Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 1385 The First Battle That Determined the National Destiny

Chapter 1385 The First World War That Determined the National Destiny (First update, please subscribe)
Sidley 26 April [-], Midnight.

On this day, Emperor Zhu stayed up all night, he just sat quietly in his study, waiting,

Waiting for a call from the Navy.

At this time, when the clock struck midnight, he glanced at the calendar on the desk, and then turned a page.

April 21, Sunday.

When he saw the date, he took out a cigar from the cigar case, lit it, took a puff, and after exhaling the smoke, he said to himself.

"Okay, it's today..."

Yes, it is today!
Today is a big day!
Staring at the star-filled sky outside the window, Emperor Zhu recalled the movies he had watched in another time and space.

"Maybe, in another decade or so, all this will be made into a movie."

Yes, that's for sure!

After all, this is a battle that will determine the fate of the country!

In the future, this battle will definitely be featured in a big book...

After thinking for a while, Emperor Zhu picked up the phone and said.

"Take the Admiralty..."


At 21:25 a.m. on April [-], in the eastern waters of the United States.

On the dark ocean, an aircraft carrier battle group consisting of 28 ships is heading towards the southern waters at this time. On the three aircraft carriers in the center of the fleet, "Sea Holly" biplanes are placed next to each other. The flight deck is full, and the ground crew on the deck is doing the last inspection for the fighter.

The ground staff wearing yellow vests are not only very hardworking but also extremely serious, because they know that today these planes will carry torpedoes and bombs to the Hampton anchorage, and they must carefully check the planes to prevent mechanical failures.The pilots were also nervously checking the equipment on the plane, and the atmosphere on the deck seemed tense at this time.

In the tense atmosphere before the war, standing on the bridge of the flagship "Jingwei", Wu Anping received a telegram from the mainland of the empire. After glancing at the telegram, he took the telegram and walked to the microphone. This is His Majesty the Emperor. Telegram sent.

"Everyone has it! Stand at attention!"

As the order of the fleet commander sounded in the loudspeaker, the busy aviation ground crew, pilots, and officers and soldiers on board stood at attention one after another.

"His Majesty's hadith! Mobile fleet officers and soldiers, the country's rise and fall! It depends on this battle! Our imperial navy officers and soldiers must fight with all their strength to spread the empire's prestige thousands of miles away!"

The text of the telegram sent by His Majesty the Emperor was very simple, only a few words, but it touched everyone's heartstrings. The success or failure of this battle is related to the rise and fall of the fate of the empire.

When everyone listened to the hadith, they all looked solemn and dignified. This is a battle related to the fate of the empire!

"The hadith of His Majesty the Emperor believes that you have inspired your brave and loyal hearts, indeed! In this battle that bets on the fate of the country's rise and fall, the key to victory or defeat lies in the honor and self-confidence of the imperial navy officers and men, here today , when the national movement of the empire is tied to World War I, I will no longer do unnecessary mobilization before the war! 80 years ago, General Nelson ordered the raising of the "z" flag at Trafalgar, and the national destiny was achieved in an instant! Today we will also raise Raise the "Z" flag and attack America! Long live His Majesty the Emperor! Long live the Empire!"

During the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805.When Nelson led the British fleet to attack the Franco-Spanish combined fleet, he ordered the "Z" flag to be raised. "Z" is the last letter in the English alphabet, and its rise means the last.Means "Britain expects everyone to do their job."

Under the guidance of the "Z" flag, Nelson completely defeated Napoleon's naval fleet in that brilliant naval battle.Nelson also gave his life. That was his greatest victory and his last victory.Since then, the Royal Navy has had a special affection for the "Z" flag.The navies of all countries in the world always have a feeling of resonance for Nelson, Trafalgar, and of course the "Z" flag.

In the decisive naval battle, it means the last, it means the decisive...

As soon as Wu Anping's words fell, the entire fleet immediately heard the roar of nearly ten thousand people coming out at the same time like a tidal wave.

"Long live His Majesty the Emperor! Long live the Empire!"

"Long live His Majesty the Emperor! Long live the Empire!"

The thunderous shout echoed on the deck, on the gun emplacement, in front of the boiler, and in the cabin of the ship with the raised arms. written on the face.

Afterwards, the "Jingwei" raised the "Z" flag, and the diagonal four-color triangular flag fluttered against the sea breeze. Eighty years ago, on the sea of ​​Trajafa, when the Franco-Spanish combined fleet and the British fleet were in a decisive battle, the "Z" flag was raised for the first time on Nelson's battleship.

Now, the imperial navy is also raising the greatest battle flag in the navy created by Narna. When the "Z" flag flutters over the flagship, all soldiers hear such a voice: the fate of the country is in this battle, Soldiers should do their duty.

All the crew members were excited, and the fleet broke through the waves and headed for the scheduled take-off point.

At 55:77, a reconnaissance report from the advance submarine "S-[-]" was received.

"The fleet at Hampton Anchorage remains unchanged."

"God bless!"

In the war room, Wu Anping looked at his subordinates and said with a smile, this means that at least the mobile fleet will not be lost.

"Your Excellency, give the order!"

Facing the excited expressions of his subordinates, Wu Anping nodded and said.

"Okay, implement the "Climbing New Heights" plan!"

"Climbing New Heights"!
It is the code name of this operation. It is said that the name of this battle plan comes from His Majesty the Emperor, and it is precisely because of this that Wu Anping feels pressure. After all, the name of this battle plan itself means His Majesty the Emperor's commitment to this battle. expect.

Climb to new heights!

A simple sentence is full of expectations.

In fact, before the first battle plan, Wu Anping had too many words to say to his subordinates, and even wanted to tell them that the plan for this battle was drawn up and suggested by His Majesty himself.

What an honor for the soldiers of the Empire!
But what does glory mean?

It means responsibility, it means sacrifice, it means courage!

"Okay, let's work together!"

After the order was issued, before the pilots attacked, they did not discuss the final details of the battle in the combat room. The details of the battle had long been known. At this time, they just silently wrote the suicide note, for their family members, for their wives and children .

"...Okay, let's go for my husband!"

After writing the last few words, when putting the letter into the envelope, Li Tianyu let out a long sigh. When he raised his head, he deliberately lowered his head, trying not to let the tears flow from his eyes. In fact, soldiers are also ordinary people. There are also joys, sorrows, and sorrows, as well as missing family members.

Most of the pilots who were about to attack at this time were like this. Finally, he glanced at the photos in his wallet.In the photo, the smiling wife is holding the child in her arms. Looking at the tiger hat on the son's head, Li Tianyu smiled.

"You kid, you have a tiger's head and a tiger's brain..."

After saying that, tears flowed down, looking at his wife and children in the photo, Li Tianle's face was full of tenderness, his eyes were full of yearning for his wife and children, but the moment he wiped away his tears and walked out of the room, his expression became resolute again Very.

Like other pilots, he has firm eyes and firm footsteps. At this moment, nothing can stop him from going to the country with the robes.

 The old group is dead, and a new book friend group: 739209015 is welcome to join, discuss the plot together, and deduce the plot.

(End of this chapter)

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