Chapter 1391 Choice (Third Update, please subscribe)

"Hampton anchorage, the mighty Great White Fleet, departed from here, returned here, and finally disappeared here. What disappeared is not only the fleet, but also the era of giant cannon ships..."

"The History of the Great White Fleet"

It should be remembered that the U.S. Navy was valiant even in the face of unfamiliar air raids.During the fierce bombing, they fought back fiercely with backward anti-airship guns. On those sinking warships, the brave American sailors took advantage of the gap between the fierce attack of the aviation force to try to counterattack the imperial aviation force with rifles and machine guns.

The first wave of attacks lasted about an hour.In the fierce artillery fire, the Empire lost as many as six aircraft, among which three fighter jets were shot down by the intensive firepower of the mast machine gun when dropping bombs at low altitude.

The loss cannot but be called heavy!
When the formation began to return, Lu Deren flew around the Hampton anchorage again, scouted the results of the battle, and took many aerial photos.At this time, the entire Hampton anchorage was completely shrouded in thick smoke, and flames were everywhere.However, today's battle results can still be confirmed. Among the eleven dreadnought warships of the US Navy in the anchorage, as many as five ships must have been sunk. There is not much restoration value.The other five pre-dreadnought ships can also be judged to have suffered heavy damage.

This shows that although the US Navy's fleet at Hampton Anchorage cannot be described as non-existent, at least it has completely lost its combat effectiveness!

Regarding the results of this battle, after Lu Deren made a general judgment in his mind, he ordered the pilot to turn the nose of the plane and start to return to the west. Circumstances determine whether to launch a second wave of attacks.

In order to increase the first wave of strike force as much as possible, the fleet invested 90% of its aircraft after the first wave of attack.

After the fighter plane completed its attack, it quickly returned.

In order to collect fighter planes that might get lost, Lu Deren flew back to the rendezvous point after the reconnaissance.Here, I really encountered another fighter plane.In this era, for fighter pilots without positioning and navigation, it is very difficult to use dead reckoning to fly long distances.Therefore, the return meeting point and return time are stipulated.

Lu Deren's commander-in-chief plane was the last batch of fighter planes to return.After Lu Deren returned to the "Jingwei" at 53:[-] in the morning, he immediately rushed to the flight command post.In the command post, he listened to the reports of the various flight captains, and then compared and sorted these situations with the combat results he had witnessed, and prepared to report to the captain of the fleet.

In order to carry out repeated attacks on the Hampton anchorage to expand the results of the battle, on the flight deck of the aircraft carrier, preparations for the second wave of attacks are underway.Airplanes refueled and loaded with bombs or torpedoes are continuously lifted up by the rear elevators and lined up on the takeoff line again.

And the pilots who had just finished five hours of flying and fighting were eating beef and drinking tea, ready to attack at any time.

"Captain, hurry up to the bridge!"

Shouts came from the microphone from the bridge to the flight command post.

Lu Deren immediately ran to the bridge.After saluting the captain, he prepared to report the combat situation to the head of the command through the captain.

At this time, Wu Anping asked directly:

"Captain Lu, thank you for your hard work, what's the result?"

The result of the battle, yes, this is the key to Changgong's next decision.

Captain Chen Antao gave Lu Deren a wink and asked him to report directly to the captain of the fleet.Lu Deren turned around and looked at the headquarters staff gathered on the right side of the bridge.He saw at once that they were already arguing quite vigorously there over the need for a repeated attack on Hampton.

Staff officer Akima clearly showed dissatisfaction on his face.This scene made Lu Deren self-evident.

"It can be confirmed that when we arrived, there were only eleven warships in the anchorage, and we sank six of them. Among them, one had a big explosion, and three capsized. Although the other two did not capsize, they had sunk. into the sea."

Lu Deren replied.

Wu Anping's eyes flashed, although he seemed very satisfied, but he frowned and said:

"Oh, so five for sure. Well, what about the other five?"

"Due to the short time, it is difficult to judge accurately. It is estimated that three ships were severely damaged and the damage was heavy, and the other two ships should have suffered superficial damage, but they were not too heavy."

Lu Deren continued to report.

"So, the expected results have almost been achieved!"

Lu Deren felt that the meaning of the officer might be to stop here.So he said:
"At the moment, those battleships are immobilized for a while, but the damage is not complete enough. In addition, there are many former dreadnoughts and ships below cruisers in the port. Although they have also suffered some losses, I think it is necessary to carry out a second attack. attack."

At this time, Chief of Staff Sun Renhai interjected and asked:
"You said there are only eleven ships, so what about the remaining two ships? Our intelligence shows that besides the two ships being repaired at the dock, there should be three more ships. Will they be at sea?"

"on the sea……"

What the chief of staff said made Wu Anping frown, and he immediately turned his head and asked.

"Did aerial reconnaissance find anything unusual?"

"not yet!"

"Continue to scout."

Afterwards, Wu Anping frowned, and now he was facing a choice—whether to carry out a second attack.

In fact, what is the cruelest thing in war?
It's a choice!

For generals, any choice they make may not only determine the fate of a country, but also the life and death of tens of thousands of people.

Just like now, the choice Wu Anping faces is very difficult.

If the second wave of attacks is not implemented, the US warships will only lose six ships, so they still have ten ships. In this way, in the Atlantic Ocean, the empire needs to retain at least ten warships to maintain balance.

Ten battleships stay in the port all day... How can the empire afford such a waste?

But if the second wave of attacks is carried out, the pilots are very tired, how much can be achieved?
Moreover, there are still three battleships whose whereabouts are unknown. If they are nearby, or if they return quickly after learning the news, the mobile fleet with a maximum speed of only 13 knots will not be able to outrun them at all!
The escort ship can return at a speed of more than 20 knots, but what about the aircraft carrier?There are also oil tankers, their speed is not fast, what if the US warships chase them.

At that time, it will be really hard to ride a tiger!
Wu Anping frowned, for a moment, it was difficult to make a choice...

 The old group is dead, and a new book friend group: 739209015 is welcome to join, discuss the plot together, and deduce the plot.

(End of this chapter)

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