Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 1387 Surprise Attack on Hampton

Chapter 1387 Surprise attack on Hampton (third update, please subscribe)
The pilot waiting room is the pilot's answering room. The interior is far from spacious. There are only dozens of simple chairs, and many pilots can only stand in the aisle.Hanging on the blackboard on the wall of the standby room.The position of the flagship at this time is written: 150 six nautical miles southeast of Hampton.

"stand at attention."

Stepping into the waiting room, Lu Deren shouted the password.The pilots stood up one after another and saluted Wu Anping.

Wu Anping, who returned the salute, pursed his lips. Facing these pilots, he just nodded slightly. The outcome of this battle is unknown, but these young pilots are about to make history!
They will fundamentally change the way naval warfare is fought.

"Everyone...let's attack!"

The simple five words are not big, but they are full of power.


When the pilot rushed out of the waiting room, the ground crew on the deck and the sailors on board all saluted the pilots.Their eyes turned with the direction the pilot was running to, and there were not many words at this time.Everything is in this military salute.

Lu Deren was the last one to leave the waiting room, he took a special look at the waiting room, and then sighed again.

As he walked towards the landline.He saw that on the flight deck, Staff Officer Akima was standing there, looking at him seriously.The two smiled and said nothing.

"You know? Actually, I don't like aircraft carriers."

Holding Lu Deren's hand, Qiu Zhenzhi said.

"There is almost no business for us. It is so boring to attack hundreds of nautical miles away without even smelling gunpowder smoke."

Lu Deren laughed loudly.

"This is the characteristic of aviation combat. Don't underestimate it. Although you don't know it yet, I'm sure that the future must be its era!"

"I hope, when you come back, we can have a good discussion about aviation operations."

Sometimes, all is said without words.

On the bridge, the sea wind was whistling, the deck was busy, and the sky was still dark.Can't see the line of water and sky.

Lu Deren after saying goodbye to his friends.Greeted the people gathered at the flight command post.It's a farewell to them.

"I wish you success soon."

In people's greetings and motivational voices.Lu Deren walked towards his landline.The tail of his commander-in-chief plane is painted with red and yellow logos, which are also very eye-catching even at night.

Qiu Zhenzhi, who came to the bridge, saw the fleet commander Wu Anping and the fleet captain and staff officers standing there watching the departure of the air force.

"Sir, you can see that everyone's morale is high, and everyone is ready to attack."

Wu Anping nodded and said.

"The morale is high, the right time and place and...everyone believes. We will definitely be able to win."

When the voice fell, Wu Anping patted the railing.It's a pity... I couldn't witness the battle with my own eyes.

Aviation combat... is really boring!

A second lieutenant of the ground force was waiting for Lu Deren next to the commander-in-chief's plane.When the service commander in a yellow vest saw Captain Lu approaching, he bowed deeply to him, and then handed him a white cloth strip with both hands.

"Captain. This is a wish from the ground forces. We cannot launch an attack with you. But we are also very eager to fight side by side with you. Please accept it!"

The words "serve the country with loyalty" were impressively written on the white cloth, and Lu Deren nodded his head.After receiving it with both hands, they were tied to the flight cap.

Cultures influence each other. Tens of millions of Japanese women went abroad to marry Daming and millions of warriors went to Africa to expand their land, which made the Japanese culture permeate the empire.This kind of combat with a cloth belt on the head is a tradition of Japanese warriors. In Japan, it is called "bowl roll". Wearing a headscarf shows the determination and will to fight. It is a "posture" and a psychological "mobilization".

On the surface, it seems that its appearance in the imperial army was influenced by the Japanese culture, but in fact this is just a return to tradition-the ancient Chinese army also had this habit, called "wiping the forehead", and it was common during wartime. It is not easy to take off the armor and the helmet at will, but when fighting, the body will sweat a lot, and it is dangerous to sweat into the eyes on the battlefield. Wrapping a cloth strip on the forehead can prevent the sweat from flowing into the eyes, especially in Han, In the Tang, Song, and Ming dynasties, due to the high rate of wearing armor, most soldiers in the army used "mopping the forehead" to prevent sweat.

After boarding the plane, Lu Deren gave the ground crew commander a thumbs up. They smiled and looked at each other. Today they will fight side by side as in the past.

At this time, the flight command post of the "Jingwei" issued a take-off order.At the same time as the launch signal flag was raised, the ground crew standing on the deck issued a signal - "Start launch."

The plane's engines, aided by the ground crew, began to rev.The aircraft carrier turned its rudder and soon sailed against the wind speed.

Southeast wind.

The "Z" flag on the mast fluttered in the wind, making a sound of hunting.

After the engine test run, all the planes on the deck turned on the navigation lights, and under the vibration of the mule propellers, the red navigation lights on the wings flickered.

