful the cannon giant ship is with the first salvo...

 The old group is dead, and a new book friend group: 739209015 is welcome to join, discuss the plot together, and deduce the plot.

(End of this chapter)

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