"take off."

At the same time as the flight command post issued instructions.The ground crew on the deck kept drawing circles with the green signal light, and the fighter jets in front of the flight deck began to take off.

Amidst the roar of the 210-horsepower radial engine of the Sea Holly B, the plane began to taxi.The people seeing off watched the plane nervously.Some even folded their hands and seemed to be praying there.Under people's expectant gaze, the accelerating plane took off violently, and so did the second plane following it.Immediately there was a storm of cheers on the ship.

The people on the deck waved their hats and arms to see the pilots off.

At the same time, the photographers on board the ship were filming the take-off process from multiple directions. The videos they took would not only be used as tactical teaching, but also a moment in the news film, which is the best patriotic propaganda.

There are as many as 120 fighter planes taking off from three aircraft carriers one after another. These planes are based on the indicator lights of the commander's plane.It took about 8 minutes to gather over the fleet and form an attack formation.

The whole process was as perfect as it was during training.

Under the guidance of Commander-in-Chief Lu Deren's plane, the huge fleet hovered over the fleet for a week before flying towards the target, and the officers and soldiers of the fleet, no matter how big or small they were, were all looking up at the sky and towards the fleet when they passed by. Doing a military salute.

Wu Anping didn't put down his right hand until the indicator lights of the fleet disappeared in the night sky for a while, and then ordered.

"Order the fleet to implement sea and air vigilance."

Now that the mission is halfway through, they will wait here for the fleet to return, and then decide whether to launch a second wave of attack according to the situation.

Good luck!

Staring at the sea-air line in the distance, people silently thought in their hearts that behind the commander-in-chief plane were sixty planes led by Lu Deren, and they were carrying 300kg extreme armor-piercing bombs.In the air 500 meters to the right, flying 200 meters lower than them, is the torpedo fleet of [-] torpedoes commanded by Major Li Tianyu.

In the air at 500 meters on the left, four combat reconnaissance planes flying 200 meters higher than the dive bomber brigade are serving as guards and cover 500 meters above the formation group. At the same time, they will use cameras to shoot the bombing scene.

The reason why there are so few fighter jets is is unnecessary, because apart from the planes, they are the only ones in the sky, and after dropping the bombs, the other Hai Dongqings transformed into fighter jets.

When the fleet was flying, the machine gunners in the rear seat all looked at the sky vigilantly.

From the perspective of another world, the Sea Holly aircraft is outdated and old - old-fashioned biplane structure, open cockpit, speed of 225 kilometers per hour and ceiling of 4000 meters.All this is simply not worth mentioning.

But for the current Imperial Navy, he is a very efficient weapon.This biplane is not only sturdy in structure, but also has a wide range of uses. It can be used as a fighter for anti-airship operations, and it can also carry out attack missions. Whether it is used for horizontal bombing, dive bombing, or torpedo attacks, it can perfectly execute various Task.

From the perspective of the times, "Sea Holly" is definitely the most perfect aircraft.

At this time, the sky was covered with dense clouds with a height of 2000 meters.

Staring at the clouds, Lu Deren immediately sent out a signal, and then the formation fleet began to gradually rise to the clouds, and began to fly above the clouds, so as to use the clouds to shade the existence of the fuselage.

Central time at six o'clock.

Dawn is beginning to break in the eastern sky.The sea of ​​clouds that was originally black in sight gradually turned white with the appearance of the sun.The lead-black sky gradually turned blue.After a while, a round of red sun rose from the sea and sky in the east, and the edge of the sea was golden red.

"This sunrise is so beautiful! It looks like a good weather."

While lamenting the beauty of the sunrise, Lu Deren chuckled in his heart.


What is he pity for?
Is it a pity for the weather?

Only he himself knew that Lu Deren, who was in a good mood at this time, looked back at the fleet.Lieutenant Li Chen, the captain of the nearest aircraft unit, turned his head and waved and smiled at him.The planes are particularly dazzling under the sunshine of the morning sun.

Under the shining of the sun, blue-gray planes are flying in the sky like this.

"Calculated position."

After Lu Deren gave the order, Sun An, the machine gunner in the back seat—he is not only a machine gunner, but also a route planner, Sun An glanced at the speedometer, then took out the sextant, measured the latitude against the sun, and then used the longitude While calculating the economy, the watch records the distance, speed and direction on the flight chart.

"Sir, we are off course by 35 kilometers. After adjusting the course, at the current speed, we will arrive at the Hampton anchorage at about 7:30 EST."

7:30, exactly as planned.

 There is another update in the evening, the old group has hung up, and a new book friend group: 739209015 is welcome to join, discuss the plot together, and deduce the plot.

(End of this chapter)

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